Keep your attitude like a king, and your ego like Pauper and build your dynasty of happiness and success!!!!!!!! Good Morning!
Good Morning!: Keep your attitude like... - Anxiety and Depre...
Good Morning!
Still up? I just woke!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. It’s 3:41 am here. I’ll probably go to bed soon. I typically sleep from 4-noon. I keep trying to go to bed at an average time and I would wake up every half hour. Now I go to sleep when my body tells me and it just works better for me. The joys of being retired. My family keeps trying to tell me I need to get on a schedule. Many of them wake up early. I am on a schedule. I live for the night. I sit and play on my phone, watch tv and love on my dog. I’m the peace and quiet as my dog is sleeping filling me with calm. No one to aggravate me. I love the night.
I'm the opposite , early to bed and early to rise. I've always been that way. I find the mornings very peaceful! XXX

I am not a morning person. I can’t stand people talking to me. I need time. This way when I go to bed I’m sleep when people wake up and leave for work. It’s better that way. I used to enjoy mornings. I got up hour before my son and drank coffee and had my wake up time and went to bed at 8:30 pm or the second he went to bed. My schedule is backwards now. I like it though. Good night! It’s 4:10am. Time for bed! 💤