Quitting smoking: A lot of ppl are... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Quitting smoking

lovedogs51511 profile image
β€’95 Replies

A lot of ppl are quitting smoking. I really want to sooooo bad!!! It is so bad on my lungs and health so quitting would be a dream. I keep praying to my Lord to help and He will I just have to be patient. He got me sober so hopefully I can quit cigarettes too. Helps me not eat as much and has a calming effect during anxiety attacks but for overall health is very,bad. My dad died from smoking. Very scary!!! Congrats to you all who quit smoking. Getting back on Chantix if I can. Was smoke free for 11 months. Gained 80 pounds tho. Now I'm overweight again and smoking. Ugh. Have the best day to everyoneπŸ˜€

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lovedogs51511 profile image
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95 Replies
Celtic27 profile image

Good luck kacey i hope you do it all rhe best my friend david

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Celtic27

Thanks David. I just can't quit until I get on Chantix plus my mom just bought me 3 cartons of cigarettes!!! I need Chantix to quit. Waiting on finding a Dr who Wil prescribe it. Soon very soon ill be able to quit!!! Thanks for the kind words David!!!!

Celtic27 profile image
Celtic27 in reply to lovedogs51511

I understand but the sooner you get started the better ! Regards the weight gain try something different what about patches or the vaporizers they are popular in europe! Best of luck my friend !

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Celtic27

I smoke just as,bad when on the patch. Its terrible. Thanks!!! Never heard of vaporizer here in U.S. What is that? Is it like the electric cigarettes we have here?? Wish I lived in the UK!!!

Celtic27 profile image
Celtic27 in reply to lovedogs51511

Sounds like the same thing couldnt believe the cost of that one you were talking about its i think $280+ is that for the course ?

Starrlight profile image

Best to you! You went 11 months that is so great! You can do it. I quit in 2015 and now trying to get my husband to quit.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

I can't quit until I get prescribed Chantix. But as soon as I do I'm quitting for good! Congrats on quitting!!! I'm hoping your husband quits for your sake!!! Wow I'm proud of you!!!

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

I bet your feeling fantastic starlight!!! Good going!!!!

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to lovedogs51511

Wow thanks. I kept quiting for others like when I was pregnant I quit but the last time I quit for myself. You sound very motivated and determined! You’ll do it I’m sure!

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

I'm glad you quit for you!! Your #1 Hope to join you in the smoke free world!! So many don't smoke anymore so I know it can done. Praying I can quit on Chantix!!!

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to lovedogs51511

Yes you will! :) I think my husband is going to try Zyban to help quit.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

Zyban I forgot about that one. Wonder if that works as good as Chantix?? Hope that works for your husband!!! I'm going to Google Zyban...

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to lovedogs51511

I guess each of us react a bit differently, hard to know which will work. He’s tried Chanticleer with bad side effects but that doesn’t mean you would of course.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

That's so true!! I checked if I could try Zyban but I have epilepsy so looks like I can't. Well Chantix is safe cause I took it for a few years which I'm not supposed to do!! Its supposed to be taken 12 weeks then you quit. I kept begging the doctor for more of it so they kept prescribing it. I told them I didn't want to die like my dad did. Still don't. I'm scared to pieces. So I've got to try it again and quit this time!!!

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to lovedogs51511

I can relate. So sorry about your dad! My husbands dad died of lung cancer. So sad. πŸ˜”

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

Oh I'm so sorry!! That's exactly what scares me. I've been smoking 30 years already. Its frightening. I'm just trying to keep in down to 10 cigarettes a day but no such luck to even do that. So quitting is very scary. Smoking isn't worth dying over either. Oh dear the addiction is so hard. Once I'm addicted to something its almost unbearable to quit. I'd still be drinking if God didn't help me quit!!!

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to lovedogs51511

It IS so hard but I know you can do it. You are so strong. One less cig a day is a good thing, I wonder if that would help to get started.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

Like right now drinking coffee its driving me to smoke but I just smoked one at 4 and 5 am. I will usually smoke half at a time so I satisfy the cravings but only smoke half which helps spread it over time. I haven't found a Dr yet here but I will really soon. If I can get Chantix again I'm praying to quit. I took Chantix for 3 years and my mom said I only quit 6 months. Sure seemed like longer!!! Quitting cold turkey is what I can't seem to do. Tried over and over again. Plus I smoked the whole time while on Chantix last time. I feel hopeless!!! Like one gal said its the last crutch I've got for dealing with stress. I sure don't feel strong. Cutting down is what ill have to do to quit. Like you said one less is better than smoking a pack a day. My poor mom just paid $150 for 3 cartons!!!! The price is horrific. What quitting would do in saving money is worth it!!

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to lovedogs51511

That’s smart to smoke halves. I’d done that too. You know you and if you need something to help and not go cold turkey there’s nothing wrong with that. Sounds like Chantix will help you since it helped before right? Oh yeah I wonder if you can switch from coffee to something else I know!!!!its tough but it goes so well with cigs so it might keep you smoking.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

Yea smoking halves is working great. I want one right now but telling myself only 10 a day. You don't need one!!! Do you mean smoking weed? I do need to check into it cause of my insomnia!! Would love that way more than smoking.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to lovedogs51511

Oh I didn’t mean weed but yes that would be better for you. Good job talking yourself through a craving!!!!!

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

Can I ask what you were meaning??? Lol I'm so curious now!!! Lol

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to lovedogs51511

Oh I just meant something in general, like using chantix to help and anything to help relieve stress...teas, supplements...right now I have started taking Ashwagandha which is a adaptation that eases stress and there are many other natural supplements out there. Passion flower, lemon balm, Java, valarium to name a few.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

Thanks ill try anything cause these 3 cartons my mom bought me costs $150 at the smoke shop. I'm hoping to quit cause my poor mom is helping right now until I start school in the fall. I feel just awful but she said its no problem. She really wants me to quit to but so do I. Ill look into those supplements. Thank you so much.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to lovedogs51511

Plus I smoked on the patch and 3 years on Chantix. I'm like what is my problem!! Everyone quits but I couldn't!! I feel lost. Somewhat hopeless but ill take everyone's advice for sure!! Only had 6 months smoke free when first trying Chantix. Hope this time I quit for good!!

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to lovedogs51511

6 months is awesome! You can do it but yeah it’s so hard. But the cravings come in waves so ride out the waves and then you get some breaks of not craving. I wonder what you could do physically to take the place of the cigarettes?

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Starrlight

Chew on toothpicks or do something using your hands you think? Hmmmm

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

Lol the whole 6 months I was overly craving cigarettes! Every time I saw someone smoking I kept telling my mom God I really need a cigarette!! Lol it was awful. I really wish I was addicted to exercise but its the only thing next to gambling,I'm not addicted to!! Lol. I've gone thru I can't count how many 2 lb bags of lifesavers I've gone thru even while smoking!!! Its mainly for dry mouth but I'd like it to work for not smoking too

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to lovedogs51511

Ha when I was quitting things started looking like a cigarette to me, like a stick outside or a pencil! Life savers are a good idea! Literally they could help save your life.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

Hi yeah your so right they do. Lol. Its so hard. I just had a cancer stick and it tastes awful and I couldn't finish it outside cause my anxiety went up cause everyone here is training for iron man etc. God I feel like a lost soul. I'm coughing and breathing is terrible. Only 8 today tho!! I have to go up 2 sets of stairs to get to my door plus a long set of stairs to my bedroom which is in a loft. Ugh!! Lol. That should be a reason to quit right there!!! I've got to get a couple of lifesavers to freshen the breath!!! Yuk....

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to lovedogs51511

Only 8 is great! Be proud!

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Starrlight

Thanks Its been tough but after reading these posts I really want to quit!!

Dubba61 profile image

Hello, if you quit booze then you can definitely quit the Cigs! I packed in 14 years ago. After a scary bout of pneumonia. I knew i had to. I put a few pounds on, but it's really not as unhealthy as Smoking. By all means try the Chantix, set a date n get some nibbles in. Dried fruit n nuts aren't too fattening n will help you feel full. Make sure you drink plenty of Water or low cal drinks. Sometimes we feel hungry when we are actually thirsty. Good luck 😊✌️🌻

CazO46 profile image

Well done, it's really tough but you CAN do this. Sending you love and positive support 😍

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to CazO46

Oh thanks for your kind words!!! Haven't quit yet have to wait for prescription Chantix. I'm a basket case trying to quit cold turkey!! Thanks for love and positive support. That is what I love about this site. Y'all are so wonderfulπŸ’πŸ˜€πŸ˜Ž

lovedogs51511 profile image

Thanks for the advice. Congrats on 14 years!!! Wow that so cool. Feeling great,I bet. Glad your ok now. Pneumonia is scary so glad your doing great. Ill try those things you suggested. Definitely drink gallons of water which I do every summer in the desert. Thanks again!!!

brightbronzexo profile image

I want to quit smoking too...i just hope I can actually GAIN weight! You are so lucky to be able to put on 80 pounds...im so underweight and with my anxiety I also have an eating disorder...so believe it or not I'm so jealous! Lol with or without smoking I can't gain any weight 😣. But as for quitting I heard chantix does work so try that again..good luck!

lovedogs51511 profile image

Thank you! Gaining weight is not fun. I wish I could be thin like you. Your the lucky one. Lol Ill trade ya!! I'm so sorry your dealing with an eating disorder. I've heard that super hard. I'm praying for you!! You can beat it I just know it!!! Don't give up!!

brightbronzexo profile image
brightbronzexo in reply to lovedogs51511

Thank you so much...im starting a meal plan and starting cyproheptadine for my appetite. I'm trying so hard! And I kno u can beat smoking plz update us on how the chantix works 😊

Hi All, wish you all the best, I stopped on a ecig, but I remember 10 years ago my ex was on champix, is that the same?

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to

Oh congrats that's so awesome!!! Chantix is what I was on and I think it is the same. Works but I still smoked but managed to get 11 months smoke free but gained so much weight. I'm so afraid ill gain if I quit. Being smoke free is worth it tho.

in reply to lovedogs51511

Hiya, I'm going thru posts here, n thinking answer ect, anyway nice to hear from you, I tell u one brilliant book too read is Allen Carr, he smoked 60 a day, you can smoke till chapter 2 or 3 it is brilliant, it makes you look at ugly cigs in a different light xx

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to

Wowee 60 a day!!! I know cigarettes are so nasty! Every time I smoke I just hate it!! The addiction to nicotine is just as bad as my sugar addiction. Sounds like a good book. Thanks so much!!!

in reply to lovedogs51511

Your welcome hun, let me know how u get on x

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to

Ok will do!!! Thanks again. Your the bestπŸ˜€πŸ˜€

hb_kenzie profile image

You can do it! I believe in you and I’m here if you need support!

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to hb_kenzie

Aww thank you so much!!! Your too kind!! I just might need that support. So scared of quitting!!!

hypercat54 profile image

Hi I managed to stop smoking after 44 years of heavy use but not until years after I had been diagnosed with copd. I had tried numerous times until I joined the Quit site on here and with the help of those amazing folk managed to pack it in 8 months ago now.

All those who want to stop I recommend you join the Quit site. x

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to hypercat54

Oh congrats!!! Be very proud of yourself! I am proud of you too. Very awesome!! Sorry to hear about your COPD. Will you be ok?? Thanks for the advice about the quit site! Ill look it up right now. Any advice is great so thank you!!

old-soul profile image
old-soul in reply to hypercat54

Well done. I too am very sorry to hear that COPD is a part of your life.

@ lovedogs, my experience suggests that if Miss Hypercat54 didn't stop, ". . . until years after (she) had been diagnosed with COPD," she will attest to the fact that COPD, once very far advanced, stays. Obviously it levels off and symptoms lessen slightly once an advanced disease sufferer is able to stop smoking, but in my experience, there is never a full recovery from COPD once it is very far advanced.

Those that I know that have it are very pleased with any patient improvement they are lucky enough to have.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to old-soul

Quite right old-soul. I was lucky though in the 9 years after after I was diagnosed with copd I stayed mild and still am despite smoking all those years.

Copd is a progressive disease but by not smoking and leading a healthy lifestyle you will very likely stay stable for many years or only progress slightly. You can improve your lung function by exercise etc. but the damage to your lungs is done and can never get better. Much depends on what stage you are diagnosed.

Mine was picked up early but others I know weren't diagnosed until they were severe and that can be life limiting and your quality of life will not be good. At my level I never expect to get anywhere near that stage and something else ie old age will get me first!

Around half of smokers will get a related lung problem and 1 in 4 will actually get copd. This is short for chronic obstructive pulmunary disease and is the umbrella term for emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Anyone who smokes is very wise to try and pack it in before it damages them. It can also mask or cause even indirectly other health problems such as heart and cancer. It can also affect your thyroid as I have found out.

Join the quit site on here as they are great. x

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to hypercat54

Thank you so much too hypercat54!! I'm very scared of these things so I'm going to keep reading these posts over and over to help say no to disgusting cigarettes!!! They are extremely dangerous!! Knowing that I can't wait to quit for good!!! Thanks!!!

old-soul profile image
old-soul in reply to lovedogs51511

One of the things suggested in the Easy Way method that may help rigjt away is, before you light the next cigarette, take a moment to examime "What are my actual withdrawal symptoms right now." In almost every case, it is simply a sort of jittery or uneasy feeling lime something is missing.

When you do finally stop, each time that crops up and you remember that is a little withdrawal pang that is going to get less and less the more the nicotine leaves your body completely, you have felt that nasty little nicotine monster another mortal blow, just for ignoring that sort of empty, something's missing," feeling.

There is a lot of really re-opening ways to look at smoking for what it really is, and the truth is, people who don't smoke cigarettes don't HAVE those uneasy withdrawal feelings, because they do 't smoke the cigarettes that cause them.

It's so simple, because It's just the truth, not a personal or moral judge meby.

Millions of people have stopped the smoking cycle and are happy about it. Why not you, right? πŸ‘

And you're right, they do taste awful. That's how we get hooked on the first place. When we smoke the first one, It's so awful we think there is no WAY we could ever actually make our lives revolve around them. We think, "It looks cool, or sophisticated," or whatever but are certain that when It's no longer the "in thing" it will be NO TROUBLE getting AWAY FROM THOSE NASTY THINGS. And so it begins.

I bet you'd never have believed when you smoked your 1st cigarette that you'd still be doing so all these years later. Now you are PRAYING to be able to escape the nicotine trap. Praying is also a very good plan. I hope your prayers are answered VERY SOON, and that you feel happy about it RIGHT AWAY.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to old-soul

Wow thank you I'm going to keep re reading these posts all thru the day like today. What you say makes sense. Your right I never thought giving into that peer pressure at 15 that I'd still be smoking! Never cause as ya know that first one is beyond disgusting but had to be cool like everybody else that day. Dammit. God I feel stupid for falling for that garbage!! The same night I tried drinking and well ya know what happened! Darn it! Oh well I hope to quit this disgusting habit. I'm really ready but scared to pieces!

old-soul profile image
old-soul in reply to lovedogs51511

This is all nust stuff from Easy Way, not my own philosophy. He actually notes in the book that one of the people he worked with early on said, "I wish this were all written down so I could just re-read it any time I needed to." That's when Carr actually QUOT HIS JOB as a chartered accountant, and wrote the book.

Your words say EXACTLY why he also says, "Once you've stopped, don't give the book away. You may wish to re-read something some day down the road."

I don't buy it FOR people either. If someone pays for it with their own money, they are far more likely to read it. If I just give them the book, and they don't have any investment, It's easy to nust blow off. Further, if they're not willing to spend $15 or $20 on a new book, or even <$10 for a used copy, they aren't ready anyhow. I'd just be making a nuisance of myself.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to old-soul

Lol yeah I see what ya mean. It definitely sounds like the book is more than worth the price!! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ™πŸ™ I'm going to beg my mom to get one since she's helping for a bit before I go back to school for CNA training. Like you said I'd definitely keep it forever if I get it. I looked online and there's actually one for women to quit smoking without gaining the weight! Not sure which one to buy. I'm sure the basics of quitting smoking will be in all his many books. Thanks.

old-soul profile image
old-soul in reply to lovedogs51511

Easy Way, hands down. When you try to make something into a be all and do all tool, generally it doesn't work as well for any of the things it claims to work on.

Weight gain is caused by using substitutes for smoking, and the point is, if you follow the instructions, you honestly won't need to pickup one crutch to replace another.

You can pick up a used, hard cover copy from Amazon, EBay or about 20 different online book stores for under $10.00. The original "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" outsold Harry Potter for many years. Other "Stop Smoking" books, including the ones Penguin Publishing asked Carr to write never came anywhere close to those kinds of sales numbers. It's little wonder why.

His original book sold so well and was so highly recommended, they got him writing books on everything under the sun before he died. They didn't do nearly as well though, because they did not have millions of people absolutely raving ablut their successes with all the other stuff.

Don't go to the hardware store looking to buy a loaf of bread. ;)

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to old-soul

Ok ill stick with the original book for sure! Thanks old soul!! Ill get it as soon as I can afford to or if my mom can get it!!! Sounds exciting to readπŸ˜€

old-soul profile image
old-soul in reply to lovedogs51511

Like I mentioned in pm, call the library and see if they have it or can get it at yohr local branch. Then you can even preview it for free, and just grab a copy whenever you can. I knkw your not made of money. Neither am I. But you COULD also call around to the Salvation army, Goodwill and other thrift stores and see if they have a copy. It couldn't hurt, and if they do, you'd probably lock it up for like $1.00 or less. {Shrug}

Thunk about what you'd do for a cigarette if you suddenly found yourself with none. Heh.

I do hope and pray you stay driven, and most importantly EXCITED about the prospect of actually enjoying quitting. One of the BIGGEST benifits of the Easy Way method, in my opinion, is that you don't necessarily have to have a support group, or a pact with a bunch of other people or anything else taking credit for your success. You read the instructions, get all the lies about tobacco addiction SPECIFICALLY straightened out BEFORE you even attempt to stop, and that's all YOUR effort, a d therefore YOUR success and no-one else's.

You obviously have an AWESOME relationship with God, and I that will NOT harm your effort a single little bit.

Like I said, just before you are due to smoke the next cigarette according to your cut down to 10 a day plan, (something talked about pretty extensively it the book), sit and say a prayer for peace, settle and ce yet yourself, and spend two or three minutes asking yourself what the withdrawal actually feels like.

Are you in physical pain? Nope. You are most likely just feel I v a sort of empty, I secure kind of feeling like something is missing. You may even notice that once you identify what is really going on inside of you, you actually kinda don't even feel as desperate to smoke. I know that's how I felt when I did that experiment, as suggested in the book. ;)

You just gotta read it to believe it. Obviously I didn't memorize the whole book word for word. You don't have to. The point is, just like the thing I was saying about never having imagined you'd be smoking this long when you tried the 1st one and it was awful, (taken right from the book), as you read along there are TONS of awesome fact a that make you say, "holy smokes, THAT'S 100%TRUE! I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT LIKE THAT!"

And also like you said you can always re-read parts of it whenever you feel a bit shaky once you've stopped. So simple, and it really DOES make stopping EASY, if you simply follow the instructions.

He actually WARNS AGAINST cutting down before quitting, because all that does, in reality, is makes it take WAY longer to stop having withdrawals, because you keep pitting fresh nicotine into your blood-stream, CAUSING an increase it the withdrawal each time.

Over time, when you don't pit nicotine into your system, the withdrawal get LESS, not MORE. What you are doing right now is causing you to suffer peek withdrawal effects every time you strech it out between cigarettes, re-supplying yourself with fresh nicotine, and then going for as much fresh, new withdrawal before lighting the next cigarette and getting a full dose of the drug you are trying to stop using, and each time, that cigarette is SO PRECIOUS.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to old-soul

Oh yea that's definitely true about the cutting down part! But what's the hardest is after not smoking I end up smoking non stop in the mornings after waking up. I know what your saying about if I quit the withdrawals will get easier. I only had quit 6 months according to my mother not 11 months. But I ended up taking Chantix for 3 years years and started smoking on it. I feel like a lost soul. The patch made me smoke when I wore it. All of which is just terrible!! So ill check those places here in southern utah to see if I can get the book. I really need to try it. I'm desperate!!!

old-soul profile image
old-soul in reply to lovedogs51511

Have you ever heard someone say they were blessed by the "Gift Of Desperation?" That could be a cool acronym. Hmm, G.O.D.

You know that footprints poem? You know, ". . . the places where there are only one set of footprints are where I carried you . . ." There is actually one last line to that poem most people don't know. It's the part where the Lord tells the guy, " . . . and that long groove is where I had to drag you kicking and screaming for a bit." lol

metalminded profile image

Best of luck Kacey!

I loved smoking, but had to quit because of my kidney disease.

I could only take a half a pill a day, again because of the kidney disease.

It worked though. It's been 7 years.

With the price of cigarettes today, and my health, I'm glad I stopped!

I'm sure you can do it!!

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to metalminded

Oh dear will you be ok Leigh?? I'm praying you will be. Ill keep you in my prayers ok. Congrats on 7 years without smoking!! You probably feel good I know my stepdad does. He wishes I'd quit to. It was my dad who died of smoking. But my stepdad quit thru being hypnotized. He was smoking 3 packs a day!!! I'm about a pack a day. I'm trying right now to smoke only 10 cigarettes a day but no luck even doing that. Ugh. I'm so proud of you dear friend!!!! We both have 7 years! Me off drinking and you smoke free!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ I will keep you in my prayers that you'll be ok!!!

metalminded profile image
metalminded in reply to lovedogs51511

Thank you Kacey! I hope I will be too! I've been pretty down lately, it comes over me like a wave. I get so blue and depressed and just wish I'd die. I'm upset with all parts of my life. I find I'm not enjoying things I used to.

Back on the topic though, hypnosis might be a thought as well. My Uncle did it years ago and like your Stepdad, he was smoking 4 packs a day!! I don't know how easy it is to find a real one though. My wife dragged me to a meeting to quit smoking and it was one of those in a hotel and it was all bullshit.

I have one piece of advice though, you must really truly WANT to quit. If you really don't, you will not succeed.

I'll keep you in my thoughts too. I wish you strength to quit the bad habit!!


lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to metalminded

Leigh your a very sweet and caring person!! I mean that with my whole ❀. Please talk to me if your feeling low. I've been there for 40 years. I know that having ppl that care about us helps us pull thru the pain. What's got you feeling so low??? I'm here so please lets talk thru this!!! Your friend, Kacey

metalminded profile image
metalminded in reply to lovedogs51511

Thank you Kacey! It's so many things. My BDD issue that I've messaged you about, always rears it's head and bothers me. I have issues with my family (wife & son), I'm kind of trapped where I'm at because of my chronic illness and money. I feel like I've lost myself and don't know where to go or what to do.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to metalminded

Oh my dear Leigh!!! I will keep you in my prayers for God to keep your health ok!! I see that its chronic but hopefully God will protect you from getting any worse. I'm also fighting that damn BDD issue too. I'm with you on that one hun. Its a bugger isn't it. I try my hardest to go for a walk in the morning but I get so freaked out about the damage from smoking on my face that I rush back home and hide in my place!! I'm so humiliated every minute of the day! I look in mirrors I guess hoping I don't see it but when I see it I want to die!! I remember what yours was and I'm sorry your still suffering too. Its the pits. I also have severe money problems. On disability which doesn't cover rent here! My folks are paying for me to have this phone. Ugh. What does your wife or son say? Are they supportive of you during your tough time? I really hope so for your sake!!

metalminded profile image
metalminded in reply to lovedogs51511

Hi Kacey. Thank you very much!!

Yes, BDD is terrible and I hate dwelling on it so much. I know when I see others and notice the difference and don't see any that look more like me, it literally tears me apart.

I came home last night and was very upset with what got down around the house, which was nothing. I don't recall if I explained the situation at home to you, but I know I've posted here about it.

Let's just say my wife has had a lot of downtime since December 2016 and nothing is getting done around the house, and it drives me mad.

Do they support me? I don't know, my wife does on my BDD issue, which is one reason why it kills me, what if it turns out that we need to separate? Are others going to be ok with it? That thought comes to mind a lot!! But part of my stress and depression, like you, is money. My wife had filed bankruptcy just before we met. Her Mom hadn't worked in a long time and because of her back, was trying to get on disability, so she had said she was the only one paying for everything. Though I believe that, the amount of bills she had blew me away when I finally saw it. She's really good at spending money, not just a few bucks either, she might spend $100+ on clothes at a time. Yet I keep telling her we're far enough in debt that we need to watch our spending.

I try to be more mindful, and my really only vice is buying music. I don't go to bars, I don't smoke, I don't buy a lot of clothes-and usually only on sale.

That and the way I feel everyday physically drained, and emotionally exhausted.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to metalminded

Oh dear I just lost a long message I wrote!!! Dang it. Brb hands cramping....

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to lovedogs51511

Dammit to hell I'm looking for my long message once again but lost it AGAIN!! I give up I'm not going to send another long one! I'm sorry. I'm with ya on the BDD thing. I keep trying to figure it out but it just won't go away. I think its the negative self talk and eventually we think that's what other ppl think of us too. I'm sorry she's spending so much money on clothes. I don't get shopping cause I can't stand it myself! I only have a couple of shorts and tank tops that I wear each summer. Same flip flops all year!! Sorry stuff is hard for you right now but you have a friend who really understands and you can talk to me anytime! I can always relate so sharing our hard times can maybe get us thru them easier. Hope your having a good day. God blessπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ’πŸ’πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to metalminded

Hi Leigh!! I also count the pennies cause I'm so broke. I'm on disability. Doesn't even cover rent! My poor mom pays for power, tv, food and anything else that needs paid until I go back to CNA classes in the fall. This phone is been paid for by them too!! I'm a total burden and I hate it. So yeah I understand being broke 24 7!

As a woman I hate shopping. I only wear a couple tank tops, 2 pair of shorts and same flip flops all summer long. So I wish your wife wasn't spending so much money on clothes. I don't understand why women shop so much cause I just hate it.

As far as BDD I guess its in our head. That's what I keep hearing from ppl. I say sorry to ppl or family for my looking like a freak or monster but maybe its just our negative self talk. We keep saying these horrible things to our selves that we believe others think that too. I'm not sure why we do this. I've been trying to figure this one out for a long long time like you. I know how you feel. Its just awful!!

metalminded profile image
metalminded in reply to lovedogs51511

Hi Kacey!

Thank you for your reply! I understand if we have something to do and she wants to get something new, that's fine, but it's too often and too much $$

That's very similar to what my psychologist would say when we talked about my BDD. I know it's negative, but I think that I have good cause for concern, and could be really driven to a dark, bad place if I was ridiculed about it, which you knowing the situation can imagine. I try to be positive, or better yet, not even think about it. Usually when I'm feeling down about everything else, that just naturally falls into place.

I think it's great you will be going back to school to be a CNA, a very noble professional, healthcare. Being in the hospital so often and being taken care of by so many nurses and CNAs, they were all so awesome and treated me like someone they genuinely cared about.

Patricia7048 profile image

Well.done! If you stopped once you can stop for good. I stopped 2 years ago and nothing could tempt me to go back to that bad smelly stuff!!

I smoked for more thsn 40 years and now my health is bad. I stopped too late and had 2 heart attacks and thats the tip of the iceberg. Whrn I look around at people I know my age or older, thr healthy ones are those who never smoked! They make me look and feel like 100 yrs old!!! Theyre running for a bus and I cant walk to the bus stop. Look around at older people you know. Please let it be your inspiration to never touch tobacco again!! As for something to do, I have a tiny plastic ice lolly moild for 4 lollies. I fill it with something low calorie like cranberry juice and that satisfies my hands and my mouth!! With God's help, anything is possible. Wish you all the best x

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Patricia7048

Wow thank you dear!!! Congrats on 2 years!!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ I'm only cutting down to 10 a day but having hard time doing that. I too have smoked now 30 years!! I hope to quit on Chantix if I can get it here in Utah!! My mom said I only quit for 6 months not 11. It felt like years but I guess it was only 6 months!!! I as well can't walk very far. Its just terrible!!! I totally know what you mean about it making you look like 100 years old. My hands are covered in wrinkles, mouth skin is saggy and have wrinkles on half of my upper lip!!! God I wish I could go back and never of started. I looked good before. I hate mirrors and my new place is full of huge mirrors!! Go figure lol. I feel like I'm scary to look at so I'm always housebound!! When I go for walks I get soooo much anxiety on looking so bad I come home. The pic I have on this site is ok only cause of tanning a bit and smiling so you can't see the sagging. Trust me the sagging is getting worse as I lose weight. Its two days on each side. Unbelievable!!! So I truly know that feeling of feeling like your 100!! I tell everyone I look 150 years old and apologize for being ugly. Lol. Thank you so much. Really proud of you!! You go girl!##πŸ˜€πŸ˜ŽπŸ’

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to lovedogs51511

Oh I forgot ill definitely try those ice lollies such a great idea!!! Thank again for great advice!!

AnxietyHell profile image

Hi, I would really love to stop smoking too! Also for my health, I lost my Gran to lung cancer so I'm also scared of the effect it's having on my health! Congratulations on staying sober!! I can relate as I've been clean of heroin for 11 years, so smoking is my last hurdle. But, don't you think it makes it harder because I feel smoking is the one thing i have left to help me through stressful situations......I'd like to know if anyone else feels this way?? I still want to try but scared of failing. Since being clean I've put on abit of extra weight too, so I'm also worried about putting on even more weight if I were to stop. Has anyone got any helpful advice for us?? We'll done again on staying sober, at least we both know we do have the strength to do this......it's just a little push in the right direction and alot of helpful advice etc.

Have a great day everyone!!

Thanks in advance for any help and advice xx

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to AnxietyHell

Omg we are so alike!!! What you wrote is exactly what I'm going thru too. My last crutch is smoking. Absolutely 100 percent with you on this one. Wow I'm soooo proud of you for being able to quit heroin!!!! I can't explain how proud I am that,you were able to quit the hardest drug out there. I tried it but thank God my friend said I'm not giving you the 3rd shot,or you'll get addicted. Boy am I thankful. I was addicted to alcohol the most but quit smoking crack and meth. Got to where I was shooting cocaine and meth towards the end. Was on those for over 20 years!! So yes I know that this is our last thing that helps with stressful situations!! Oh I'm so grateful you wrote to me. We are both scared to quit due to failing but scared to keep smoking. Thanks for that wonderful message I don't feel alone now!! Hopefully we can help each other thru this!!! Message me anytime ok. Thanks again and a BIG CONGRATS ON BEING SOBER 11 YEARS! Your awesome!!!

AnxietyHell profile image
AnxietyHell in reply to lovedogs51511

1st of all, thank you for your reply. I was on heroin for 16 years, the last few I started injecting too. When I look back I don't know how I managed to get through it all. I don't know many people who are as lucky as me. In the end I realised no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't do it for my family etc I had to want to do it for myself. My parents never once turned their back on me so with their help I eventually managed to get clean....for me! I'm soooo glad our stories are much the same, it just shows that there can be light at the end of the tunnel! We are living proof! I am so proud of you and happy for you that you also found a way out. Just shows how strong you can be when you want to so when you decide to stop smoking I'm sure you will smash it! As you have done with everything else, I hope you are proud of how strong you are. It's just this last little hurdle for us now. I think I have a feeling this will be our toughest battle yet, it's our only crutch we have left......quite scary lol. Please keep me updated on how you get on and when I'm ready to pick a date I'll keep you posted on how I get on. We really are so alike, it's nice to find someone who is so similar so can totally relate to this one last struggle. Honestly, very well done on ALL YOUR hard work. We are survivors!! Huge hugs and lots of luck to you......not that you'll need it! ;) :) xxx

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to AnxietyHell

Oh your so kind!! Thanks for replying. Wow your stronger,than I for quitting heroin. I heard it's the worst to quit. So many ppl never can find the strength to do what,you did. So good going! We are alike even more cause as well cause my whole family never gave up hope especially my poor mom. I've apologized over and over cause I just feel so bad on how I treated all of them during addiction. Thank goodness we have great families!!! Amen to that!! Praying we can give this last crutch up. Its not worth dying over is it? Gosh no!! I'm very scared of the weight gain. Went from 150 to 235 lbs! Just lost 20 only cause of smoking instead of eating. Oh I'm terrified!!!

LoveLe profile image

I know how hard it is. I use to be a social smoker and only smoked when I was drinking, however after a bery traumatic time in my life I smoked on a daily basis. I decided 2 days ago that with strenght from above I will overcome this too. I am on day 3, no meds only will power and must admit it's hard not to have 2 smokes in the morning (that's like the 1st thing I did). But best of luck and I hope you quit soon. Im still in the early days. O swopped smoking for coffee.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to LoveLe

I hope you can do it!! I'm saying my prayers for you!! You have will power. If you have that you will quit. They taste so bad trust me you'll be glad you quit. I smoke a pack a day and I can never quit. I'm as well hoping the power above will assist me in quitting!! We can do this!!!

Centerforkids profile image

Try a top Clinical Hypnotherapist.

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Centerforkids

My stepdad quit that way. I've tried the relaxing for a therapist and was so full of anxiety I had to quit that. Ill definitely think about it!! Thanks.

peacewmyself profile image

Good for you....just work on finding a replacement behavior...chewing gum??? Idk not a smoker but I’m sure you can do it!!!!

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to peacewmyself

Oh I really hope your right!! Hope to at least be quit for good by the summer!!! Just trying to cut down to 10 a day. Thanks!!

gemfire profile image

You've already proven you can quit one bad habit so you know you can quit another! Congratulations on quitting the alcohol, that's HUGE! I quit smoking 485 days ago :) On New Years Eve, when the ball dropped, I slapped a nicotine patch on my arm and haven't smoked since. 30+ year habit :( Personally I don't think I could've quit without several things. The patch, something to help with the extra anxiety (in my case an extra dose of .5mg of Klonopin per day), Dum Dum lollipops believe it or not LOL...it helped because of the stick and gives you something to do with your hands that is similar to a cigarette. Lastly, the QuitNow App which tells me that it's been 485 days, how many cigarettes I haven't smoked (shockingly at 2 packs a day, that figure is now 19,416 cigarettes I haven't smoked), how much $ you save and there's a whole community of people that you can chat live with. There's also a "quit smoking" community here at this site too. I have gained 25 pounds but now that the weather is nicer here in NY, I'm working on losing it. Good Luck!!!

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to gemfire

Wow congrats on being smoke free that's a huge accomplishment!! You go girl!!! That's so wonderful. Yea I've smoked exactly 30 years too. Isn't it just awful! To be smoke free would be fantastic. The money you save like you said. Unfortunately I smoked even worse while wearing the patch. I quit for a short time on Chantix. But then smoked even while taking that for 3 years! I'm so lost. I feel like what's my problem. Everybody,is quitting but I'm still here smoking!! I also was on klonopin a few times up to 4 mg a day. I ended up abusing them big time. Had to stop due to that but oh boy were the withdrawals horrible! Thanks for the advice cause all of it helps tremendously!! Hoping for the best!!!

old-soul profile image

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking, by Allen Carr is rarely mentioned, and if it is, rarely more than once.

Name brand chemical solutions and nicotine SUPPLEMENTS including vaporization is over talked about a great deal more, yet those that stop smoking using this simple book or at the "Easy Way" clinics world-wide have much higher success rates, including many years after they have successfully stopped smoking, and those just starting out are FAR HAPPIER by their own accounts.

How much do government regulated nicotine patches cost these days? I knkw there have been major political battles over how to regulate and cash in in the newest gimmick, nicotine vaporisors with cool flavors, colors, electronic gadgets and "full, medium or mild" tailoring just lime cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco offer.

Hmmmm, how much does the book cost, and how much money does it fork over to government, pharmacudical and health care industrialists? Yeah. I said that! Lol

gemfire profile image
gemfire in reply to old-soul

GREAT book! I read that when I quit. The "little monster" is always there even now after 485 days. I think it always will be but I just have to accept it. The nicotine patch helped me a lot actually. I used them as instructed to gradually reduce the nicotine in my system while I was working on the actual habit itself. It's the hardest thing I've ever done. It's ultimately a personal journey that depends on so many things that what works for one might not work for someone else BUT using all the tools in the shed will give you a better chance of success.

Vonnah profile image

You go girl. You can do anything you put your mind to!!!! You see all these people who care about you!!!!!!❀ you are a good person and we all want you to stop smoking for your health!!!! My mom used to smoke before i was born and she stopped so i know you can do the same!!!!!!β€πŸ˜„ just take it day by day and you can achieve this!πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Vonnah

Vonnah your the sweetest!!πŸ˜€ Yeah I just love everyone's advice its so wonderful and the support on this site is beyond fantastic!!! Hugs Vonnah!!!πŸ˜€ I'm so happy your mom quit. Hope her health is great now! Your the best girl!!πŸ’πŸ˜€πŸ˜Ž

Vonnah profile image
Vonnah in reply to lovedogs51511


Vonnah profile image
Vonnah in reply to lovedogs51511

We love you and support you and we care!!!!!

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to Vonnah

Omg Vonnah we all love you too and care about you too!! Oh it's soooo good to hear from you and you sound like your doing So good!!! Are you feeling good still? Your a dear friend if that's ok? Thank you for those sweet words!! Warmed my ❀!!!

Vonnah profile image
Vonnah in reply to lovedogs51511

I'm hanging in there. You know the usual....but i just got to the movies! So hopefully that is good for me today.

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