Hi, are there any sleep medications anyone can recommend that is ok to take with Zoloft? I’m on Vistaril for insomnia but it’s not working. I have tried Buspar and Flexaril both before for insomnia and they seemed to work. Should I ask my doc to switch me back to either of those?
Sleep meds: Hi, are there any sleep... - Anxiety and Depre...
Sleep meds
Hey FWIW, I also had sleep problems with Zoloft... Could not sleep, insomnia...
Best thing to do is talk to the doc immediately, and explain that the Zoloft seems to be keeping you from sleeping. Explore some alternatives... layering drug upon drug to make your body do things is probably not the best answer...
I switched to something different, and all problems went away, AND the anti-depressant/anxiety effect of the new med worked fine (better!).
It's always a bit of a crap shoot to learn what may or may not work. Call the doc ASAP, and get to plan B. Sleep is important!!
Hi, which medication did u switch too? Yea I don’t like how Zoloft makes me feel and I never have energy to do anything anymore and I have hardly been working out since I’ve been on Zoloft. I’ve been on this medication since nov 2017 and I see very little improvement in my anxiety symptoms.

Hey there. In truth what I switched to might not be relevant, since these meds have a different effect on everyone. Best to do is discuss this with your doc. Just make it clear this is not working for you, and that you would like to try something different.
These meds are tricky and have different effects on all of us... Some work well for certain ppl and are a disaster for others. It's an inexact science.
It's good that you came here to ask for perspective... plenty of people here who have had experience with these things to share with.
SSRI's - yeah I don't rate them for helping insomnia, its why people tend to take them in the morning.
Mirtazipine is an SNRI which people say helps with sleep, it also makes you eat - lol!
There is the older class of antidepressants - Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA's). In the past, I had poor sleep on AM-dosed Citalopram and I was given a TCA called Dosulepin to take in the evenings as well, it helped. GP's rarely Dosulepin in the UK nowdays due to overdose risks and it can be heavy on the liver long-term. The 'newer; more commonly presribed TCAs deemed safer include Trazodone (which is meant to be really sedating) and Amitryptilene, which doctors also often prescribe to people who get woken up with muscle pain.
Apart from that, you could ask about anxiety meds: beta blockers if you can handle the heart-slowing effects (especially if you workout),
or maybe something like pregabalin or gabapentin, which help reduce anxiety by maintaining GABA levels. There is some addiction potential with GABA raising drugs, but not as severe as benzos, which are highly only indicated for short-term use (Ultimately, whatever psychoactive substance people consume, legal or otherwise, there are always side effects which have to be judged on a "benefit-cost" basis).
Hopefully thats given options to maybe self-research and go to your doc armed with a bit of background knowledge. I believe that we are fully entitled to decide which substances we agree to consume, even it if the doctors proclaim its in our best interests.
I went to my doc yesterday. He represcribed Buspar(for social anxiety), and Trazodone for insomnia. I took one pill when I got home yesterday after the doctor, and I slept 3 hours. I have switched my ssri to the morning, Buspar in the morning, and the Trazodone at night. I take a magnesium supplement which helps A LOT w chronic muscle pain.
Forgot to mention that I also slept about 8 hours last night, in addition to the 3 day time hours.
8+3 hours...awesome! Almost double what I'm getting right now. I might have to follow my own recommendations and push for switching Venlafaxine to Trazodone
I used to take Magnesium Oxide (low bioavailability - placebo only). I got Magnesium Biglycinate delivered today! and was recently taking ZMA before bed.
Oh yea, I switched to magnesium glycinate a lonnng time ago. I used to use magnesium oxide until I did research on it. I also eat a lot of salmon and chicken on a regular basis. My diet is pretty much gluten free, which helps w all kinds of body issues. I truly believe that nutrition doesn’t need to be processed for feeling full and satisfied.
Yep, I used to be grain and dairy free for a number of years - gradually crept back in in smallish amounts, but still a very healthy diet compared to most - until my depression hit again recently. Comfort eating biscuits, cakes, toast & jam, peanut butter and pizza (not peanut butter with pizza, lol). I've reined it in again now at the cost of 2-3kg weight gain. I've realised I need to follow some sort of anti-flammatory diet from now on, which sounds pretty similar to gluten free.
Oh yea I hardly eat bread but sometimes I have a little junk food.