When I'm particularly depressed I prefer to talk to friends or my sister about anything other than my depression. Not avoiding it- but talking to friends anout being depressed doesn't help me. However, I do talk about my depression with my therapist. Curious if talking to friends about your depression, while you are particularly down, helps?
Is talking with friends helpful? - Anxiety and Depre...
Is talking with friends helpful?

I was always alone a lot. The only socializing I had was with my dog. I would talk to her if I was depressed. She was a good listener and gave out free kisses. Talking with my family didn’t help me. My dog helped more.

Animals can be wonderful. I'm glad she was there for you
It doesn’t always help me to talk about it.
Sometimes I’d rather talk about something else it helps to distract me...I have too many times I think about it, it’s exhausting, there was a stage I got to .were talking about it had been exhausted I think..
It’s exhausting talking about it at times , as it’s so difficult to explain....
For me, there can be some peace in talking about something else..xx
It does distract for sure but it is avoiding the problem ( my opinion) talk about it is the first step to heal

I'm afraid you misunderstood. Seriously.
Hi missandei.
I don’t avoid the problem. I’ve talked a lot about it..to various people, over a number of years ..including professionals.
The question was about preference in every day conversations.
Sorry I think you read the question to mean it was difficult to talk about..that’s not the case .
Thanks for responding. Same here (in case it wasn't clear from my original post) about talking about something else to distract me. That is so, so helpful for me.
There is some peace in occupying my mind with other things..
You are not alone.
It took me a long time to talk about it with my friends and family but once it’s done you feel so relieved. It is very important to have family and friends support. I’m suffering with anxiety and social phobia which lead me to depression a couple y ears ago. Talking to my dad really helped me to go through it. My friends know about it and when you’re in a difficult position they do understand and try to help as much as they can

Thank you for sharing that. It seems you might have misunderstood my question tho. I do talk about my depression, etc with my friends and family, but when I'm in the throws of extreme depression talking about my depression isn't helpful. In times of acite depression I find it more helpful to talk about literally anything else.
When you're in an acute episode do you find it helpful to talk to friends about your anxiety?

Your very lucky to have family and friends supporting you....some don't have the same experience trying to share their issues with family and friends. I'm happy for you that it all worked out. Not all family's or friends are as understanding. Talking here or with a therapist or others who have similar issues is a good starting point....
Sorry if I did not understand well, English isn’t my mother tongue. I got confused sometime. Yes I find it helpful to talk about it at the time. It help to calm me down.
That's a mixed bag talking to friends and family...it depends on what kind of a relationship you have with your friends. Sometimes they don't know what to say, don't know if your asking for help and they would not know how to help you, or they may feel alienated because they don't want to deal with your stuff. Often friends and family will tell you what they thing you want to hear, or give you advice from someone's perspective on the outside of understanding this disease...and it could be helpful if you get some kind of understanding from them....but it usually does not turn out well for most. I'd gently test the waters on that one.
Talking with like minded friends can help just make sure they understand your point of view.. I have one friend with aniexity I know I can go to because we are both very similar in the sense that we can understand each other's point of view... if there is no one in your life that can do that come talk to us and or your counsellor or therapist if you have one
It feels like people are responding to the title of this post without actually reading the post. It's disappointing.
Oh I have found people often do that online. The thing I hate most is when others try and put words in my mouth that I didn't say. This is because they have either misread my post or have their own agenda. Then a simple post can turn into a debate or even a heated argument.
I found some newer members on another site were concerned about privacy so I put up a post advising them how to lock their posts to this community only. Omg the furore. Most were grateful and said how helpful it was to them whilst others said I shouldn't be telling people to lock their posts and it wasn't up to me to tell them this. And so on. They put words in my mouth and twisted everything I said and in the end I deleted my post and vowed never to try and help again! x
Hi I am like you and find that endlessly droning on about my depression to friends is very tedius both for them and me. I much prefer to concentrate on doing fun things together as this helps take my mind from myself and makes me feel happier. x