I think i need friends
Friends: I think i need friends - Anxiety and Depre...

One of the most important ways to recovery is a support system.
You've come to the right place for those. You need support? Right place. You need a shoulder to cry on? Right place. You want to rant...youve guessed it....right place. Support is paramount and as HealingArtist said is important in recovery. Take care. Janie.
We're here " I_dont_know" and we are good listeners xx
We all need friends and someone to talk too.
Yep. We're going through this shit show together.
"There's only us. There's only this. Forget regret or life is yours to miss. No other road. No other way. No day but today."
Friends are our greatest tool to get through life. Without them, humans would not psychologically develop properly.
You have friends on here, and what I am learning, is we are from all over the world, it’s fabulous, happy to talk anytime x
I know I need friends. My one and only friend died in October. Could call her anytime day or night. I miss that. I miss having someone who knew all about my life. Friends are something I do not know how to make
I don’t have friends. I have this place though. I love it. So many sweet people that jump to help when I’m upset. It feels good to know so many people care. You don’t have to have friends to survive. There are many ways to have fun alone. I like headphones or loud music and dancing. It’s normal to want friends. You came to the right place though. We are a good support system here. We can help you. If you had friends what would you do with them?