I guess I'm falling apart I was happy all day than once I went down town I started feeling sad and depressed I still feel depressed don't know what is wrong with me I hate it . I don't feel good enough mostly everyday I feel like I'm not good enough .
Depression : I guess I'm falling apart... - Anxiety and Depre...
Sounds like you do know what's wrong with you. To my untrained ear seems like you are definitely depressed. Coming here is a great first step. Everyone always recommends a therapist and I hope you can find a good one. There are meds that can help. If you're someone that enjoys exercise that's really good remedy. Of course I don't know you but we are all good enough. That's not just some platitude it really is true.
I understand how you feel. You aren't alone. I get those feelings very often...like everyday where i have mood swings that changes a lot from the cause of the littlest things. Wishing you well😘 never give up🙏
Thanks so much ❤️ everyday is hard and I get it at the most random times even when I'm with my friends sometimes I put on a smile but inside I'm falling apart . I like to wear sunglasses often so people can't see how sad I am . I do find it very hard to cope most days . Makes me sick than I get anxiety never ending cycle.
I understand its a awful feeling. For years now since my early teens random people and even my family would label me as 'mad' or 'upset'. I always got asked and still to this day...."are you okay?" "are you upset?" "the look on your face makes you look like something bad happened!"
It's annoying and i can't control it. It makes me more self conscious than anything knowing people try to read my emotions by looking at my face....i mean come on i'm depressed what facial expressions can i show? Haha
I feel like I'm not good enough I have no friends so I'm lonely no one wants to hangout with me just makes me sad . I just feel all alone some days going downtown is hard .
Heyyy listen it will be okay. I don't have any friends either. Zero. My ex friend from high school betrayed me....so I'm all alone too. But you will find the right friends i promise. Real friends who genuinely care about your well being and being there for you. I know its hard but you will be ok!😘
maybe recent or past events can trigger it off just out the blue.im sure you are good enough don't be to hard on yourself.if this persists maybe consult your doctor.
I was at church today and I'm usually happy today I was depressed again I don't know how to get rid of it everyday I'm depressed 😭😭😭
To me it sounds as if you have depression / anxiety i would recommend going to your doctor and get a definate diagnosis that way you would get the right help and feel better sooner i truelly wish you well take care david
Hi billy thats why its best seeing your doctor as hes better placed to tell you what the problem is ! You could try a thing called the goldberg test its a widely used guide to your mental health google goldberg test and see if that helps you ! Take care david
It says I have the symptoms of severe depression
Dont panic to much just go to your doctor and ask for help ! Anxiety is your bodys reaction to stress which sometimes gets to much for you !
Why do people get anxiety/ depression at random times ? I wonder if I'll always have this forever.
I have asked this same question. We can get depression/anxiety at random times from stress, low self esteem, certain situations were aren't comfortable with, etc.
But depression is medically explained by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Also, depression and anxiety is genetic. So if you have a family member or more than one family member who has dealt with depression or anxiety, it increasing your chances of experiencing as well.
My parents both suffered with depression and anxiety at different times in their lifes but to this day they still have it (but they both won't go back on their medicines😒) but since i have depression and anxiety i can honestly tell you i believe mine come from several factors and things i been through in my life. But with it running in my family, it made it more likely for me to be deposed to it. But these issues we face with mental health struggles can come from anything now a days.
So i strongly recommend you telling your doctor you feel depressed and would like to take the depression test to offically diagnose you. They will offer you help at a counseling place or prescribe you medication. Some anti depressants can even help with both depression and anxiety.
I hope i helped. I can completely relate to you. ✌
Oh and i almost forgot....you wonder if you will have this forever? I wonder the same exact thing. I had depression and anxiety since 12 and i'm 19. That's a long time but some have it for there whole lives. I can't seem to find anything on medical websites offically saying if there is a "cure" but there are ways to cope with it. Try doing things you like to do like reading or playing sports, etc. I haven't found a coping method myself tho. But it can be mangaged which means using therapy, healthy eating, exercise, stress management, and doing thing that help you relax. So it isn't guaranteed if we will get 100% better or if we don't. It depends but just figure out what works best for you after you talk to your doctor about it.
Everything will be okay☺
Thanks ❤️ I have lots of family members with anxiety/ depression probably cuz it's hereditary and I've been through some pretty traumatic things .
I hate when depression shows up especially when I'm having a good day and all of a sudden it comes out of no were no signs or nothing 😒
My mom has a mental illness and again she refuses to take her meds .