Scared to start over but I have no ch... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Scared to start over but I have no choice! !

Pocha45 profile image
40 Replies

So I left my previous job due to on going anxiety depression low self esteem just a mess with life. It had now been 3 months of programs. ..therapy and on meds fire the past month and I'm not anywhere near better. I'm 36 and i want to get on with my life and get a new job and some direction onwhere I'm going .

However I'm in fear of relapsing again my work history has been great ..but this time my condition is ridiculous I have never felt so overwhelmed in my life. This is why people try and then justgive up but I have been holding on.

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Pocha45 profile image
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40 Replies
keelyspree profile image

Keep holding on! I’m going through a similar situation. Every day has been a struggle but I’m hoping and faithful that one day I will get things figured out. Try to find your passions and things you love to do. I’m 21 and I know what I’m passionate about, but I’m having a hard time figuring out how to make it happen. Money is a big part of the obstacle. Just know that you are not a mess and I am proud of you for holding on. That takes strength. Keep trying and you will get there!

Pocha45 profile image
Pocha45 in reply to keelyspree

At least you are 21 i would kill to be that age again. That's the issue what is my passion anymore ...I hope you are able. To get the money you need and thank you being positive takes work.

keelyspree profile image
keelyspree in reply to Pocha45

It definitely does take work. Way easier said than done! I believe you are still young and shouldn’t limit yourself to trying to find that one thing or job to stick with. We’re human and finding new things we love or love to do is normal. I think by giving ourselves these limits it makes us feel trapped or scared to make such a big decision when we shouldn’t be scared to explore multiple options. Don’t succumb to what you’re supposed to do and do what makes you happy even if it takes time. I know it’s hard without the support but this is your life not anyone else’s.

Lostjoy profile image
Lostjoy in reply to Pocha45

I am 53 and need to find a job. I would love to be 36 again. You are still young enough to start a new career. I will have to settle for warehouse, or retail work at minimum wage. I just wish I would have trained for something when I was your age. I kept thinking I will do it next year, but the years flew by and seems like I woke up last year in my 50’s, and scared to death of not being able to provide for myself. Then the anxiety and depression set in.

I do understand it being hard to get out there when you have anxiety. It takes away all of your confidence and self worth.

Wishing you peaceful thoughts

Pocha45 profile image
Pocha45 in reply to Lostjoy

Thank you i wish you the same i just want to be normal like everyone else

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Pocha45

Hey, who's /what's normal? I feel like I woke up in some ways in my sixities! Have had adventures.

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Lostjoy

Hey, I am in my sixities , have had professional careers but lost a job some years ago. In some ways would like to be in my thirties or even forties again- . However, something is keeping you in there- you are a survivor!

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Lostjoy

Have you thought about starting a small business?

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Pocha45

Remember as you know you can still get a job and find time for your passions as well like hobbies or activism. Been a volunteer activist when I can for more years than I care to remember!

Pocha45 profile image
Pocha45 in reply to gogogirl

I just want to stop the anxiety and feel good about myself summer especially...I'm anxious now thinking about the week. ...its torture the way I feel..yet therapy and meds are not doing the trick yet. ...I justam lost the older I get ..i do not feel like an adult

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Pocha45

Hey , I feel like that at times and I am a lot older. Did something happen to enable you to feel that way?

Pocha45 profile image
Pocha45 in reply to gogogirl

I've been like this since 21 then I'm ok a few years then i relapse it's hard this has been the worse in my whole life ..I'm not trying to be negative its just crazy when your mind is just all over the place. You just watch others enjoying and dream to feel like that again my health is suffering from it. ..

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Pocha45

It took this long to get where you are- it seems the older we get the more we have to think about but you have a supportive group here. I hope you have a support system where you live as well.

Pocha45 profile image
Pocha45 in reply to gogogirl

I know its like i woke up and my life was destroyed but i am so greatful for my mom she is the only reason I hold on and of course God....I give people credit that beat this and end up doing well thank you for being here

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Pocha45

That is wonderful that you have your mom. My parents have been gone for decades. I give you credit for your courage!

Pocha45 profile image
Pocha45 in reply to gogogirl

It's going to take alot change is so hard for new especially in this state of mind

Justswimming profile image

All you can do is work on getting better and than look for a job you want ...don't beat yourself up for being sick..

Pocha45 profile image
Pocha45 in reply to Justswimming

Thanks time is just going by so quickly or sucks

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Pocha45

Tell me about it- sometimes I wonder where the last thirty years have gone- then pfft - just like that!

gogogirl profile image

You are holding on and that is a real strength. Sometimes looking back the road can be long- I am old and know what that is like but life is like that sometimes. Good luck to you and keep on keeping on.

gogogirl profile image

Sometimes just taking even a little job ( I found) can help with routine. I find my mind is all over the place when I have more time. Do you get that?

Pocha45 profile image

Yessa i mean ive been pushing more but time is going and maybe volunteer work may help getting up is ok for me its the energy i feel dead and these meds are not helping

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Pocha45

I know time can go- I cannot believe I am a senior citizen- what happened???? Yes, volunteering can be a way to start and maybe can lead to ideas for a career. One step at a time. I hope that you can get the med thing straightened out.

Penny1234 profile image

We’re in a similar boat. My work told me they were making me redundant, then they changed their mind but I was so stressed. They went about it in a terrible way, always leaving me hanging.

I’ve been having anxiety attacks which I have medication for but I’m feeling really low. Im going back to the gp tomorrow to see if I can get something different.

Hang in there. There has to be an end to this.

Everything in life is temporary

Pocha45 profile image
Pocha45 in reply to Penny1234

I hope you find something I'm so used to mines i had to go up in a higher dose and this has lasted about17 months! , smh i usually snap ou of it this is the worse

gogogirl profile image
gogogirl in reply to Penny1234

You're right about temporary - what a good attitude. Sorry that your work is making you feel like you are on a seesaw.

I know how u feel!! I’ve wanted to just give up sooo many times but I keep going and I’m also currently trying psychiatric treatment and started Zoloft today.

gogogirl profile image

So many of us have anxiety- life sure is different today than years ago- hi tech- wobbly economy- that is why this site is good - it keeps us going , and there are so many people here from different backgrounds. We all have something to offer- that is for sure. Wish we could meet in person sometimes!

Hi I am sorry for what you are going through. I just want to tell you I had a breakdown in 2015 while raising two kids and I will tell you that things will get better and you will get through this!! Trust God! He loves and care for you and wants to help you!

Pocha45 profile image
Pocha45 in reply to

Thank you its a process it really is inbox me if u can

in reply to Pocha45

Things will get better..If you believe in God, then there's nothing to worry about...learn to trust. Im here if you want to talk

Pocha45 profile image

Still in the same state of mind no matter what im doing nothing is working now im an terrified about finding something new or.even tryung to get my old job back idk what my life is turning into just not good

Forestina profile image

I am in exactly the same situation so I know how scary it is. My thoughts are with you.

Pocha45 profile image

Forestina inbox me

Forestina profile image

Perhaps we could help each other. Am not having the greatest day, I struggle with food. Keep forcing myself to eat something in the hope it makes me less light headed. Just seem to be doing the minimum each day. Just want to forget about things and lie on the couch and read, although I know that is not the way, this is my second day of being like this.

Can see now how closely anxiety and depression linked. Did manage a walk around the block yesterday so don't think it is going to happen today.

Another grey day without sun isn't really helping.

I am not sure whether it is day or evening for you but I hope you are managing to find some comfort. My thoughts are with you.

Pocha45 profile image

No comfort its morninf the worse time

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Pocha45

Oh yes Pocha45, it's morning, not the best time of the day for anxiety but it will pass. I use meditation first thing upon awakening. Positive thought, affirmation and deep breathing. Things will change around us in life but it's our inner self that will control if we win or lose. Focus on the positive things you like about yourself. Take a look and listen to YouTube and videos on Self Esteem and Confidence. They can be a boost for us when we feel lost or let down. Life is good, we just need to open our eyes to the good things around us.

"As you wander through life, whatever be your goal,

Keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole"

(From Learning to Dance in the Rain)

Only you have the power to Make it a good Day! :) xx

Pocha45 profile image

I agree that is the issue i feel dead how do i go back to work like this i feel everything i do is just back firing i try but it's embarrassing at my age of 36 to be like this i hardly like going out but miserable at home i feel like i dont belong here

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Pocha45

Pocha45, at 36 you have your life ahead of you. Young enough to attain your dreams or goals and old enough to have life experience behind you. It's time to find other methods and tools besides meds and therapy in going forward. Find something that you can achieve some satisfaction in doing. I noticed some mentioned volunteering. I've done volunteering in my life and can't tell you how much of an impact that made on me. It certainly made my life seem trivial compared to the men I was helping bring a smile each day at the Veterans Hospital. For me, it's working in a medical capacity, find what interests you and go for it. I think you will feel better about yourself as well as more confident in the long run. I understand what you are going through right now. It's a crossroad for many women at that age. You will be surprised at what awaits you. xx

lain5999 profile image

I know a bit of where you are coming from. I am getting divorced and need to work to support my two challenged adult sons.

I have not worked out of the home in over 30 years. I do not know how I will do it. Plus, no insurance and no support, no friends, bipolar, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed...Lots of bad things happening.

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