Hi. Im suffering from anxiety and worry alot lately. Im off work and dont really do much cause dont wanna go out. Because im negative and the only person i have to talk to is my gf but she is now starting to feel down and she is normally the most positive out going person but now im dragging her down making her feel ill. I feel terrible because of that. I have to stop myself talking to her sometimes cause she needs to stay strong for work etc.
Burden on gf: Hi. Im suffering from... - Anxiety and Depre...
Burden on gf

are you talking to a therapist or getting any treatment for your depression. It's good you recognized that our disease can be a great burden for another to bear if they are the only one we confide in. This disease is not your fault, or anyone's. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain, there is no cure, but you can learn to manage it. I would work on getting outside help, so that your not over loading your gf with your feelings. It would be a great help for the both of you.
Are you getting any help from a Dr.? This disease is so ugly, I know all to well, it's been 29 years for me! Know that you can learn to deal with it! I'm here for you! Wishing you peace of mind!!! XXX
The doctors gave me medication and the details of self referral to get some help ie some one to talk too but taking so long. Ive got no friends because im socialy awkward but maybe cause my confidence is so low. So noone else to talk to just to releive a bit of the burden of my gf.
I want to be able to give her a good week this week without her thinking oh great here we go back to mr negative again but thats all i see and worry im not good enough .
Good that you want to give your gf a good week and try to be positive. That is a step in the right direction. You are having a set back and you will get better. Hang in there. The people here are awesome and understand what you are going through. Put on some happy music. Positive thinking especially when you start thinking negative. Think STOP and think good thoughts that you are strong and you will get better.
Yea, that's what I've learned in dealing with my anxiety you have to be careful when speaking to friends and family about it. Especially those who live with you, they can inherent the behavior the doctors say. I feel very Alone, no one calls me and since I know they really don't want to speak to me I don't call them.
I can relate. My anxiety and depression is peaking at the worst it’s ever been in my entire life. I also don’t leave the house. It is an extreme struggle for me to even go get groceries. All the weight of providing for us is falling on my fiancé and that makes me feel even more of a failure. I have recently bought the Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund J Bourne. Hopefully it can get me back on track.
Me too, it makes me feel crazy and helpless:(. I had a high paying job and now I can’t work.

Same here. Id never be able to get anywhere near my salary else where. Im scared everytime i leave for work. 4 weeks off work now getting harder for gf. Massive failure
It becomes a horrible drain, I felt
Myself getting sucked into the vortex. I have been improving over the past few
months. Taking medication, therapy, I started a new career path and been studying. I can handle school. Next step is internship and I am freaking out, I can’t believe im this scared to perform and I’m not getting paid. It’s crazy. Everyday is a fight.