I don't know where to start. I hate being tired. I hate being so down all the time I can't do basic things like brush my teeth or take showers or wash my face or even change my clothes. I constantly pick at my skin, hair, and nails, they look terrible. My hair is frizzy and dry and always curls outward in a way I HATE. My Nails are so short, and all I want to do is bite them off, and my skin is full of dry flaky skin and bumps and pimples and gross stuff. I can't take it. My face is so messed up looking, I try acne creams but then just give up. I don't have enough money to spend on a new good quality shampoo. I'm still living with my parents. Nobody can stop me from biting at or picking my nails. I can't stop picking my skin, I constantly give up on brushing my teeth or washing my face because I just don't feel like it's worth it. Does anyone have .., really simple, easy ways to stay clean, some way to clear up my skin instantly and fix my entire life? Thanks
Depression makes me gross: I don't know... - Anxiety and Depre...
Depression makes me gross
First, i would like to say that i understand this completely. Have you ever tried talking to anyone about this?
No, all my friends think it's stupid and I'm terrified of therapists, exactly why I'm on here
Depression makes everything seem hard. What I’ve done that helps with my skin is drink more water and I wash my face with Raw/unfiltered honey. It is cheap. It’s a natural antibacterial. I keep it in the shower. I only wash my face once a day with it. In the morning, when I get up I only splash water onto my face and I’m done. I hope this helps. Also, I hope you feel better.

This helped me so much. Thank you.
It’s a little awkward at first. But you’ll get use to it. It really helps if your in the shower. Lol
Thank you, I'll try it out, although it's close to impossible for me to take showers every day, I'll Try that next time
Do what makes you feel comfortable. I try to make hygiene chores really simple for me.
I second the person who said to drink more water. Also get a good quality moisturizer (I recommend clinique). Skin doesn't want to be dry, so when you are dehydrated the skin cells start producing more oil to compensate for the lack of water. Then you break out more! So if you have oily/dry combination skin you need to drink more water and moisturize!
I use to use Clinique moisturizer, but it gets so expensive. Lol I’ve discovered Trader Joe’s has a really nice face moisturizer for half the cost.

That's good to know!
As an alternative, try Coconut oil, you can apply it to the skin and its also really good if you eat it.
Works wonders for dry skin.
Or Aloe Vera gel...it helps with redness and inflammation. It’s a natural toner. Plus, it’s cost effective. No need to use cotton balls or cotton pads.
Thank you, actually didn't know this
I’ve heard it works really well as an aftershave for men. If you shave it helps with the bumps and redness from the razor. I really hope this helps. Good luck. 👍
I forgot to add one more piece of info. The Aloe Vera helps with minimizing pores as well.
As you can tell, I use to struggle with my hygiene with Depression. I’ve tried so many methods. Some didn’t work and some did. Right now, my new task is trying to brush my teeth twice a day. You just have to take things slow. I know it is hard. Try to focus on one task at first. Which one do you want to focus on? Hair? Face?Teeth?Nails? Once you pick out a task. Focus only on that until you find the method that works best for you. The moment it starts being easy and simple, including habit like for you. Move onto the next task.
Thank you, I've written that down. Probably going to start with my face. It's just realy easy to give up, but this seems simple enough
Just keep in mind, you aren’t going to get the results you want instantly. Try to keep at it for two months...if the product doesn’t work trying something new. Or if the task is too daunting and overwhelming try something else. The key purpose is finding a method or product that you feel comfortable using and doesn’t make you feel overwhelmed or tired.
I hope you don’t mind me asking this...where do you mostly shop? I shop mostly at Trader Joe’s...as someone who has Depression. I can’t go everywhere and drive everywhere. My energy and motivation is VERY LOW. My self esteem is awful as well. I don’t like being in the public’s eye for too long. So I buy my facial cleanser (honey), face moisturizer, and Aloe Vera Gel at Trader Joe’s...including groceries. I realized simplifying things help.
I live around a variety of stores, yes... I'm going to buy aloe vera tomorrow... It's amazing how quickly your confidence can change
How’s it working out for you?
My confidence is still fluctuating every day
Omg you have no idea. Before I joined this site and read an article on how common it is to let our cleanliness go, I thought I was the only one. Sometimes I got two weeks without showering. I absolutely hate brushing my teeth! I pick my scalp constantly causing blood and very soar spots. If a big Symptom of mental illness. We tell ourselves why bother showering when we’re just going to sulk all day and not do anything. I’m pretty housebound so I really fell deep into this awful habit. I can say my scalp picking has gotten better. I started a new anxiety medication and it’s been helping. I know biting nails and picking at your face is very common. But it is self harm and you need to get help. You have to recognize when you’re picking and immediately do something else to distract yourself. Get a stress ball! I know I don’t have the best advice, but hopefully you feel a little better knowing you are not the only one! And please talk to me anytime. Sending you hugs 🤗
Thank you so so so much im so glad to know I'm not alone.
I didn’t read all the comments, so forgive me if this is a repeat, but I absolutely *Love* Clean & Clear brand Hydrocolloid Acne bandages. They’re thin, translucent bandages that blend invisibly into lighter skin tones. They are water resistant and one bandage can stay put for days at a time, but I usually change them daily for hygienic reasons. The things I think are great about them: 1. They cover and protect acne/picked spots/lesions and promote faster healing through optimal moisture levels. 2. They stop me from picking 3. The can be covered with makeup easily. 4. They suck pus out from open spots in a satisfyingly gross way.
Other brands (look on Amazon) sell hydrocolloid acne patches good for overnight wear, but the Clean & Clear has the best tapered edge I’ve come across for daytime (nearly invisible) wear.
Thank you SO much