Hi all!
So yesterday I had a 50 minute episode of heart palpitations. It was unsettling and uncomfortable. It also put a little fear into me. I went to bed with anxiety over my heart. I woke up today with anxiety and fear. I’ve been to a heart specialist and had tests done on my heart, thankfully the palpitations are nothing to be concerned about-but it still scares me when they happen. Anyways, today I woke up and have been tempted to just curl up in a ball on my bed and lay there for the whole day. However, I’m going to step out of my comfort zone and live life today by not curling up in a ball. It’s tempting and if I need to, my bed will be there waiting for me. But it’s like a pill in the box method for me. Has anyone ever said you could take anxiety medication only when you need it, like a pill in a box type method? So that’s how I see my bed today. I’m sick of fear and anxiety impacting my life! I’d almost rather have and panic attack or heart palpitations while I’m experiencing things in life that bring me joy rather than limiting myself to my bed. I love hiking but sometimes worry if I’ll have a panic attack out in the middle of nowhere, but I’d almost rather have that during something I love than feeling depressed in bed. I recently heard someone talking about anxiety and they said that there fear of death caused anxiety. Then they realized that that fear took over and became fear of living. I don’t want that!
What has life been like for you when you step out of your comfort zone? Overall has good come from it? Are you proud of yourself for doing so?