I’ve never been a depressed person. I have definitely had anxiety but not much depression until recently. I have lost a marriage and a serious boyfriend relationship in last 12 months. I am having trouble processing the loneliness and my friends and family have been so wonderful but I think they are ready for me to be “normal” again. It feels like my pain and hurt are all I can think about or talk about.
I think everyone is over it - Anxiety and Depre...
I think everyone is over it

hi the breakdown of a marriage is hard enough and another relationship afterwards.its great you have family and friends supporting you maybe enjoy the freedom of being on your own for a wile before entering another relationship.
Hi, Just read your post. Sorry about the divorce, I know how hard they can be, been thru 3 myself. You will heal, it takes time, my therapist always advised Not getting into a new relationship for at least a year, you need to give yourself time to heal. Can you go to therapy, or find a support group, they are wonderful. So glad you have a wonderful family who give you love and support, but please try not to whine about your situation, you got yourself into it, you will get yourself out of it. Find things to do with your spare time, try some volunteer work, it is great to help others in need. Get some books out of the library, on self help, rebuilding your esteem, there is a lot available. Talk to us here, we will try to help you, but remember to get somewhere you have to start out with baby steps. I hope you are with family and having a lovely Christmas Day. I am by myself and quite happy, I have my two cats, weather is nice, so I am going for a walk, it is a good way to clear ones head, get out in nature enjoy the exercise, we need it and the Vit. D, the sun gives us.
I wish you well, remember this Will end. New Year is coming, Spring will not be far behind, a new beginning. Remember you are special and valuable, value yourself, be your own best friend. Sending Love, strength, courage, peace and Big Hugs.....Sprinkle 1....
So sorry for the Divorce and break up.
It’s not really up to others to pressure you into feeling like you’re taking too long to be ‘okay’
Take your own time.. slow and small steps and one day you will get there 😊
Don’t let anyone tell you how fast or slow you should mourn losses in your life. I agree with the others. Try not to put yourself too much into something else until you’re ready. Really ready. You can love yourself for awhile and if you don’t it’s time to learn. I’m sure you’re amazing.
Im processing a break up as well. I was hust sitting here thinking “how did we get here? How did we go from talking all the time to not even saying merry christmas?” How does that even happen? Its crazy to me. And so very sad.