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Anxiety & depression

15 Replies

Hi, I'm new here. I'm 20 and have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression and panic disorder. Last summer I began to see doctor for my mental health because I didn't want it to control my life. Over the past year there have been ups and downs. In March I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for suicidal thoughts. When I was released I no longer had those thoughts, to cope I went to both individual and group therapy and took medication. I have seen improvements in my mood and a decrease in the panic attacks. However, since the hospital my parents have become afraid to talk to me; they think I will do something bad. I'm not in that state of mind anymore, I want to live and find happiness. Why can't they see that I have changed? Is there some way to help a parent understand how to deal with someone who has anxiety and depression? I have tried explaining to them what goes on in my head, but it seems like they still don't understand.

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15 Replies
mysmugcat profile image

Hello and welcome. I am thinking about your question.

in reply to mysmugcat

Thank you.

Loveydovey0519 profile image

Welcome to the forum Smile_ALways, I hope you find this site as helpful and useful as so many of us her do. Do you still go to any kind of therapy? If so I would suggest asking your parents to come with you to one meeting. See if the psychologist or psychiatrist doesn't mind explaining to them what is going on. Maybe that will help them out some.

in reply to Loveydovey0519

Thanks for the advice it is really helpful. And yes I still go to cognitive therapy, in my next session I could ask about explaining it.

Still_Luna profile image

Time will help :) Your family only wants to look out for you and it will take time to reassure them that all is getting better. I wouldn't stress too much about it :)

My own loved ones still worry when I do something irrational (like go camping on a moments notice) but they've gotten to trust me a lot more as time passes. Definetly went through the same thing as you :) Just continue to be honest, even if they don't seem to understand, that line of communication will help both of you

in reply to Still_Luna

Thank you, I know I'm not alone with this.

Erica-Leah profile image

i am new here. I'm more concerned about my friend who often cries at night, and feels low almost everyday. I listen to him, but I really do not know how to help him. So, i am reading posts here to know more. Thanks for all u wonderful people.

gerrerd profile image

You cant change people, ie your parents. You can only change your self. Ray.

old-soul profile image

Sometimes the best thing is for people who don't understand to be okay with not understanding. I can be supportive to someone who has difficulties that I do 't fully understand by trusting that they do. I think Still_Luna's example is a good one to illustrate what I mean.

For me, it has been helpful to suggest to those that care about me that It's okay for them to not understand everything about everything. Understanding more about what's going on with me is MY responsibility, and the responsibility of my health care professionals. Friends and family don't always have to understand to be supportive. In fact, It's sometimes better they just TRUST that I am doing what needs to be done, and NOT try to understand, or more to the point, to FIX me. That's my job, and my successes ARE MY successes! :)

I'm glad you're here, and glad you have this awesome community of very caring folks to turn to just like I do. So much awesomeness here, It's bursting with awesomeness at every seam.

2getbetter profile image

My cousin put it to me best when she told me mental health has such a negative perception in society and people don’t understand that it is just like any other illness only it isn’t treated that way- if someone has cancer, people rally around that person and give them live and support and help them by bringing meals, taking them for treatments and when they get better, they celebrate there recovery. Mental health though has the stigma that once having it, you will always have that label. She told me we need to start saying brain health instead and start educating people that it’s ok to talk openly about it and it’s ok to ask about it, it isn’t contagious and ignorance doesn’t help anyone.

in reply to 2getbetter

There is a huge stigma against mental illness. Every year there is an event where people with mental illness walk together and can get information about local groups and doctors. Attending this helps because I am able to talk to individuals in person who go through the same thing. However, this site is helpful because we have all gone through things and don't judge one another.

Lostjoy profile image
Lostjoy in reply to

I like this idea of the walk. Is it done nation wide, or just in your area?

in reply to Lostjoy

I think it's just in the United States with the AFSP organization. There might be other walks nation wide but with different organizations.

Lostjoy profile image
Lostjoy in reply to

I am in the United States so I will look it up. Thanks!

2getbetter profile image

Amen to that. I am thankful for this site and to be able to share and give support as well. I wish Dr’s and counselors would help get the word out about this site.

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