so here it is...... i didnt get the job...... i wasted a whole month waiting on a job and didnt get it... now im still stuck in this hell hole. im trying my best to not scream or break my work computer because my feelings are that hurt and im that angry. nothing ever goes my way.
i hate myself: so here it is...... i... - Anxiety and Depre...
i hate myself

Tyler calm down please. I know how upsetting it is not to get the job you want and it's happened to me a few times. It just means that someone else gave a better interview or had more of the experience required. For all you know you were 2nd choice. It's certainly no reason to hate yourself as you have done nothing wrong.
Kick your pillow or something or swear and yell and then when you have calmed down consider what you have learnt from this interview and work out how you will succeed next time. Coz you will succeed if you keep on trying you know. x
Sorry tylerjjjj....I totally get it...I'd be upset too....cry it out ..... drive in the car if you have one, turn up the radio and scream....punch out your pillow...get it all out till your exhausted...then give yourself a break....take a breath....something in the universe said this was not meant to be....and there is something better....yeah I know...I hate hearing that too....but it always pans out....your gonna get something better...don't give deserve to be beat that pillow up.....
I’m so sorry to hear that Tyler. Please do not hate yourself over this. This by no means estimates your worth. I’m sure you were probably anxiously waiting to receive good news from this place and I’m sorry to hear that it didn’t work out. Faux artist is right. Something else will come your way and it will be a better fit. Good luck.
I know how you feel. A few months ago I was going through something similar. I thought I had a job and I even was scheduled to go to job orientation and I had already quit my other job, leaving me completely jobless. Keep looking for something and apply at other places, I'm sure something is out there. Everything will work out when the time is right and there may be another job you will enjoy even more than the one you thought you would get. I am still applying for jobs. 3 months later, serving tables at a restaurant and living pretty broke which really sucks. I hope everything works out.
I like how someone said this was not meant to be. Even worse would be if someone had decided “Well I don’t think she’s a good fit but she’s the best interview we had soooo...” You’d be miserable in that job too. Stay patient, the universe conspires to put us where we need to be to comfortably grow and learn! Just believe that. ❤️
please don't be upset. somethings ate a blessing in disguise. something better will come along. just consider it practice for a better job interview. Don't give up.