I’ve had good days but today has been a struggle... the tired and not wanting to talk to anyone... even in my bed I feel anxious and sick... I lay here hoping it will pass but sad that I can’t make myself happy for my kids... they tell people that their mom sleeps all the time.
Today is a struggle : I’ve had good... - Anxiety and Depre...
Today is a struggle

I understand. My daughter's journal said I sleep all the time too and I work full time and take her out and do things with her as well as clean, grocery shop and pay bills. We are not superwoman all the time.
That is so very hard for me... I struggle with letting go of mistakes I made in the past
Thank you
Msf123, in bed you feel safe, otherwise you have to face the problems of daily life. As you have high anxiety these problems, easily dealt with, seem formidable obstacles as anxiety makes everything appear ten times worse.
This is no way to live and you don't have to. You can overcome your fears, your tiredness and your feelings of nausea and enjoy the good life once more. For whatever reason you have become nervously exhausted, your nerves are feeling sensitive and fragile.
First, you must make up your mind that you really want to recover, that the prize of normality is worth the effort. Do it for your own sake and that of your children.
Msf123, you are in no danger, you have nothing to fear. Most importantly, no matter how exhausted you may feel you still have the strength to bring about your recovery.
Recovery is hard but not as hard as putting up with anxiety every day. All you have to do is refuse to be bullied by your fears any more. Start to lead a normal life no matter how bad you feel. Remind yourself you are safe, all those threats are flights of fancy.
So do what you fear and the death of fear is assured. Gradually you will gain confidence, your fears subside and your nerves will trouble you no more.
Each day a little victory, little steps to begin with. Even three steps forward, one step back is progress in the right direction.
Time to arise, msf123, and enter your own.
Thank you for that... I needed to hear your words and I do want to fight this battle
Thank you for taking the time to send me some form of encouragement
I'm sorry to hear you are struggling. Tomorrow is a great opportunity to try again.
Consider Jeff’s words and perhaps research Dr. Claire Weekes’ work. It is a scientific understanding of the physiological reactions our bodies have to fear. The basis of our anxiety. I am trying to learn more and practice the method daily. Best to you.
Yes Needtovent, Claire Weekes who wrote 'Self help for your nerves' claimed that her Acceptance method would allow anybody to recover from anxiety disorder no matter how long or deeply they have suffered.
I’m sorry to hear about your struggles. I hope you feel better soon.
I pray for strength you need to keep going each day. Take care, God bless.