I can’t even relax unless I’m in bed in the dark the moment not moving god help me I can’t be in bed forever
This is horrible : I can’t even relax... - Anxiety and Depre...
This is horrible

Try baby steps. Have you taken a shower today?

Ya but I keep sweating constantly I had to sit up thought My heart was going to stop
I wish I could help you but not sure how. Is there something you have tried that helps like belly breathing or meditation?
I experienced something similar for three months straight. butterflies in my stomach at 3 am, that would cause me to not be able to go back to sleep, also being really cold, but id sweat too along with it. I too felt the only comfort I could get would be from laying in bed in the dark, meditating. But I did that so much to the point it stopped helping so much. Moderation of would have been better. I was depressed, id cry for no reason. I was scared of the wind blowing through the trees. Get weirded out by any noise, shocks on a car as it went over a speed bump. If any of this sounds like you let me know. I can try to help, at least listen.
Anthonysnervous7, you don't have to be in bed, in the dark in order for you to relax. But I'm glad to hear that it works for you. Find a quiet spot to call your own for some "me" time during the day or evening. A place you won't be bothered for several minutes. Sit in a comfortable chair, a small pillow placed behind the lower back. Cover yourself with a light blanket, Lower the lights, maybe even lite a candle. Start slow deep breathing..feel your shoulders come down away from your ears. Listen to a relaxation tape, focus into the calming voice that is giving you affirmative thoughts, visualizations of a calmer, peaceful place for your mind to wander to for a short time. Leave the day behind, this is just about breathing in the calm and exhaling the stress.
While I was writing this, I could feel myself floating downward into a peaceful place. That's because I do this every single day. So you see Anthony, you don't have to go to bed, but you do have to look for something that will give you a respite from your repetitive anxious thoughts.
Hey . Poor you. I understand how you feel. Your anxiety level it’s pretty up. Maybe talking with others would loosen up. Did you asked yourself in the darkness why are you like that? Why did you get anxious? What’s the reason. Find it and destroy it, you are much more than that. Try to listen a song, cry to relieve your pain and after put a nice song. I think you need a big hug to step out from that terrible situation. 🙃
My feet are cold and I’m flushed
You need to seek help. I know where your coming from. I've spent 2 months in bed. And then off and on. Sorry to say it can be a daily thing. I have to talk myself out of my anxiety. I'm obcessd worrying about my kids, their future. And now my new grandson. I had to retire from my job early because I was close to getting Fired. I was missing so much work. I left on my own terms. If you don't get help things can only get worse? Even seek group therapy. Good Luck
Dude, I so get you! I have been there off and on for about the last 3 months. I make lists... 1.) Turn off the TV. Then I physically cross the item off the list. 2.) sit up. Yeah the steps can be that tiny. 3.) Take my meds,
4.) Put my feet on the floor, 5.) Take a shower, 6.) Brush my teeth, 7.) Get dressed, go to the kitchen, 8.) Make coffee. If I make it this far I am on a roll, it builds momentum and makes me feel confident that if I have completed the list so far I will be able to continue.
It really works. Hope you feel better soon.
You need the help of a therapist. I have anxiety and it can take over your whole life. There is also an app called Calm. Calm leads you through meditative journeys. It has been helpful for me. I hope you get help pronto.
I can certainly relate to this! It would be so easy to spend a lot of time lying in bed in a darkened room. It's okay and even healthy to do that - in moderation - as part of a balanced life. The important thing is to get out of bed and to do things even if we feel anxious about doing them. Start with small things; it's like taking baby steps. Eventually, you will be doing a lot more than you think you are capable of right now. When anxiety strikes, tell yourself that it's just anxiety and it will pass....and try to breathe through it and keep doing what you are doing. Group therapy, individual therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, on-line self-help - all of these might be of benefit to you.