Today is World Refugee day.... though... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Today is World Refugee day.... thought i would post this poem

51 Replies

No one leaves home unless

home is the mouth of a shark.

You only run for the border

when you see the whole city running as well.

No one leaves home unless home chases you fire under feet

hot blood in your belly

its not something you ever thought of doing until the blade burnt threats into your neck even then you carried the anthem under your breath

only tearing up your passport in an airport toilet,

sobbing as each mouthful of paper made it clear that you wouldn't be going back.

.... you have to understand that no one puts their children in a boat unless the water is safer than the land.

No one burn their palms under trains, beneath carriages, no one spend days and nights in the stomach of a truck, feeding on newspaper unless the miles travelled means something more than the journey.

... No one crawls under fences

no one wants to be beaten, pitied

no one chooses refugee camps or strip searches when your body is left aching

or prison, because prison is safer than a city of fire

and one prison guard in the night is better than a truckload of men who look like your father

No one could take it

No one could stomach it

No one skin would be tough enough.

They say ''go back home refugees, dirty immigrants, asylum seekers sucking our country dry, with their hands out, they smell strange, savage messed up their countries and now they want to mess ours up"

How do the words

the dirty looks

roll off your backs... maybe because the blow is softer than a limb torn off, or the insults are easier to swallow than rubble, than bone, than your child's body in pieces.

I want to go home but home is the mouth of a shark

Home is the barrel of a gun

and no one would leave home unless home chased you to the shore

unless home told you to quicken your legs

leave your clothes behind

crawl through the desert

wade through oceans



be hungry


forget pride

your survival is more important

You have to understand no one leaves home until home is a sweaty voice in your ear saying..... leave, run away from me now i don't know what i have become but i know that ANYWHERE is safer than here. #warsan

51 Replies
fauxartist profile image

wow....that was extremely powerful.....very very moving. And yet so many forget....we all were immigrants once...all our parents, or grandparents, or ancestors were immigrants. Taking children from the arms of their family to prove a point!!!???.....this is barbaric, internment camps for babies ripped out of the arms of mothers and fathers to punish them for trying to save the lives of their families from drug lords murdering, corrupt politics looking the other way, and monsters looting and robbing the poor. What has happened, of the free....bring your tired, your hungry, your poor.....but if you do we will forcibly take your children and put them in a refurbished Walmart. This is not about politics....this is just plain wrong.

in reply tofauxartist

Even the Americans were immigrants, the country didn't belong to them. Seems like everyday it keeps getting worse and worse. People are heartless

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

It's not the people that are heartless so's the government....the same type of mentality that took the land from the Native now doing the same atrocities to children of immigrants....what happened to humanity....most people in American and around the world are not buying into's a black eye on a great country and only people and their voice and their vote will change this. The right to vote, and voice your opposition is what makes America great....but with so many people homeless, jobless, no health coverage, children fearful of no hope for their future, why bother is the attitude for many when their own lives are in such a dire state. But doesn’t anyone get it's the long con folks.....get the masses in such a hopeless state the government can get away with's a wakeup call....get out from behind your laptops and cell phones and look around you....see what’s going on before it’s too late....more and more of your constitutional rights are being slowly taken. HS, ICE, search and seizure.

We can bury our heads in the sand until it happens to you....

This is one of the reasons why i don't watch the news

in reply to

I don't usually watch it either my sister was and i just stood there, couldn'tbelieve a president was capable of such horrors

Strongheartforever profile image
Strongheartforever in reply to

Thank you for posting that. It’s just heart breaking and so pointless what’s happening to these people who already have nothing. Let’s all pray for them to find peace and sanctuary and some kind of structure to support them. Our president is a coward and a liar. He stands for hate and ignorance. Not in our name. This must be some kind of heavy learning experience for all of us. Never vote in a bully. Never vote in a racist. Look at his actions toward women. This man is a disgrace and made me sick before but now he has the power to destroy the planet and he is. What a mess.

in reply toStrongheartforever

I couldn't believe it either, he's destroying families, takes an extreme amount of evil to take kids and babies from their parents

Strongheartforever profile image
Strongheartforever in reply to

I think he signed something today to help the situation because of all the pressure. Can you imagine the pain he’s caused already?? Why are they so concerned with this issue when we are all immigrants ourselves?? We need these workers. They need us. Our country was founded on acceptance and liberty for ALL.

in reply toStrongheartforever

By the time this guy leave the white house the country will be on the ground

Strongheartforever profile image
Strongheartforever in reply to

Oh the idea of him leaving is a dream. Let me envision that. Someday it will be true and he will be gone. I’m so numb to it now. The day after the election I was so stunned I forgot to put one of my dogs back in the truck after a walk. Got him back thank God but I’ll never forget the agony. And it continues. He has all the power now folks. When evil has massive power, terrible things happen. The sun will shine again I hope.

in reply toStrongheartforever

you're not the only one, it took weeks for me to believe that the guy actually became the president. The only thing we can do now is hope things will get better

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

this isn't about politics or what party you belong's about money...the rich want it and the poor need it....guess who wins.

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply toStrongheartforever

That was the plan, to divide this country...and guess happened...he has the 'football' and does not have to answer to anyone to use it....we are in big trouble voting a sociopath who watched a live feed video of a drone strike....and when the techs were pausing to let the innocent civilians get out of the line of the blast zone.....the 'Man Baby' asked why they didn't drop the bomb...the techs said they didn't want to kill innocent people....and he said...what did it matter, drop it....yes....that's what's in the chair of the chief of staff. A sociopath.

in reply tofauxartist

His wife doesn't even live with him!!! Boy that right there says a lot!!!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

the wife is nothing but a Barbie doll so he looks like he can get a good lookin gal....and she's with him because he gave ‘legal status' and citizenship rights to her you say HIPOCRITE....

in reply tofauxartist

Oh you sure can!!! XXX

Strongheartforever profile image
Strongheartforever in reply tofauxartist

I thought of that too. And his mother was from Scotland I think.

melbrown profile image

Very brave & beautiful... so true. The current situation in the US is so messed up. I live in CA (near Sf) & it hits home... know people who came here & their struggles. The Us was founded by people leaving from places that weren't great for them.... the promise of a better future for them & their families... all those people make this country beautiful. I love where I live because of all the diveristy... & that our governor is standing up against what's going on.

Thank you for sharing Danielle.

Ps. I too have basically stopped watching the news.... upsets me too much.

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply tomelbrown

don't stop voting or this will keep's one like one drop of water, its all it takes to start and ocean.

in reply tomelbrown

No sense watching it! I know from my boys being in the military...they only tell us what they want to!!!!! I stopped watching it years ago...I find it to be too depressing!!! XXX

in reply to

Exactly the news be lying most of the time anyway

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply tomelbrown

when fosters meat packing company was raided.....and all the immigrant workers barred, not one American citizen would work there under the same conditions these people worked in every day......where are the people to work in the fields, cleaning hotels rooms, cutting your lawn, babysitting your kids....all jobs most people won't do....we have become too complacent....but hunger is a great sauce.....

in reply tofauxartist

All your replies are 100% right, seems like by the time trump is no longer in power every country will hate us for being so cruel. The dude is a bully

in reply to

Maybe he has borderline personality disorder?

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

no...he is a guilt, no remorse, only does things that will ultimately benefit him...he is never wrong, and believes everything he says....even if it's a lie.

in reply tofauxartist

From what I've heard sociopath & borderline personality disorder are very similar!! I live with one,,you know who I'm talking about!!! XXX

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

I know what your talking about .....the main thing about the man baby is he has no boundaries at all....that's a dangerous game to be playing when he has thousands of nuclear warheads at the touch of a button...NO one can stop him if he wanted to push a button.....and if he can't keep his mouth shut about anything...and does what ever he wants cause all the grown ups that were in the White house to sort of change his diapers for him when he was full of it....are now all fired or gone, one is there now to stop him.

in reply tofauxartist

Isn't that a great one? Hahahaha!!! Love & Hugs!!! I need some pic's for you to post by the way...need a smile!!!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

which pics mean from you or me pal....I got tons lately.... :)

and god yes I'm smiling that we all got to get a lot out about this insanity....United we Stand....and Divided we Fall....somebody better get the heck up and start putting this place back together or the next third world 'Shite Hole' eliquently said by the man baby regarding third world countries will be us!

in reply tofauxartist

Your flowers!!!!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

got tons of photo's....will post soon...the lily's are out... :)

in reply tofauxartist

So are where near as beautiful as yours, hahaha!!!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

I'm sure they are as beautiful my friend....and in light of all this sad news...a little ray of hope in the garden to make you smile is a welcome reprieve....

in reply tofauxartist


fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

With the trade wars, pulling out of all the global pacs, and letting the Koch brothers destroy the country with pollution...our schools no longer funded, no health, no affordable's no wonder the rate of depression is on the rise.....when you can't afford child care even if you could find a job, because you can't afford the gas to drive to and from work, all your car parts are from China which will now cost triple....the lumber to build from Canada will now cost triple...oh....but don't worry....the rest of the world is going down the toilet with's a Domino effect....And people voted for promises....from a sociopath... how's that working out for all those who still support this jerk, and amazingly like him, believe anything he tells them...he even bragged about it...'You can tell people anything and they will believe you'.... Well....if you think it's bad now....his term isn't over yet.

in reply tofauxartist

Even the wife can't stand him you can easily tell, they belong together. Trump keep forgetting this country is made of immigrants but again this man child is practically clueless on how to run a country but he's pretty good at destroying lives and make his rich buddies even richer

in reply tofauxartist

I wouldn't be surprised if he get elected for another 4 years. Money talks

Sadly people that I know still back him up...I keep my mouth shut, with those kind you're not going to win! XXX

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

yeah...and they don't mind paying 4.00 a gallon for gas...and wait till they see the price for their new iPhone....see how much they back him talks, and people squack when they can't afford housing, the price of food triples because fuel and parts for the trucks now cost more because EVERYTHING is coming from China who has now had enought of the 'Man Baby's' angry tweeting like a 14 year old teenage girl in the Whitehouse.

in reply tofauxartist

You're giving him too much credit I would say more like a 2 year old, Hahahaha! Love ya pal!!! XXX

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

true.....what happend?....geeezzzz.....billionares appointed to dept. of education? Bettsy and her brother Prince, formerly owner of Blackwater, and is now working for China directly....teaching them security measures???....the same guy who set up backchannel communications for trumps camp with Russia?...whos' running this country is the big question.

in reply tofauxartist

Perhaps our biggest aloy...Russia!

Obama was a miracle and Trump is a tragedy.

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply toStrongheartforever

the man child is still trying to blame Obama and Hilary for everything....does anyone realize he has been in bed with Russia since the 80;s And this long con of money laundering has been going on since Russia first bailed him out of his bankruptcy in a Florida condo called little Moscow....what part of 'No seated politician is allowed to profit commercially for their own monetary gain from public money or from their political influence, does he not get?....'TRUMP TOWER'...dignitary central. What's it gonna take? For the man baby to tweet...'Okay, so like, I'm the big man with small hands, but my middle finger can still 'push the button'?

in reply toStrongheartforever

So very true!!!

AmIHappy profile image

very nicely written

its like nazism again

do you remember how they treated jews, separated there family from each other , take german children who had blue eyes away from their famiies but now as the world has changed so did the people now they are back with a bang and now they are not separating jews instead they taking away the kids , telling refugees to go back home and telling dirty immigrants! we would be glad if they remembered that US is full of immigrants who come there to fulfill their dreams! they come to US to make there dreams come true! now what are they doin! snatching babies from there families, mothers are crying day and night and father feeling hopeless and useless as they cannot do anything, babies, children dont know what is happening and where are they going! just crying day and night to see there parents once again!

in reply toAmIHappy

You're right it's like the old times all over again and it just keep getting worse and worse. Americans themselves are immigrants, America wasn't theirs to begin with

AmIHappy profile image
AmIHappy in reply to

yeah true

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply toAmIHappy

After WWII.....and the camps were discovered for what they really were...genocide, not only of the Jews, but gypsies, handicapped, mentally ill, gays, and yes Christians. They said 'Never Again'....and yet here we are's in an internment camp that was an abandoned Wal-Mart....and now it's said they will stop doing this...why....was it costing too much money?....because they sure didn't care it was looking too much like Nazi Germany's Final Solution in the making all over again....It started out with just rounding people up and putting the walls up...and calling them Ghetto's.....

The day we forget as AmIHappy has the day History repeats itself.

AmIHappy profile image
AmIHappy in reply tofauxartist

u are absolutely right

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply toAmIHappy

your a smart cookie.....

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