Hi guys!
Yesterday I had a group therapy meeting. One of the girls was doing very well for the last months but for the last two weeks she’s back into the hole. She got the courage yesterday to finally open up and talk what’s going on. It was very important for me to listen as I pretty much listened about myself.
I’m posting this as I believe that many of us going through the same struggle all the time and most of us don’t know how to cope with it or break the bad schemes.
Please share your feelings and ways you move on with it. I’m sure many will benefit.
Fear of loosing people
I’m not sure if it’s more about these people being gone from our lives or is it’s the pain that comes from loosing them. But I see that many of us follow the same bad pattern. Never being courageous enough to say the truth, hide behind fake and weak explanations, never trying to build boundaries, say no, deny or - which I find the most difficult- shake these people and point their mistakes. I think that many times we forget to protect ourselves and to take care of ourselves.
I think we are afraid of being who we are as this may jeopardize the relationships we have. Opening up and being exactly as we are, choosing what we want, living as we wish, may be the biggest threat to ruin the relationship, make people go away. But why do we think this way? Why don’t we trust our own opinions, feelings, needs?
I can see that my life drama always comes from one single thing. I give everything, I’m exhausting myself, taking responsibility for someone, for somebody’s problems! I pay such high price for making it easy for them. And when I want something (hardly never) they are not that generous.. and I feel hurt. And when I say that I won’t do something or I’m unable to do so cause something else prevents me... that starts a true storm, which always ends up the same: I’m guilty.
Why don’t we live as “normal” people? Why don’t we say what we think? Why don’t we settle boundaries? Why are we so afraid to say what we think? Why don’t we stand up for ourselves exactly same much as we do for others?
I really struggle with it. And the girl from the group yesterday, she was full of tears feeling so alone in being genuine, in being helpful, in being altruistic...
I’m worried and I’m afraid that I’m gonna hurt myself each and every day as I can’t keep healthy relationships with people. That I don’t ask for help and when I get that courage I’m generally being denied or called weak... that I don’t say upfront what I think, that I can’t say the truth and I’m looking for some blunt words, that I’m lying myself to keep someone else happier...
Do you also suffer this way? Can you cope?