Hello I am new to this group. I stumbled on this just by using Google. I don't know if this will help me; but if not maybe my post will help someone else. I have been dealing with this thing called anxiety since 2009 continuously. I have had panic attacks and I have allowed it to control my life. I have gone through therapy several times and am on daily meds to assist with these episodes. I still continue to experience the symptoms and have came to a point where I feel depressed. I have begun to isolate myself from doing a lot of things that gave me great pleasure. This is one thing that I would never wish on my worst enemy.
Living with anxiety for 8 years - Anxiety and Depre...
Living with anxiety for 8 years

Stay strong, just know you’ve got the power to overcome
Hi. Thanks for sharing. I have been dealing with depression anxiety and OCD off and on for over 20 years, so I understand. I am on daily meds as well. I truly understand your situation. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy either! I hope you feel better soon.
Hi even though you don't enjoy them anymore it is essential to still keep a few activities on, Not all of them by any means but a couple, By doing this you are keeping a link to your old way of life and not isolating yourself completely which is the worst thing you could do.
The more isolate yourself the more isolated you become and so on. It's a vicious circle so by keeping a couple of activities on you are interrupting this. I know it's difficult but better and much easier than becoming completely isolated. x

I agree, I'm trying a new way now. I didn't even realize that I stopped until I got focussed and realized I have no life but work and being a mother. And since my son is grown I don't even have that big participation like I use too. I really enjoy people and it seems that I can draw a crowd but yet it's only the picture of a painting that they see. Only a few know what I go through
Yes I know what you mean. Well done for your determination not to let this beat you. xx
I am going through the same thing. My kids are grown. I think when I still had them at home it gave me a purpose to be strong and fight off negative feelings. This is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever been through.
Thank you for sharing, I have struggled with depression since the age of 16, maybe before, who knows, my experience of anxiety is a recent one, which I am learning to deal with, as it came about after an illness, stay strong, I find, that the only thing I can focus on is baby steps, good luck, this is great forum x
This sounds exactly what I experienced with anxiety and depression. I to have isolated myself from friends and family and I have trouble enjoying life. I have also considered suicide. So just know you are not alone, even though it feels that way. You’ll find plenty of support hear from people who are going through similar issues. The loneliness is always the toughest part for me. Take care.
I definitely know what you mean. I have good days and bad days, cycles where it feels like I’ve conquered this condition only to be met with another cycle of feeling like everything is crushing, overwhelming, and debilitating. After 10 years of this I feel like I wish I had this more figured out.
Hang in there. The fact that you were able to attempt to find connection on here shows that you are able to overcome.
There is a group through Facebook. Parents Grieving Living Children.
Hi, I'm new here. Like you, I've been dealing with anxiety and clinical depression too for 8 years now. I don't if this could help but find new activities to do and hopefully enjoy. I tried doing exercise for a change from writing novels. Hope this will help. Key to this though is focus. I'm trying and sometimes it works. We can do this together. Stay strong my friend.