I am new to this group! I have really bad anxiety. I feeling anxious about anything and everything. Thoughts come into my head and sends me into panic mode. I keep needing to be reassured that everything is ok by my husband. I'm on medication but it is only helping a little bit at times. I feel so alone in this sometimes. I need to talk to someone that understands anxiety.
My anxiety is driving me crazy!! - Anxiety and Depre...
My anxiety is driving me crazy!!

Hi ! Welcome to the group !
I also have anxiety so I know what panic mode is !
Do you have any other coping skills at the moment besides medication? Support group , therapy , meditation, exercise ?
I am here if you need to chat ! ❤️
Thank you! I need to get back into counseling. I think it would help. A friend of mine suggested finding a support group, and I found this forum today. I've been praying alot and reading devotions. I wanted to find people that are going through the same thing as me, because I feel like I'm crazy and alone. I cry alot because I get so frustrated with this anxiety. Thank you for talking to me.
If you are in the USA search for NAMI . I attend their support group every week and it has been great !
This online group is also very helpful !
I don’t get too much support for my husband so I really rely on outside support for encouragement!
Prayer is very good ! 🙏🏻
Feel free to send me private messages 😉
Hi! You’re not alone! Im struggling bad. What medication are you taking? For how long?
Hi! I'm sorry that you are struggling. Anxiety sucks! I'm on effexor. I've been on it for about 6-8 months, but they increased it a few weeks ago. I don't know how long it takes for the increase to help. I'm still struggling, but not quite as bad as I was before the increase. Are you on any medication? What do you do to help?
Im on fluoxetine (Prozac)for 5 weeks. But I’m having enormous side effects. Worsen anxiety, nausea , no apetite, heart palpitations... ended up at the ER last night and was told medication does that and will get better after 8 weeks or so. I’m on the edge of losing hope. So afraid that I will never be like my old self again ... for now I do a lot of breathing exercises, pray and pretty much wait it out. I have no desire, no energy to go walking or enjoy nature etc.... can’t focus to meditate either .
I was on prozac before the effexor. I was great on it, then after a long time of being on it, it quit working. But it really helped for a good while. I hope it starts helping you, or you find something that does help. I understand how you feel about not ever feeling like your old self. I thought to myself recently that I feel like I'll never be the same person again. I hate feeling like that. I feel like I'm not normal anymore and that I'm letting my family down. It's very hard to focus. I pray alot too. Try googling some devotions for anxiety. That calmed me today. I'm trying really hard to just give it to God.
My daughter was on Effexor and she said it made her feel nothing. Not good or bad just nothing, she hated it. When she decided to stop taking in the detox was horrible. I believe it is for depression not anxiety and we are looking into holistic solutions because all these drugs just mask the problems.
I had that as well with the Effexor. Not good or bad just nothing, however, my anxiety was completely gone. It had made my anxiety worse the first 2-3 weeks. After the Effexor, I tried a better diet, some supplements, gluten free, intermittent fasting but nothing helped and I'm back to full blown panic again. I've been trying to avoid meds but it now been about 3 months now and I'll be trying Zoloft this time to get relief. I've never tried anything like GABA, 5Htp etc but from what I've read it's hit or miss for that as well.
I deal with moderately severe depression and anxiety. Anxiety attacks can be horrifying! I was in a therapy group with people who had different mental disorders. I cannot remember what it's called. But I learned a simple meditation technique that seems to work quite a bit. It goes like this: sit somewhere quiet, sit straight up (back straight), close your eyes,now take a long deep breath (in through the nose then out through the mouth). As, you take a deep breath, notice what part of your body is being affected. For example, my stomach is affected. I have tummy trouble everytime. Some people may get bad headaches, etc. As soon as you notice where you're affected, then continue to breathe slowly and deeply as you visualize that trouble fading away. I know it sounds crazy, and it may not even work for you. But it works for me at times. I just thought I would offer it up just in case.
Ok I'll try it. It bothers my stomach too and I get headaches.
Welcome, Ash. I'm sorry about how you feel as this time. I can't help you with advice on medication or coping skills because I don't know much about those but I do know talking to the right people does help. And this is just the place to find these people so feel free to share how you feel because everybody is here for you and we believe in you. Welcome once more and try to feel better, love. Kisses.
Hello there i often times feel the same 🙂 you must know that there is alot of people like you and me . Try to laugh it off. "oh my head is playing tricks on me again". No one is perfect, dont be to hard with yourself. When anxiety rises try to just feel it and dont respond to it. What helped me recently is realizing that not everything needs a response😉
Hope this did any good. 🙂
I get really bothered with anxiety too. My Dr put me on 4mg of diazepam but it hardly helps. I find distracting myself with a good film or a long walk helps. Hope you find some peace of mind soon xx
20mg of Lexepro every day and 1mg of Activan when needed will help
I myself have no wife or anyone to release too. The way it is dealt with within my family is just not to talk about his I feel or ghe topic at all. If j do occassional raise the illness or others relating to it I just get I take uour word for if or conversation ended by default. I do not even mention it now except icassiobally because I know what will happen. Friends do not care either, indeed if Mentle illness is known about then they look at me like an axe murderer. I have ove friend who occassional rings me and nd her. We know each other from a talking group. We are just friends but getting a text which includes what's going on really helps I feel. I have acuatanvies. Friends should care about you too care they must listen too how you feel both when good and bad. I should not be made to feel guilty of selfish for having health issues j have not chosen yo have like uourself. My illness has made me view what is important and what is not. When I die (I am not thinking of ending my life but I go feel like this sometimes but not at moment) I think who will turn up to my funeral. I feel know one cares, brothers, extended family, friends, acquantsncies. I feel like like no one will be there like I am the worst. most evil person in the world when I am a hood. caring, giving etc person. On this site j have set up gtoups such has eventual meeting. Only suffered veg the issue non suffers go not. Non suffered just think we are selfish and just care about our selves when ghis Ix blatantly not true. I hope uou can get help from all of parts of this reply. Lastly you go matter. You are a valid person who matters.
Hi there. The thing is with this disorder it makes us feel so alone, and we believe no one will understand. I’ve had anxiety my whole life and it’s affected me a lot. It has kept me from doing things in life that would have made me happier and feel more fulfilled. I was always worried about the 'what ifs' and I’m ALWAYS thinking the worst possible outcome will happen. And with Anxiety often comes depression, I have both.
So your not alone. I may not have advice on what you should do. But I know how you feel, and you are far from alone. I’m currently on Xanax XR and Celexa with mixed results. I know the Xanax certainly helps with my anxiety. I wish the best for you and the people in this forum are wonderful and truly want to be supportive and help. I hope you feel better.
It is very courageous of you to share with all of us about your situation, and yes you will come out of it. Been there and oh yes it took daily courage to come face to face with what exactly was the underlying cause of the anxiety.
With fear, you have to think like a super hero in a movie. Be prepared to step into situations that you fear with trust that you can...I got this from Nick Vujicic's book.
Welcome to the group friend. My name is Cindy and I’ve had severe panic disorder for over 30 years. For several years, I wouldn’t leave my house due to agoraphobia. You see, I felt that my home was my safety net between myself and the panic attacks. I relied on my family for everything. Thank God, they were willing and able to help me. After so many years with panic disorder, I’ve learned that certain things are vital for fighting this debilitating illness. Unfortunately, I had to learn on my own, doctors don’t know much and weren’t much help to me. By God’s grace, I’ve not only survived, but I’ve been able to help others. First, identify ur panic triggers. In other words, what things seem to set off ur panic attacks the most? Public speaking, walking in crowds and being in the presence of certain authority figures were mine. Second, you have to gradually expose yourself to these triggers in a controlled environment. For example, I was terrified of elevators. I decided to get on an elevator with a friend. When I started to panic, I sat on the floor and did deep breathing exercises. My friend reassured me as well. Eventually, I was able to conquer my fear of elevators. You’ll find that many of ur triggers can be overcome. The last step in my self help journey was finding a medicine combination that worked best to provide the best anti-anxiety results I needed. It is important to know that anti-anxiety medicines like Xanax or Klonopin cannot be taken every day consecutively. You will build up a tolerance over time and require a larger dose over a short period of time. You have to skip a day or two, so that it remains effective at ur current dose. If you or anyone else would like more information on surviving panic disorder, I’d be happy to offer advise. I know how debilitating and humiliating panic attacks can be. God bless you in ur journey.
I can certainly relate. I feel like my anxiety is crippling these last few weeks and nothing is making it better. My husband too is very supportive but also at a loss and not sure what to do and I don’t have a clue as an answer when he says, “can I do anything for you”
Hi from South Africa
I suffer from severe depression caused to a great extent to my anxiety and panic..
I've been suffering for 35 years and have tried just about everything possible.
At times it did get somewhat better but I get anxious even at a negative thought..
I'm going through a really bad episode at the moment..i've lost weight..have insomnia..and basically stopped living
I have no friends...maybe I caused it myself by shutting out the world..
I never leave my house..I dont go shopping..my very understanding husband does it all.
I do use a calmative and a sleeping pill..i tend to have nite scares.
My doctor did have me on flouroxitine but I had to quit after 3 weeks because it gave me anger outbursts and im not an angry person. Im really good natured and incredibly sensitive.
The moral of my story..
I think one learns to live with it....to control it at times
Yes..you have relapses but keep Praying the Lord will lift you everytime you fall.
I bought some tickets online fir a music festival and I'm going to force myself to attend...Usually if I do..I snap out of it for a while.
I dont cry anymore..I think my tears have dried up...I only cry inside my heart.
There is really no logic explanation.
I have gotten some relief from accepting that I'm not going to drop dead although it feels that way.
Breathing is very important when you feel an attack coming..
Use a brown paper bag and slowly breathe in and out...the dizziness and nausea is due to hyperventilation..which gives you a feeling of not being able to breathe ..its actually that you getting too much oxygen from breathing fast and deep.
You welcome to chat anytime...I ve walked this road for a very long time.
God Bless
Join the club! My anxiety is so over the top and my medication helps some but iI still have a hard time. I’m trying to get back together with my ex-husband and that’s extra anxiety all by itself along with starting a new job. So I feel for you. I keep trying to just take it one day at a time but it’s hard
I have felt the same way . You know some days a better than other. I work two jobs to survive. Not by choice. I have to say the depression and anxiety has isolated me. I too feel like people look at you differently if you say you have anxiety or depression. I don't even know how to be myself. I'm always trying to gain the approval of everyone. The anxiety meds help a little. I sometimes want to go to sleep and never wake. It seems like it would solve the problem but I know I have so much to live for. If I could just be my old self as someone said. The outgoing, happy 15 year old I was before domestic violence, a lot of poor decisions, financial mistakes and the death of my Mom. Maybe God will help me find her and walk her through the valley to the mountain top. God bless us all. Dont give up on yourself.
I know this is from a year ago, hope things are better. Lately i've been listening to a lot of Ted Talks on youtube about Anxiety. I take a lot of what the different talks have to say and try to use it all. It doesn't cure it but it does help a lot. I'm not big on medication as I don't feel like that actually helps it, it just masks it. But there's ways to beat it and have it be a minor problem rather than a major problem on a daily basis. Good Luck!