I was married 40 years. I've been a go getter, an (over) achiever, a decision maker all of my life. I knew that no matter what the world brought, I had my husband as my rock. Together we could conquer the world, we were a team, we were invincible. Even at his death bed, I felt like that. When he died, my sails deflated, I developed severe, disabling anxiety, and a friend told me today, I was deeply depressed. I have panic attacks, always anxious, and can't get in gear to save my soul.
I am afraid of dying (my grandmother died of a heart attack at 64, I am 62, I was a professional, but can't find a job I am able to stick with. I need to find the old me, but I think he took me with him, my heart, my strength, my spirit. How can I find myself?