Anxiety and the heat: Where I live it... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Anxiety and the heat

StereotypicalPisces profile image

Where I live it is going to be a little over 90 degrees Fahrenheit and getting really hot earlier than usual and a lot of my anxiety symptoms I haven’t felt in a long time are starting to come back and it’s been making me depressed.

I’ve worked so hard to get my anxiety (GAD & PTSD) under control as I was having bad panic attacks all day every day during the end of the summer last year when I was seeking help from any doctor I could get to after being misdiagnosed and told my panics were from a thyroid issue and not true anxiety.

For months now I’ve been doing so much better from where I was. I was once so anxious I was too scared to leave the house for any reason at all and now I’ve applied for college and have been going on job interviews and now I’m second guessing all of that.

The heat is extremely triggering because my first panic attack was in the middle of the summer and I remember how scared and nauseated I was and how I felt too weak to even walk out of the store I was in at the time. I remember waiting in my car with the air conditioning not feeling any relief waiting for my mother to finish the shopping I had started. Wanting to peel out of everything I was wearing. I’m paraphrasing but it was a traumatic event in itself.

I haven’t found an antidepressant that works for me yet and haven’t felt myself needing it because I had made so much progress on my own and I have xanax for emergencies which I’ve only needed a few times a month if even that. And I’m going to return to therapy next week as I haven’t been able to afford it having to quit my job because of my panic attacks during the busy holiday season working at a large department store.

Now I feel like all that progress is reverting now that the summer is approaching again and I feel nauseated on and off and my heart races and I feel lightheaded and dizzy. I find it hard to eat or sleep or want to do anything like last year and I am so scared and I’ve been trying not to take any Xanax even though I’ve felt my symptoms returning but this heat/anxiety is really kicking me in the butt again and I don’t want to be a bother complaining to my friends and family about it again. I don’t want to have anxiety become my identity again as I have so many goals I’ve wanted to accomplish this year as I’ve had to cancel many things such as beach trips and concerts because I felt like I was losing my mind and I feel like that again and I’m so upset with myself. I just wish I could find comfort because even with air conditioning and fans. My frustration and anxiety are making me so hot, sweaty, nauseated and overall uncomfortable and even bloated. I’m getting help again soon but it’s so hard not to want to give up on being myself again. I’m so depressed and disappointed.

I was terrified of this happening again and here it is. How do I not beat myself up ?

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21 Replies


I’m overwhelmed and disappointed in myself that my panic attacks have returned. Frustrated that I won’t be able to have a normal life again after making progress for months.

hurtingheart1 profile image

Hi and sorry you're dealing with this I can relate to some of it for sure!! For 1 thing you seem like you are doing a lot of things right to help yourself and great you have goals and things you hope & wish for and that's very cool!! So yes stop being too hard on yourself and as far as heat goes -maybe try to think of things that are good about the heat-what can you do when it's hot that you can't do when it's soo cold? Swim, go to a beach, sip ice cool drinks with little umbrellas, use cute fun sunglasses and wear cute summer clothes, go to water parks and and even if you have hard time with some of these activities maybe just visualize yourself doing them and enjoying it having a good outcome could help?? just some thoughts I know it's tough I myself am working on it!! it's just s learning journey I feel like so try find your happy places- things that can cheer you up blogs, vlogs, pretty scenery photos, movies or music that relaxes you, try maybe some art or crafts or writing poetry?? See what works for you to release some of the pain, anxiety and stress?☺️🌻Hope this can help someone and just know you're not alone!!🌼

StereotypicalPisces profile image
StereotypicalPisces in reply to hurtingheart1

Thank you for the positivity. I really need it, maybe I’ll get into a good series or movie. ❤️

hurtingheart1 profile image

you're welcome but choose something posative and uplifting and beautiful maybe cute comedy or something not so dark!!☺️ I'm having bad day today myself 😔and not sure what I need?? but I thought maybe I can atleast to come on here and may try &help someone else feel better!!or be compassionate listening ear!

StereotypicalPisces profile image
StereotypicalPisces in reply to hurtingheart1

That’s very true, I’ve been meaning to start on something funny instead of crime shows lol. If you need to let anything off your chest I’ll definitely be here to listen. Just a bad day for me today in particular.

hurtingheart1 profile image

Thank you! yes it's just a lot people in my life that are thoughtless, others I know are real selfish at times and get on my last nerve!!! I try to get past it but I have terrible Pms wish makes my depression really come on and just feel like crying and it's like all the bad and sad is enhanced!!

hurtingheart1 profile image

It's just hard we need and want people in life friends loved ones and love them but they can drive us crazy- can't live with them can't live w/out them kinda thing!! Just trying to find my balance in life and joy and hold on to it🌼😬

StereotypicalPisces profile image
StereotypicalPisces in reply to hurtingheart1

I understand that 100% I can’t talk much about how I feel to any one because they truly don’t understand why I can’t just “get over it” and be normal but I definitely try to make the most of my good days. They can really make me feel awful sometimes

hurtingheart1 profile image

Sorry to hear you too!!! But yes I relate to people not getting it!!!!😣

I've never been typical- always an artist, terrible with time, emotional and sensitive but with strong desire to be creative and find the good in the world and see the beauty anyway I also love helping others but I get overwhelmed and drained a lot!!!!

StereotypicalPisces profile image
StereotypicalPisces in reply to hurtingheart1

I’m a creative person too, very sensitive and emotional. Can’t count the amount of times I’ve cried within the past week but I love music and I’ve been wanting to learn ceramics and painting, it gives me something to look forward to so I don’t feel like I’ve wasted my day feeling bad

hurtingheart1 profile image

Oh that's soo great!! yes arts are soo important to the world- they can bring a lot of joy and be inspiring to others!!☺️

Ginnie1 profile image

Want to a question, do you drink any caffeine at all? I noticed since I stopped drinking caffeine I have been doing better with my anxiety. I still have some with driving I need to work on but overall much better. I even stopped drinking decafe coffee. Oh and don't drink hot drinks in summer it will bring out more panic attacks. I learned that the hard way. That's when all my problems started. Last June being off balance, panic attacks and my anxiety. With driving I haven't drove in over 2 years and was told I would have a little anxiety from this. I still have yet got on any anxiety meds which should help. I agree they have been so bad I've thought the worse thoughts almost like I was gonna die..I am only 36. I Hope this helps a little.

StereotypicalPisces profile image
StereotypicalPisces in reply to Ginnie1

Ever now and again I will drink a soda but lately I’ve been drinking mainly water

Florida1959 profile image

You seem to be doing a lot right, Pisces, think you are being hard on yourself, maybe you need to deal with the memory of the first time it happened, I am having CBT at the moment, it’s really tough dealing with old stuff, but it’s helping me, xx

StereotypicalPisces profile image
StereotypicalPisces in reply to Florida1959

That’s the plan, I need to tackle the old memories so I can finally get over it

moonrising7 profile image

Hi, I too am often very hard on myself. Give yourself credit for what you have accomplished. You've demonstrated how strong and capable you can be.

Have you heard of grounding? I call them now thoughts. You ask yourself what's happening right now. Example: my cat is touching me with his tail, I hear the clock ticking, I hear birds tweeting, ect. It's a way to stay in the moment instead of the past. My anxiety has been tough this week, I understand.

Do you keep a journal. Writing has been helpful to me in the past.

I hope this helps.

Mishababy profile image

I remember when I was recovering from panic disorder, I was so certain to figure out what was causing the 24/7 anxiety, and it wasn’t anything health related, Or anything that I had did. I was finishing up my fall semester of college and had taken my last final when the sudden panic attacks begin. After numerous times in the ER and doctors, I was hospitalized for 3 days for an entire work up, given zombie meds (I felt tired all the time), and finally was sent home. It took months to recover but I was making huge progress. I celebrated the small victories and then my one year anniversary of when everything changed hit me, and I felt immense anxiety. I overcame the anxiety yet again with all of the useful techniques I had been practicing, reaching out to my support people, and reading about successful anxiety stories really helped me. Remember how far you’ve come. It’s ok to be scared, but you have overcame the worse possible outcome. Dig deep into your feelings and emotions, it will really help weed out the source of your anxiety. (((Hugs)))

dukenu profile image

If you got better once, you know you can get better again: you have the advantage that many don't, you know its possible to improve. Its understandable that you are feeling sick again, you associated the heat of summer with the panic you experience and it scared you. So now, just the sensation of heat is enough to remind you of the panic and send you into a tail spin, I know. I actually feel the same way around panic and issues I had started with the spring and my hay fever...every year around spring when my hay fever acts up, so does my anxiety! It sucks and Im not sure I have a great answer, but I know whats happening and at least I manage the symptoms better. Progressive muscle relaxation and CBT plus 5htp.

StereotypicalPisces profile image
StereotypicalPisces in reply to dukenu

That is very true. I am thankful to know what it feels to be normal again, even if it were for a few months. I’m glad someone understands.

cmeanonymous profile image

Me too. The summers in Florida are absolutely brutal on my anxiety. The heat is a nasty thing. I know people who get severely depressed in the winters because it gets dark earlier and it's cold. I'm the opposite. Give me the dark. Give me the cold. Give me rainy days. All of this makes living bearable because none of this makes me nauseous or dizzy.

StereotypicalPisces profile image
StereotypicalPisces in reply to cmeanonymous

I feel exactly the same, being in Georgia I live for the fall/winter

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