That's why I'm always working so hard... I feel like working myself to death... Reciving zero compliment makes me feel like a loser too.... After all the hard work I just gain nothing I just wonder why bother living...I can't feel anything if I compliment myself I felt like a loser no matter how many accomplishment I made...low self-esteem forever lol...
I feel like a faliure if I don't acco... - Anxiety and Depre...
I feel like a faliure if I don't accomplish something?
Awww Silentwinterland,
Don't say low self esteem forever. I am living proof that you can turn it around. You really can.
Thanks I wonder how long though. Need to stop feeling jealous of other peoples success..
Unfortunately, we are always comparing ourselves to other people, especially people on FB and other social media. Believe me when I tell you all that glitters isn't gold. They enjoy making themselves look good. There comes a point when you have to make a decision to stop comparing yourself to others. It is not good for you. It's not good for me. I have decided to "do me". You have to do the same. You can do the same. I'm not saying do it all at once. Do it one step at a time. Work on building yourself up.
Ok thanks that's why I quit FB xD
There you go! That is the first step. Shut them down!
We don't realize that it can be public enemy #1.
Public enemy?
LoL.....not to be taken literally. If we aren't careful, our mental health can take a beating. That's all I'm saying.
ok XD
Btw being an artist is really hard you just feel like you can't win...these sea of amazing artist makes you feel like a failure..
I see. Every artist is unique. You have your own style of expression.
Have you already shared some of your work?
yeah I shared it on here you can look for it on my account XD
Will do!

well said Delta1
change you....stop killing yourself for nothing then....if your in a job that gives you nothing in return...find a job that will reward you for your hard work. A job should not define you, or your self's a job....not a life. Your personal life is possibly lacking, and that you also have to take action to change. Nothing is easy in this life....everything takes work....but finding something that makes you feel good about yourself can change your world. Looking for that in people places or things to change your life is out of your control...only you can change your course in life. Sure things happen that we don't see comin that do change our lives...but those are the things you have to cope with along the's just life.
Look into something you enjoy...if your a geek...find groups online or in person where you can express yourself. If you like, ceramics, painting, writing, drawing....make your own music....the list is endless...but it all promotes a sense of accomplishment. Forget the over achieving...I did it because I thought to be worth anything to anyone I had to work ten times harder to prove myself, because I was unwanted at home....and all that hard work...I have nothing to show for it now....don't waste your time on people place or on what makes you happy, find yourself....
Ok thanks for the advice
I can understand this ... It took me a lot of years to train myself to do things for myself not for a reaction... I also had to learn that being kind and helping others should be done without expectations too ... it should be done just because i want to be kind .
I’m sorry you’re going through this and hope you can also one day learn to compliment yourself and be proud of yourself and not need others xx 💕
thank you so much! :)
I don’t buy into the high self esteem stuff. I think we should have a healthy knowledge of ourselves. Warts and all. Thinking you are something you don’t have the ability to be will only make you more anxious and depressed. Not everyone can be a rose, but that doesn’t mean the lesser flowers don’t have a unique role to play. We are given gifts to fill the purpose we are created for.
Lol yeah at least in not arrogantxD I don't really like high esteem people actually thinking they are so great..
I don’t think all high self esteem people are arrogant. It’s not even their fault if they grew up thinking they were made to believe they were perfect. My family was always honest with each other. If you weren’t good at something some one spoke up and told you. It wasn’t always polite or nice but it was honest.
Will...I guess arrogance and high self-esteem is different thingb
What are you trying to accomplish?
Drawing online comicxD

Looks like you are quite talented. How do you draw online anyway? I am an Old Saw! Anyway, something else that I find helps is doing something just to volunteer like at an event for fund raising something like that. Also- everyone is unique- many people are not all bad or all good. It sounds like you have a niche, however through your art!
I just upload them on manga apps! I have a drawing tablet
I might need refreshing memory wise- but you're a teenager, right? The hi tech language- ( manga) eludes me , but lots of people ( even older adults) have careers in other areas, and pursue passions as hobbies. If you look at yourself being compared to others, you will not enjoy your life trust me. For instance, there are teachers who do music and art on the side or maybe hike or read whatever. Perhaps you can share your talents with others as a volunteer also like at a library. Volunteers are always appreciated.!
Lol no I'm just a adult who can't find a job yet lol. Although I look young 😅

Well, I do not know what you look like- but are you a young adult? If you are- then you have your whole life ahead of you. Also, while less common - there are older people who have done different jobs. I know what it is like to lose jobs- even some years back- it's tough. Perhaps you can try out for different fields. Is your degree in art or it?
Yeh..I think in going to study more...if I what to do anyway..
Is there a way you could be an art therapist perhaps with kids or adults who have special needs?
Nah I'm just a bored adult feeling like nothing happens in my life lol

Perhaps volunteering is a way to go- you never know who you will network with, and you'll find appreciation in the process. Senior centers are always looking also especially if someone has some different talents!