Career: Was just what everybody does... - Anxiety and Depre...

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27 Replies

Was just what everybody does for work, if they work, if they study, or if you aren't up to that right now?

Do you feel well enough to work? or to think about working in the future?

How do you manage working (if you work) with a mental illness?

I always hate getting asked what I do for work.

Right now, I don't study, I don't work, and I don't even know if I feel like I could ever work or study. Some days getting out of bed, or showering, or walking outside, they feel like big tasks for me.

I get anxious going to the supermarket, I can't go to a shopping centre by myself in case there is a lot of people, or my anxiety just takes over and I'm in full panic attack before I even know.

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27 Replies
AZ1970 profile image

I can't work. In the past I have worked in education and children's mental health services. I was going to school to get my master's in counseling but had to stop as the content of the classes was triggering my PTSD symptoms. I was once a very productive member of society. My work was important to me. Now I can't handle the stress. It makes me quite sad.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to AZ1970

Perhaps one day you could work a less stressful job. Education as you know entail making a difference, but there are also a lot of other aspects . You are still a productive member of society.

Aspergirl47 profile image

Hey jseex....I am in the same boat.....just everyday tasks are overwhelming me right now.....If I go out its accompanied just centres are a nightmare for me ...I feel so scared.....I would like to study but I cant seem to focus on anything and feel tired all the your not alone girl :)

in reply to Aspergirl47

Wow you sound a lot like me. I'm sorry that you are also going through these things!

Aspergirl47 profile image
Aspergirl47 in reply to

I was caring for my son who has Autism for years (I don't know why I have trouble seeing this as a job) extremely stressful...but I guess because I wasn't leaving the house every morning then that's why I didn't see it as work!!!!! sounds silly I know....but I would say the stress of it all has certainly made my anxiety a lot worse...years ago I could still go into shops without shaking etc....I would agree with the others on here that working is best...I wish I could....but were doing our best jseex ....if u get up and shower that day etc...then u done something :) Can u study a subject u are interested in...even if only for 15mins? I love Holistic Therapies but my focus is terrible just now.....

in reply to Aspergirl47

Caring for someone is the biggest and best job you could ever do. Even when it is family.

You may not see it but you were working full time to care for your son.

I’m going to google what Holistic Therapies is.

Yeah I think I’ve just lost my drive and will to want to do something

Aspergirl47 profile image
Aspergirl47 in reply to

Thanks jseek.....Sometimes we need to hear someone elses views to really look at things in the right way...I don't know why I find it so hard to connect caring to actually in a way I am working or was...Holistic therapies are treatments like Aromatherapy massage ....Indian head massage etc....all good for stress and anxiety....My son had really bad insomnia for a couple of weeks and I practised some indian head massage on him for 15mins before he went to bed and he slept within 20mins Ha....Yeah I get u...when were depressed theres just no motivation to do anything....I feel constantly to start off slowly if studying...try and sit down and really think about what interests u....if its a subject u find boring or youre not that interested in then the chances are u wont do really find something u enjoy :)

Hello jseex!

Working is best for me. When I stay home, I become too comfortable and find myself with little motivation and too much time to focus on myself and my problems. Working (nurse) provides me the opportunity to stop thinking about myself and get into others problems/situations. I feel so much better about myself when I’m helping someone else. This is just what works for me and I don’t minimize the intentions of others who are unable to work. We all have to follow what works best for us! This is just my story! Wishing you the best!!

morenews profile image

I don't work right now, but i want to and need to. My job was extremely stressful and i left. I don't regret that, but i am sure not so stressful job would be great for me. This is why i don't lose hope to find a job and study a little every day on my own. It helps me, i think i would be much more depressed if i would not take those steps on every day basis. Every story is different, and first of all level of anxiety and depression need to be reduced for people to function. But if it is done, my own opinion: work is good for us.

Working is something I really enjoy, I think if I didn't work I would be worse.

FinnPanda profile image
FinnPanda in reply to

Same here, I feel good when I’m at work and can forget the depression for a while.

in reply to FinnPanda

It's great.. It works wonders.

FinnPanda profile image
FinnPanda in reply to

Yeah it does. Such a good way to escape.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to FinnPanda

What kind of work do you do?

FinnPanda profile image
FinnPanda in reply to gogogirl

I work in a bakery shop. So I sell coffee and bread/cinnamon buns to customers. It’s really nice. I used to be a masseuse, but that was too much for me. Being quiet for hours with some slow music and my own thoughts.. Torture. So I needed to get something else.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to FinnPanda

That sounds like fun. Might as well do something to which you feel connected!

KristinK67 profile image

I'm really struggling with this right now... My job (due to my supervisor and our CEO - not the work itself) is very stressful. I also don't get paid well for all that is expected of me. I hit a wall on Sunday night and am taking this week off to try to recoup and gain some clarity. For those who don't work - how do you support yourself? That's my biggest obstacle. I'd like to quit, get stronger/healthier and then go back to something much less stressful. Ideas?

in reply to KristinK67

That sucks i'm so sorry that they put so much pressure on you.

I fit criteria to get a disability support pension so comes from our government, before this I had no money because as now I couldn't work then either.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to

Sounds like you are thinking about it- are you in the USA? Perhaps you could start as a volunteer- you are always appreciated!

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to KristinK67

Have you talked to your supervisor about how you feel? Perhaps you could look for another job while you are still working. Good move taking the week off!

I used to get real angry when people asked me what I did to earn a living. I would snap at them. Now I just tell them at the moment I am talking to you. Some people take the hint and others say oh ok. I am humbled enough now to accept what I am. Some would say I am a loser, lazy, free loader, or a bum. If that is how they value people then more power to them. I will be that to them. I know who I am and what I been through. I don’t have to explain myself to anyone. They can go scratch their ass.

in reply to

This is a great response. I have never heard that before but I love that line of you are talking to them, a lot of people don't realise how "simple" things seem like massive tasks.

good on you! I might even have to use that saying once or twice.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to

I like that- isn't your appointment coming up though so that you can move forward?

in reply to gogogirl

Third week in August was the earliest they had available. I am keeping my expectations low.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to

I understand- but I wish you the best. You have a lot to offer!

in reply to gogogirl

Thanks for the support and encouragement. I appreciate it. I stopped getting my hopes up after being burned in the past with social services.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to


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