Finally, one say I suffer from clinical depression, that was about fifteen years ago, . Tried celexa was very hyper ,bouncing around, bouncing off the wall.People would ask me," What are you on", . I definitely was not depressed then, but I was not myself either,.Finally I weened myself off,and never have been treated with meds again. I have definitely been depressed, for the past fifteen year ,.Life happens and it take a toll.
Been seen by Dr.s, psychologist,psych... - Anxiety and Depre...
Been seen by Dr.s, psychologist,psychiatrist, for more than 30 years..

Hi Bekay well done to you for taking the brave step and warning yourself of your meds I wish I could I've been on mine for 15 years now and don't feel confident to come off my anti depressants I wish I could though...depression is a hard battle alone especially with life's struggles I must admit I've had months where my depression and anxiety disorder subsided just for a little while then it hit me with vengeance and I've never been the same me since..losing my mum was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through I see nothing else can hurt me as bad as that has so I'm trying to take control of my PTSD and depression and anxiety disorder now instead of it having me but that is very hard too do its not easy one I feel your pain I really do maybe we can help eachother and anyone else who is suffering too .
Love Nat 😊
I'm no doctor, but from experience I do know that different meds can cause different reactions. It is possible to find one that won't make you feel like you're bouncing off the walls. You don't have to go it alone. I would definitely try another doc, tell him/her about your reaction to Celexa, and see if there's something less stimulating you can take that will ease your depression without causing you to feel so hyper. Different meds act on difft neurotransmitters in the brain. You can get relief by finding the one that's right for you. Hang in there you can have a lot to look forward to with the rest of your life when you're feeling better!
Yes Windy101 is right each medication gives you a different reaction some can make u worse though I think it was about 5 different sorts I tried before I found the right one propanalol is one of mine and it's always agreed with me but won't agree with other people u also need to persevere with them too my Dr says maximum 4 weeks to kick in but me I'd say 2 weeks but if you get bad symptoms then go back straight away but I do think maybe you may be best to give them a try
Love Nat xxx
Ya,I read windy101,reply very positive, you said what I needed to hear too,
Thank you a lot ,my phone is going to get shut off at midnight, I'll be back though, brother" bare ," I think is going to help me with the money ,for phone bill,I mean I've got Dr. Appointments and other stuff,I need this phone so I'll get back on line around Wednesday, so thank you again love ya too.