Hello my name is Emily. I suffer from very bad anxiety and depression at times. I have a really hard time driving and getting out in public I don't even know why. Everyday I get up with the intention to do my best and conquer these fears but I still stay at home. Thank you I hope to hear from some of y'all soon
Looking to feel not so alone - Anxiety and Depre...
Looking to feel not so alone

It's so nice to meet you. I have a hard time driving because of anxiety too. At least you have an "I can do" attitude. That I lack. Wishing you the best, Poodle
This helps me when I'm stuck. Watch
Wow! This is so kind of you thank you so much. I felt beauty in my heart and strength within me watching this. I hope you share this with all. It's such a gift to share these things.
Emily, you and I seem to be in similar situations. I got my permit for the 3rd time because I've never drove enough to feel confident to take the actual test yet. I don't like leaving the house, I want to but I always end up feeling too anxious to enjoy myself. I feel stuck.
Well, maybe we could help each other out on this one. You know I used to take 7 hour roadtrips by myself, and now I am in this boat, I used to love driving. i would like i said love to help each other with this. It onlys helps to talk about with someone who feels the same way. Thank you for your time
i know wanting to do something to help yourself but the next dat comes and you cant get out the house then at night you think what a wasted day and the cycle continues . Sometimes driving helps me but going yourself you are still alone I recently got a new toy and cant wait to try it out so like yourself I am trying to get on , hopefully you will start enjoying driving again
Thank you. I know it's just one step to even do it. Staying positive is hard some days, but it helps. I hope you enjoy your new toy.
thanks I have never tried kayaking before hopefully trying something new will give me the peace I need the only thing is that its not stopped raining since I got it , typical
Oh no rain needs to stop. Kayaking is amazing I loved it a whole lot. It made me feel a lot more connected to the world instead of just being caught up in my emotions.
Hi Emily, my name is Krista. I can totally relate because I have been diagnosed with agoraphobia. You can Google it. It's basically what you are experiencing, the anxiety is so awful it prevents you from leaving the house. Do you see a Dr for your Anxiety? Does he/she know what you are dealing with?
I totally can relate to you Emily. I wish you lived near me because we probably could help each other. It's even more frustrating when you don't know why you feel that way. If you ever want to talk I will check regularly on here. Maybe we can help each other.
I know what it's like to have so much anxiety that it's hard to leave the house. Do you take any thing for your anxiety?
I know how you feel. I am hear to talk if you need someone.
Take each day as it comes and don't try to do everything at once, set yourself small goal, maybe start off with going to the front gate, I don't know how bad things are for you, my mother had agoraphobia, shes 84 now, I'm 57 and I've never known her any different its really strange even though she was frightened to go out she could go to work as long as someone picked her up and dropped her off, I really feel for you
How are you doing now?