Good morning everybody!
I start my new job this coming Monday August 19th. I am grateful to have a job to start but I'm just not feeling very positive about anything today. I cannot wait to start working and getting a routine down .sitting around with nothing to do just leaves me with lots of time to ponder and that's not always a good thing. My most annoying feeling today and for the last six months is I feel like I have no real purpose in life. I feel like I'm going to start this job and once again just become a robot going through the motions. I do believe everybody has a purpose for being here , some people are fortunate enough to find their purpose while others like me still keep searching it's frustrating. I guess if I look at it on the bright side wondering about what my purpose is is better than dealing with my depression and anxiety. I hope everybody has a great day ! and to all who have found their purpose congratulations, and to the rest of us happy hunting.