Hi. Curious. : Hi all :) I suffer with... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Hi. Curious.

Palmer2475 profile image
23 Replies

Hi all :) I suffer with anxiety and depression , however I have an overwhelming fear of a couple of things and it seems to have built up so much I worry about anything and everything. I feel very sick all the time I'm wondering if this kind of thing causes anyone else to feel sick all the time and is my head just toying with me?

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Palmer2475 profile image
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23 Replies
Allyson201 profile image

I also suffer from anxiety and depression and I constantly feel dizzy and nauseous and completely exhausted. It's crazy what anxiety can do to you.

Palmer2475 profile image

I feel dizzy a lot of the time too. Do you feel constantly nauseous like you'll actually vomit or?

Allyson201 profile image
Allyson201 in reply to Palmer2475

Not constantly. Sometimes when I get very anxious I'll start feeling like I'll actually puke, or sometimes it comes randomly. I never actually vomit though

Palmer2475 profile image
Palmer2475 in reply to Allyson201

I'm exactly the same , wow ive always thought I was just really odd but the replies and people I've spoken too on here make me feel like I'm not actually the only one

shan527 profile image

I have irritable bowel every morning. I get the sweats, blurry vision and dry heaving.

Palmer2475 profile image
Palmer2475 in reply to shan527

I have poorly belly and bowels a lot too. I've had them checked and nothing came back so it must be the anxiety . I also constantly like I'm going to heave :(

Bug1479 profile image

Hello, I feel exactly how you do. I've had severe anxiety for years now. It started after my daughter was born. I get panic attacks so severe that I'm constantly worrying when the next one will happen. I feel sick every day, the constant head fog and dizziness. My main problem is that I'm constantly fearing I'm dying. Every little pain or feeling I immediately assume the worst. It's become so debilitating and everyone keeps telling me it's just in my head but the feelings are so intense and so real. Doctors only help ease your mind for so long. How would you describe your sick feeling? Possibly going through the same feelings as me.

Dealdeb profile image
Dealdeb in reply to Bug1479

Gosh you just described my life... I was smh reading your post.... this is crazy... I just want to find a fix and share with everyone... we are suffering to much, over what? And waiting for it to happen again.. so by thinking it- we bring it.. we all have had trama's and heartbreak, grief... this is all part of life- I wish we could all just start living... ty for sharing your feelings.... it helps knowing others feel this way... as my councillor told me one time... what is normal? I said I just want to be normal... she stumped me.... so to this day, I believe everyone is normal in their own way... this is my normal.... I'm relieved I'm not the only one that feels every ache or pain and maybe I'm gona have heart attack.. die... scary at the moment...I was at doc appt with my mom last week for pre-op.. she told doc she always feels pains n aches.. long story- short... doc says we don't need to know the answers to every lil ache pain... or we be nuts... if concern get it checked n we won't be nuts worry about it..

Dealdeb profile image
Dealdeb in reply to Bug1479

Have u been to councilling?

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to Dealdeb

Not sure if this was to my long comment or original post but as for me I haven't been to counseling yet because ive been in the process of moving and I just got married. Funny thing is I have a minor in psychology I know all of this is in my head but at the same time its impossible to help ourselves. My husband has insurance through the VA so I'm waiting to get on his insurance so I can finally go to counseling for it.

Palmer2475 profile image
Palmer2475 in reply to Dealdeb

I went for therapy but she decided to concentrate on my weight loss I'd gone extremely thin from feeling so unwell I couldn't eat well but I've put on weight since then, was very determined but yeah so it didn't help at all and I decided against meds after feeling pressured by them to take tablets 5 different occasions I put my foot down

Palmer2475 profile image
Palmer2475 in reply to Bug1479

I get dizzy too some days worse than others , some days I literally feel I'm dying I do also have kidney problems but some doctors are adamant it shouldn't be making me feel how I do. I really worry about being physically sick . I think everything's built up over the years so every little ill feeling or pain I worry too. Some days I feel I am going to physically vomit I don't know how I don't but other days I feel bad but it's manageable but I feel ever so ill I suffer with headaches too. I've been trying to get out the house more etc etc but my feeling ill is stopping me so it's hard to know weather it's toying with me , I had never been car sick in my life untill it came to last year I've never actually been sick just felt extremely unwell and I need to bite the bullet and just go for a weekend away or something I'm so lost it's unreal x

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to Palmer2475

I understand exactly how you feel. It's off and on dizziness ca manage the symptoms sometimes. But I never actually get sick or vomit just in over all unwell feeling like I could. Sometimes I can distract myself but when I have time again it starts back up and my mind races. I had stress tests done and sonograms of my heart , full bloodwork panels, all saying im okay. Other than anemia and anxiety. I take iron but I still feel like every day im going to end up dyin somehow. It's just recently gotten to the worst point but I'm thinking allergies are playing a major toll. I have sinus pressure and vertigo from that so it's hard to know if it's just in my head or actually a mixture of small non serious things

Palmer2475 profile image
Palmer2475 in reply to Bug1479

Yeah sometimes I can distract myself too but other times it's impossible like today I've had bad headache all day, pain in my stomach which I don't usually have this type so makes me over think and just feeling really rubbish which then sets off the feeling really depressed. I think it's hard we know anxiety etc it's playing with our minds but yet we'll still question it , because what if there is an actual issue we're not picking up on you know? I can't help but question myself constantly and worry about my symptoms not being anxiety and something more. I can't cope some days and would rather not be here but I'd never harm myself or anything as I love my mum and I'd never leave her she's worth all the suffering to be here still

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to Palmer2475

I completely agree! It's like we know it's anxiety yet our minds play tricks and we sit here and think but what if it's something more serious and I'm pushing it off as anxiety? What if i have cancer or something serious and im not doing anything about it. That's how I always feel like I try to convince myself but there's always the what if. And that's what gets debilitating. Trying to cope almost makes it worse. I know what you mean about sometimes just wanting to not be here but at the same time you wouldn't ever want to leave. I would never harm myself either but sometimes I want to cave and sit in a room and never come out. I work a stressful job that keeps me constantly busy, traveling and it's a job that gives adrenaline naturally. (I stop shoplifters) so the added natural anxiety that I love adds to my negative anxiety. It's a vicious cycle.

Palmer2475 profile image
Palmer2475 in reply to Bug1479

Yeah exactly that's the same as me apart from I don't go to worry about cancer etc I more worry if all this time I'm trying to tell myself anxiety and it's anything if that makes sense . If I feel hot and stuff I worry too . They say to confront the anxiety so that's exactly what I've tried to do but then I think what if I'm pushing myself and it's not the anxiety making me feel unwell. I'm not working at the moment because I feel so unwell constantly but I work for my parents so I go in well I feel I'm able to just to help out . It is a vicious cycle. I just wish we could have answers or more professional support

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to Palmer2475

I know I wish it was easier to get professional support but at the same time knowing I'm not alone in how I have been feeling is really reassuring. I honestly don't think we really have any certain illness it's just anxiety and worrying whether something is happening that's actually in our minds. Anxiety can and does make your body do crazy things. The crazy thing is I studied psychology in college and yet somehow I still go over and over the what ifs in my mind. I think we all need to just find some way to help ourselves realize it's really in our minds

Palmer2475 profile image
Palmer2475 in reply to Bug1479

I agree I only got this app today and already I feel so big alone on it. I feel unsure weather it's all my anxiety but I know some of it is for sure. Anxiety is a nasty mind game and it's horrible how we can't control our own minds

Bug1479 profile image
Bug1479 in reply to Palmer2475

I know the mind is a crazy thing. It's so hard to control it and I often wonder if I'll ever get better. But this group has opened my eyes to a lot and I know it's not just me

Palmer2475 profile image
Palmer2475 in reply to Bug1479

I often wonder the same and on bad days it's even worse I feel ill never get past it but my mum suffered with panic attacks when she was a lot younger for 7 years and she got past it , yeah it has me also I can talk openly without feeling so silly

Palmer2475 profile image

Also I'm in the UK so I think things are abit different on how you go for therapy etc than if your in America ? I'm unsure x

2stroke profile image


Most of these feeling and thoughts are just in our heads and there should really be no reason to worry about most things, we do this to ourselves.

You are not on you'r own with this and you should get good advice from this predicament.

2stroke profile image

It leads others to have acid reflux. not just feel sick..

Not what you're looking for?

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