These emotions and thoughts get such a hold of me and I just want to crawl back in bed. I want to hide from the world. I want to feel safe. The word courage is such a drag. I wish I was braver and strong to face these thoughts and ignore them or call them lies. And face these feeling and say these are just chemicals in my body making me feel like garbage. But what I am feeling is so real and overwhelming. I was at work when I was triggered and I have been feeling really good for such a good while, so to have this slip makes me feel very hopeless, but trying to keep my chin up in the midst of it all. I hate it. I so desperately hate it.
OCD flared up yesterday: These emotions... - Anxiety and Depre...
OCD flared up yesterday

I go to a therapist. The good news of that is he gives me some structure when I run into OCD thoughts. We are currently working on ERP. So basically I am recognizing and labeling the OCD and only reflecting on what I have to Focus on for the ERP. Else I don't really open up to anyone around me except to let them know I am currently struggling and may not be myself for a day or two.
Aw ano it's hard at OCD was off the scale last nite but its lifted a lot today x

That is good news. I have Xanax and took it several times to day and it helped me get my brain under control again. Thanks for the pos!
Aw I'm glad xanax helps u. 😊💛💚💛💚
It involves checking and ruminating and reassuring.
I understand completely ! Somehow we have to direct our thoughts elsewhere and not feed OCD having said that much harder done than said ! Every time I make progress as I have OCD of health issues , I have a health issue come up which sets me back . I have had fluid around my heart for over 24 years no effect and no change for heart . Went for cardio checkup with palpitations and boom I now have a little more fluid and I go to bed wondering if I will wake up . Also I feel like ok so if I don't I won't suffer from the OCD . I think you need to push yourself to tell OCD go away and redirect your thoughts
Hang in there. Anxiety and depression always like to sneak back in to ruin our day. But your strong and know how to overcome this. You offered me some great advice and support. Wish I could do the same.
I feel just like you do today i still havent gotten outbof bed. Are you feeling a little better now?
Yes. There is hope. I really literally believed there would be NO hope for me. But today I can say there is. Your brain is not your friend and it will drop all sorts of chemicals into your system to keep itself safe. With lots of time and support and in my case meds I am in a much better place today. You are welcome to message me if you ever need more help or discussion.