greeting card just for you. - Anxiety and Depre...

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greeting card just for you.

25 Replies

I read over this site's Terms of Use & Community Guidelines & I think it's okay to go ahead with this post. Even so, it's not exactly clear to me how to word everything, but that's okay too.

Hopefully you can see that I truly care about what you're all going through. Not that I have details on any of you, but the things you post on here show how you're suffering,

Just so you know, though, you can always talk to God. Whether you call it prayer or conversation, or whatever, He'll listen to you & there's absolutely no fear that you'd ever be ignored or unloved by Him. We're not alone for one second, even tho I know it feels lonely. I feel that too, which was a big reason i started making greeting cards for homebound & other people. Whenever I've focused on myself a lot, it's brought me down every time. What helps me more than anything is to focus on other people & their needs.

Jesus knows suffering, you know, His Father sent Him here (Jesus is fully God and fully human) to give His life for you, & there's no way Jesus would be nailed to the Cross for our sins and then disregard our prayers & pain.

I'm not sure that everyone here realizes how precious you are, and how loved you are. And whether you FEEL loved or worthwhile has no real bearing on the fact that you ARE cherished & loved & worth more than it's possible to explain --- our human feelings are misleading & they change so frequently, but the love God has for us stays the same.

So I just wanted to encourage you all -- it's okay if you can't handle life on your own, because God never meant for us to. That's why He's right here (with me as I write this and with you as you read.) The weaker we are, the more we let Him direct His strength through us.

So, your pain is clear, and I frankly can't understand your pain personally --- but Jesus gets it completely.

I do love you all in Christ & I care about what you're going through, and I'm lifting you all up to God in Jesus' name.

<3 :)

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength - Philippians 4:13

25 Replies
Starrlight profile image

I love Psalms and that verse is so nice. I was raised Catholic, became a Muslim and right now am simply praying to God, talking to Him from my heart, asking for guidance.

When we focus on helping others instead of focus much on ourselves and our problems I think you are right, it does help us. And we all need help with things sometimes and it does not mean we are weak.

What medium did you use to create this card? Just curious as it is beautiful.

in reply to Starrlight

Hello Starrlight!

Oops! I apologize sincerely regarding the part about being weak. <3 I just meant that there are times when we aren't as strong, & God's always here to help. Forgive me if what I said felt....rude? :) I don't know! :P Anyway, thank you for your reply! I hope you're feeling all right today friend. O! and I used watercolor on this card. That & a white paint pen when the watercolor dried.

Today here it's raining & so cozy. . . My best to you Starrlight, & hugs & peace!!!!! :D

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

Oh nooo I’m so sorry. I didn’t take offense sorry it sounded that way. I actually like what you said because I sometimes feel bad and hard to admit when I feel weak but I guess it’s okay to be weak sometimes especially if He can direct His strength through us.

Thanks Im hanging in there somehow. I love rain too. We should be getting some tomorrow. I hope you are well today my friend! 💕 peace and love to you!

in reply to Starrlight

Awwwe! It's fine, Starrlight!! No harm done and yeah, it's a good day for me --- pm me anytime if you need to chat or just want to say HI thru the old PM!

Love & Hugs to you! xxoo

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

Beautiful, I’m glad it’s a good day for you. I will pm ya!

bridder01 profile image

Nice card Artist! I'm not religious but I definitely respect your view and I am extremely glad to know you! Keep sharing and never be afraid to share your views 😀

A friend,

Brian ☺

in reply to bridder01

Hey Brian, I respect that you have different views. That's you, & who you are. :) You seem great, & I'm happy to have met you here as well! Hope you are feeling all right today B. xx :D

bridder01 profile image
bridder01 in reply to

Hanging in there. The sun's out here. lol But it's ok, I'm just glad the cold weather has finally left lol

in reply to bridder01

Bahaha!! Yeah, it's trying (so it seems) to warm up here. Before long I will complain that it's too hot.

I'm very glad you're hangin' in there !!!! Keep doing that. :D

bridder01 profile image
bridder01 in reply to

Feel free to message me anytime you like :)

Sillysausage234 profile image

Thanks for posting great artwork,I do struggle with religion although lately I’ve been suffering badly and have said prayers only in desperation,but haven’t had answers of yet.

in reply to Sillysausage234

Hi Alan! :) :)

I don't like to hear that you're suffering badly lately :( I actually struggle with praying, i get so distracted & I mean, there are so many people to pray for & situations ---- I wonder sometimes if I'm "praying right" ??????? -- don't you give up though, I don't want to give up either. :) <3 <3 <3 Hang in there. x

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

Hiya,and thanks I’ve lost hope with medication,I live next door to a really old church built in1600 and have a key so it’s a lovely place to go very arty anyway been having a pray but really I’m asking for a miracle I just say hello is anyone there😊and if so can you give me a pain free life back?but I don’t think it works like that,I walk round the churchyard some nights looking for ghosts but never see any so I am sceptical and religion as such causes so much trouble around the world it’s like politics crazy world we live in ,I do love art though so will be watching for more of your pictures x

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Sillysausage234

Excuse my ignorance and don’t laugh what’s an art blog?

in reply to Sillysausage234

Awwe, Al, you're okay to ask that!! My art blog is where I've posted my drawings & poems. I don't think the web address linked on my profile pg. here but I will try it in this message.


Hope that works!!! xx

in reply to Sillysausage234

Hi pal, I think that's wonderful that you live next to a lovely church & have a key. That's pretty cool. :D Very cool!! When you pray God DOES answer, but His answer is sometimes "no," or "not right now," or "I have something better in mind for you." <3 Frustrating tho, when you want to be out of pain or have relief.

I agree that there's so much trouble all over the world due to so many things. Try hard not to lose hope, Alan. :D xx


Sillysausage234 profile image

My problem is I need a few days confession before the big man will entertain any of my prayers 😊

in reply to Sillysausage234

:) Understood.

<3 Praying for you Alan. :)

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

Thanks for praying 😊

in reply to Sillysausage234

You're welcome! <3

Sillysausage234 profile image

Really good I’m drawn to the Jayne davenport stuff,I haven’t read your poems yet but to be be honest poetry is not my strong point roses are red violets are blue sort of thing😊I will read through them tomorrow

in reply to Sillysausage234

Bahahaaaa! Yeah, many folks don't go for poetry too much. It's okay! Thank you for having a look, Alan!! :) <3

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

Done a post to show you the church👍

Thank you for this!

in reply to

You're welcome Jen!! xx <3

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