Still suffering with daily anxiety, trying to do a little more than lying down even though it's though to get up at times today I'm pushing my self, I even whent to the grocery store and cooking, just hanging in there. Hope everyone has a PEACEFUL DAY, LOVE YOU ALL 💜
PATIENCE: Still suffering with daily... - Anxiety and Depre...

Good for you! Thanks for the good wishes. Sharing our successes is such a great way to motivate not only ourselves but others. Have a wonderful and peaceful day!
I'm proud of you pushing yourself through! Now take a bow, you sure deserve it! Love ,peace & joy! XXX
You sound strong. Keep it up.
That is so awesome! Good job!
Keep up the good work. It’s true we have to force ourselves quite often. I do even for things I really want to do. I find for me though once I do it really helps. Activity, exercise and staying active is the best medicine for depression. Idle minds breed negativity, anxiety, depression etc. Try to keep busy as much as you can. One day at a time. Easier said than done but it can be done. You’re on the right track. Best of luck. ❤️
Had a better day yesterday but today is awful I got up to have breakfast and got some sun seating inside my kitchen, thank God I got some because it disappeared by mid morning, now it's gloomy, but I end up going back to bed because my body felt so exhausted, fatigue no energy and feel sick to my stomach 😞
Part of that can also be that you have gotten out of shape. It is that way for me. My muscles are weakening from lack of exercise. I’m working on it though. Just don’t give up! Any progress is good progress.
Hi Hopeful- Tinkerbell , I actually lost over 20 lbs. Which is good, I take Multiple Vitamins, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C Magnesium Citrate, Alfalfa, Probiotic, I must admit I haven't been walking because I Love in Minnesota the Twin cities and the snow just won't stop coming, I guess I can go to the mall and walk but I constantly tired😞
The way you said you stayed in bed a lot made me think you may not exercise enough. I know I don’t. I shouldn’t assume. I sit in my recliner a lot and I’m trying to be more active now as able and it’s sad how much muscle mass and bone density I’ve lost. That is a lot of vitamins. Good for you as long as you are monitoring your levels. I’m not that disciplined. My doctor makes me take vitamin d3 and calcium pills and iron for anemia. I do take them some. I took the iron for a month or so and quit because it upsets my stomach. He doesn’t know. We’ll see when I get my next check up. It’s good you take those. The body makes a lot of them. Just be careful not to take too much. I’m lazy and only take what I can tell I need as far as meds. I hate them! Even though I take a lot I think. Vitamins to me is one more pill. I don’t want anymore. I’m trying to wean off some. I’ve gained a lot of weight. I’m trying to lose weight. I was doing good losing at least 6 pounds a month then I got upset and gave up. So now I’m going to have to start over. I just have no motivation. I need organized activities. Otherwise I’m a couch or recliner potato. 😂
I also truly believe it is more important to celebrate our accomplishments however big or small than it is to stress over the bad days. Results and positivity motivate me more than anything almost.
Don't forget the deep breaths!
Well done for pushing yourself!!!! Be very proud.. x
Thank you Hope 💜