I was triggered at work by a coworker. I was embarrassed for being triggered because I mentioned something to an untrustworthy coworker who told my boss. How do I handle it?
How do you deal with PTSD when someth... - Anxiety and Depre...
How do you deal with PTSD when something triggers you?
Talk to your boss honestly if you think they would at all be receptive to it. Sometimes you never know how people are going to react. But at least your side of things can be put out there. After that...you gotta just turn it over...it's horrible when we blow, and it's just that feeling of being out of control that others can't understand where your coming from. Are you in any work groups for PTSD, therapy...might not be a bad idea to get some tools to be able to help you through this and help you heal.
Have no idea what you told your co-worker, and ended up with your boss. Is it really not a big deal, and maybe your boss is now considering your tell all coworker a less than desirable worker?
Or maybe just chat briefly with your boss and explain you are aware a coworker shared a confidence of yours with him. But are "we ok or do we need to discuss it further?"
Maybe much less a deal that you think. xx
Depends. Not one size fits all. Looking back, I'd kept quiet instead of trying to be proactive and chatting with my boss. Some bosses appreciate it, but others will see it as weakness to use against you later. Be true to yourself. You cannot control other's reactions, only our own actions.