I started medication for my anxiety a week ago today, I made it to a week with taking medication. i’m trying so hard to be proud of myself but it’s hard when i feel like i’m ready to fall apart any second. This past week i’ve cried many times because i feel like a burden to those around me, I feel like i’m pushing everyone around me away because at some point they won’t want to deal with what I bring like my anxiety. I just feel like i’m suffocating. I hate feeling like this, I am suffocating with anxiety right now and just wish i could shut it off.
January 21st, 2023 : I started... - Anxiety and Depre...
January 21st, 2023

im feeling the same way,and it really sucks because im in a shelter cant really hide we dont even have privacy except when we sit on the toilet,i feel hurt and broken we here to support you hang in there lets get through this day togethor i know how you feel
Meditation can have the effectiveness of some ssri's , (based on research) , but it takes a while, and doesnt give timely felief to everyone. Ive done it for years, yet I urge anyone to use the meds, so not to suffer with the symptoms described, in the interim.
Good job on one week! I'm also one week and 2 days today of taking medication. I have been doing so much better than I did all those days ago and I'm sure you are too! I'm always here to talk if you need to talk, send a message!
This is how I’ve been feeling the past few weeks. Know you’re not alone. The thoughts and physical sensations of anxiety just get so exhausting to constantly try and manage that I have found myself crying often. I don’t feel like myself and it has been scary. We have to give the medication time to work. As well as for the repeated affirmations, meditation, and intentional relaxation efforts to begin to wear down the build up of anxious energy. We will get through this. Sending you support.
hi! I have felt this way too lately. However, it’s just our anxiety lying again. Im sure the people you have around love you and you are not suffocating. It’s just another one of your negative feelings/ thoughts. Stay focused on you and your well being. Your loved ones will be there. Also, the community is here for you too- so vent away. Anytime! We know how you feel. I pray the meds kick in and you feel great soon!
yes anxiety is on butthead mode. Just picture it as an object in ur mind and slap the crap out of it. Good job on you’re one week. You got this. 💪🏻
Kudos! If u can stay without medicine u can stay longer.i did it personally and now without medicine.
I know exactly how you feel I now started medication again about a month ago and it has wreaking havoc on my body and my emotions. I'm taking it one day at a time because I know once it kicks in I will be in a better place. But the struggle is real. We are all feeling the same thing and we are all here to support each other. The emotional roller coaster is exhausting. As others have mentioned find things that work for you meditation relaxation therapy acupuncture etc. I'm only a message away let me know if you need to chat.
Hi booksoverpeople. anything good in life takes time. Time to heal,
Time to feel good once again. Crying is a release of your old feelings
leaving you. It's difficult for those around us to fully understand but
believe that they love you and wait for the day they have you back.
Do not feel guilty but rather put your strengths in believing that this
will happen. It can take our brain 4-6 weeks to reach full efficacy which
may sound like a lifetime but so worth the wait.
Each day you are one day closer in reaching your goal. One day closer
to feeling like yourself again and one day closer in realizing that life
is amazing, xx
I completely understand it’s been a week for me as well. I’m hoping they work because I’ve had bad reactions in the past. I know it’s hard but we can’t let anxiety win.