I am feeling so ashamed and angry. ("angry and ashamed" makes me think of that TV show "Naked and Afraid". hahaha) I'm unemployed, had a number of job interviews over the past several years, but no job offers. Maybe I sabotage myself during the interview; how can I sell myself as the best one for the job when I feel like I'm such a loser? So I am a financial burden on my family and I feel ashamed about it. And I can only see how I failed my husband and my children, I don't see that I've done any good. So I feel ashamed.
I also feel angry. How many times do people say, "If you would just blah blah blah..." or "you only need to ___"--fill in the blank. What, try harder? Don't feel that way? Stop being so critical? And on and on. Well, gee, thanks a lot, I never would have thought of that if you hadn't brought it up. What exactly do you think I've been doing all these years? Growing up I was told that if I was nice, if I followed the Golden Rule, if I cared for others, if I studied hard, got good grades, worked hard, etc., I would be rewarded with a loving family and friends and a good career. This didn't happen, so all these people have lied to me over the years, and I'm angry about it! But maybe it's all my fault, maybe I didn't do enough, wasn't enough, squandered all that was given to me? So, right back to being ashamed. Then angry. Then ashamed. Then hopeless.
I did read that it will help if a person changes his/her language. Instead of saying, "I AM angry, I AM afraid", etc. say instead "I FEEL angry, I FEEL afraid". You are not your emotions. And feelings just are. Sometimes this helps a little, when I am a little calmer.
P.S. My children are mostly young adults now. They struggle, but are doing okay, and most people in the community think they are good people. But I think that is because of their father, and their own hard work and resilience. My husband says he loves me, I don't know why he does. But we don't really do much together, I keep thinking that if he wasn't so committed to his marriage vows he would get the heck away from me.