I'm not sure wat is going on anymore i tried to give up social media and do some other stuff that will help me with my anxiety it worked for a while but now i just feel alone all the time and wen i just try to go to sleep everything just feels like its to much
feeling like everything is to much - Anxiety and Depre...
feeling like everything is to much

HI maria_99 yes life can be so overwhelming. It is a good idea to focus more on real life connections rather than social media-, but that is hard too bc friends often are too busy to make time to hang out and do things. have you tried meetup groups? That is a site where you can join different groups based on common interests and just join them in their activities/events. it's meetup.com. or what about support groups? My faith is a comfort to me- going to Church --Mass, reading Bible, praying etc. Also do deep breathing, don't forget to breathe well. I pray you feel better and experience some relief from your anxiety.
thank you i have been going to church for a few weeks now and i think in given me some comfort like you said, I'm still trying to sleep at night it just gets harder everyday trying to sleep
Yes maria_99 that has been my extreme struggle since childhood- i've often said, i can handle the depression and anxiety if the insomnia would just be cured ! it makes everything worse, it is what makes me very low-functional. There are some verses i say to myself every night about sleep/rest, like Proverbs 3:24 "When you lie down, you will not be afraid, when you rest, your sleep will be sweet." or Matthew 11:28 "Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest". Also i do deep breathing- and sometimes praying helps, sometimes i need medicine. But before trying medicine- try some natural stuff first- magnesium helps me, this is a calming supplement, and also chamomile tea- have you tried these? and don't watch news or anything heavy in the evening- watch comedies, try to laugh. i pray it gets better for you- i know how hellish it is- sometimes i don't fall asleep till 7 in the morning ! Blessings
I gave up social media too, this is the only place that I use now. I found it addictive and amwaste of time.
Good on you for trying to stay away from it.
You might find groups that you could join in your area, would get you out and about and you can meet people.
If you are coming onto this place dont be afraid to start a conversation with people, I'm up for a chat and I am sure many other people would be too.
I'm glad your here sharing maria....this is a safe place to share...most sites have trolls, and people who are argumentative and flaming each other....there is no place for that here when all anyone really wants is peace and understanding...we fight the good fight mostly alone in the real world....so it's nice to share with others somewhere that will be kind and compassionate....these are good people who all want the same thing...to share without judgement.
How long have you given up social media? Your mind might need more time to fully detach from its grip. The people who created social media made it addictive. They want you to use it. The user is their product that they exploit and use for profit.

its been a couple of months maybe 4 i have no use in it now, it was hard at first but then i just kind of got use to it i found new ways to entertain my self
I didn’t grow up with social media so it was easy for me to give it up. Glad to hear you are doing well. Keep up the good work.
Well done Maria. I only tried social media for a couple of Months. Years ago and it seemed like a game for idiots to me! Bullies on it and time wasters, show offs n syhycophants. Not for me. Different on here though. People are kind, helpful n supportive. I live alone, n fill my time reading unputdownable novels, online Mantras and hypnosis, Swimming, walking n gardening. I also, volunteer. I would recommend it to anyone, who has the time as it makes you feel needed and relied upon. Also company if your felling lonely. 😊👍🌻
I feel like this alot of the time too :/ I am sorry i dont have any advice but i hope you start to feel better