Anxiety is the worst...Am I nuts? - Anxiety and Depre...

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Anxiety is the worst...Am I nuts?

VeryLittleFun profile image
8 Replies

I recently had a relapse of anxiety for lack of a better word. I was ok for a few years and then BAM about 3 weeks ago I had a terrible panic attack. Ever since that night, I have been dealing with anxiety attacks, spacey/detached feelings, and not feeling myself. Will I be ok?

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8 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi VeryLittleFun, You will be okay eventually. The fact that you had been free from anxiety for a few years is a good sign. Most of us, don't get that break and it just seems to go on and on. Once you experience a Panic Attack, it leaves such a "what if" fear in your mind of it happening again. The circle of fear is then complete with symptoms of free floating anxiety culminating in anxiety attacks, along with spacey/detached feelings and not feeling well. It's all a normal outcome of our fears and negative thoughts.

What did you do last time to be free of anxiety for a few years? Therapy? Medication? Something brought you to the point of a Panic Attack this time around. You need to address the cause. The rest of the symptoms including anxiety and physical feelings is just a result of the problem still on your mind.

Finding this forum, was the first step in you taking charge of your life again by talking with others who can share the same issues as you. There is strength in numbers and in not feeling alone. According to what is going on in your life right now that may have caused the Panic, find professional help to address and rid yourself of the fears before it becomes more serious.

You beat it before you can beat it again. Anxiety always changes symptoms on us and is a tricky little beast. However, it is not a death sentence. Something has apparently triggered you. You need to deal with what caused it. Then work on recognizing triggers, learning coping skills and relaxation techniques. The best medicine for anxiety is actually exercise along with simple dirt changes such as avoiding caffeine. Try working on that and take a walk. It may help if you talk to a therapist to help you get back on track. You’re nerves have been stimulated and are overly sensitive. Relaxation helps. Taking a nice walk can be relaxing. Take time to enjoy all the sights, sounds, smells, feels etc. It’s very therapeutic. The answer though is yes! You will be okay. This is just a slight speed bump. Don’t let it control you. You take control while you can. Some of that is learning to cope with the anxiety and coexist until you can get over the bump. Focusing on it, which is hard not too though, will only make it worse. So deep breaths! You can do this and you are worth it! Bless you!

jam223 profile image

First of are NOT nuts! And I mean that sincerely and honestly.

I, too, have been having those same types of feelings and, because they're new and unusual, immediately felt that there must be something wrong with me as I seemed to be the only one. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In an effort to prove that "knowledge is power," I began to do a ton of research and found out two very important things: 1) that I wasn't alone and 2) there is hope. I'm still working on all of the different definitions, types of anxieties, what I can do to help myself, triggers, and everything else.......but the more I read the more I understand, and the more I understand the more I realize that there are many, many, many other people out there going through the exact same thing. Knowing that doesn't ease my particular symptoms, but it does help my overall happiness and increases my feelings of "I can get through this no matter what." That's the hardest part about dealing with anxiety, depression, or anything having to do with your personal thoughts and convince yourself that "it's only you" because "everyone else seems so happy." Also, in the not so distant past, and still in some cultures, it's considered embarrassing to admit that someone in the family is experiencing a mental/emotional problem so we simply hold it inside. Like it or not, that's what we're taught and tradition supports it to a major extent. I wholeheartedly applaud everyone who has the courage to post on this site and express their current anyone of you stop to realize how much guts that takes? Every single one of you is amazing. Some have large problems, some have small - and each of you is different. But the fact is that you have all analyzed your feelings, you all realize that you need help, and you are all coming to terms with it and getting out there to seek assistance. In my book, that makes you all the heroes that I want to follow.

VeryLittleFun profile image

Thanks all. I really appreciate it. Youre all very kind. I’m impatient and want to feel myself/“normal” again so bad that it makes me more anxious. While mot having a full on attack I have that odd “off feeling”. That makes me wirry too. Gotta get out of my own head and stay productive. Also address underlying stressors and remember this is NOT forever.

jam223 profile image

The more you analyze every little feeling/thought - and what it "might mean" - the worse your anxiety is going to get. (I learned that one the hard way!!) Is there anything that you really enjoy doing, a hobby or perhaps some exercise, that helps you to relax and takes your mind off "odd feelings"? I'm not saying they will completely disappear, but it might help a little if you prove to yourself that you do have some control to hold them at bay so they don't always threaten to take over your life. Try it for even an hour or so........and then keep adding on a little more time so you're always "raising the bar" on your own control.

VeryLittleFun profile image
VeryLittleFun in reply to jam223

Yeah. Music. Playing music and writing music. Also graphic design. I did some last week and it made me feel pretty good. I DO over analyze every little thing. Youre right. Nature of the beast. I think it’s a form of control? Control and anxiety seem to go hand in hand.

jam223 profile image

Wow, you must be very creative! I think that's great!! I love to write and would love to do something "professional" one day. Have you considered the fact that music is an outlet of sorts for your feelings? Whether it be fast or slow, and in whatever genre, you're letting all of your innermost feelings out.

It is the nature of the beast to over-analyze. And we do the exact same thing in everything we do. Want proof? When we get dressed in the morning what do we do........stare at ourselves in the mirror, turn from side to side, and analyze ourselves from every angle to make sure that everything is perfect. We also do the same thing when we're ordering off a menu, figuring out who our friends are as opposed to simply being acquaintances, etc. It's all pick and choose as to what makes us feel good and what makes us secure with ourselves and others........and we don't have a problem with any of it. UNTIL we look inside and examine ourselves in the deepest recesses of our minds. Then every hiccup in our thought process and every feeling that we perceive as different and self-hurting makes us wince.....and still we look for more. It's not that we're seeking them out because we want to feel poorly, it's because we're hoping beyond hope that we'll never find another. And when we do it makes us feel even more imperfect and even more anxious.

VeryLittleFun profile image
VeryLittleFun in reply to jam223

Thank you so much for your time and responses! I guess I’m creative, yeah :) I play in some bands and design lots of album layouts etc. my last band was kind of based on depression and anxiety. It was a great outlet. When we would tour it was nice to hear the music helped some people. I hated that they identified with the pain, but it was great to know I could help. Helping people really soothes my soul. Im so glad others out there on tbis board and abroad assure me its not just me and these are all common syptoms. Helps not feel so alone in my struggle.

Love and light-


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