Anxiety/depression in 40's - Anxiety and Depre...

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Anxiety/depression in 40's

38 Replies

Hello my name is Kelly. Is anyone on here in their 40's and having anxiety/depression? I'm not sure if I'm peri menopausal or what. I don't have anyone who I can talk to. Any response would be greatly appreciated.

38 Replies
kristina1970 profile image

Im 46 and been weeping about my past. Like when my mom died and how my family sucks. Have had really bad anxiety for a long time. So confusing. Been told and do give everything to God. He fights all and wins our battles. Just gotta keep trying and doing thatm therapy with someone u trust can help too.

in reply to kristina1970

I too cry about my moms passing and my two sister's. Life has not been very kind but I try to think that there are other people going through much worse but I'm still human

kristina1970 profile image

It could be a chemical thing too.

in reply to kristina1970

I do think so. I've got to get to the bottom of this.

Clazzy78 profile image

Hi Kelly, I'm 38 and I too am thinking about the menopause.

I get very depressed and anxious before my period and have hot sweats where you can wipe it from my forehead.

But I am generally suffering too at the moment.

Why do you think it may be to do with the menopause?

You're not alone. Please chat with on here x

Pglady28025 profile image
Pglady28025 in reply to Clazzy78

Kelly- our hormone levels in the body and brain fluctuate a lot during our periods and/or plummet when we start menopause. Those fluctuations can cause the emotional roller coaster along with the other physical symptoms- plus mentally comprehending all that is enough to throw us over the edge. You really should discuss these fellings you're having with a doctor first if at all possible. There is help and hope between your doctor, medications, therapy, and the support of this forum. I hope you feel better!

in reply to Pglady28025

I did discuss it with my doctor. He said I have PMDD and prescribed me Zoloft. I'm not sure if this is the right kind of medicine I should be taking.

kristina1970 profile image
kristina1970 in reply to

Zoloft i beieve is an antideprssant. I think the goal may be to stabilize ur emotions and feeling better about ur self or level out.

ru4real321 profile image
ru4real321 in reply to Pglady28025

Hello, new here and I have a hard time with medication it just don't seem to help, I am barely working, tired of not feeling good, can someone pray for me, I wish someone would come and take my hand and shake this out of me, I need some comfort.

in reply to ru4real321

Yes, I will pray for you. We are here for you.

" When you go through hardship and decide not surrender, that is strength."

in reply to Clazzy78

I really don't know what made me think it could be menopause. I just figured that with age we have a decline in hormones.

Pglady28025 profile image

Hi Kelly- my name is Paulette and I am 42 with panic/depression for about 15 years. You are not alone. Apparently there are so many of us out there. And thank god for the Internet to help us find each other! It may not be someone in person to talk to but it is empowering to me just to see others that suffer as I do and their experiences and ways of coping. THERES HOPE! nice to meet you Kelly! Keep writing

in reply to Pglady28025

Hi Paulette. I am just at a loss for words. I have never experienced Anxiety so strong before. I just want it to go away.

Pglady28025 profile image
Pglady28025 in reply to

For a few very fortunate people, I think it does go away- but mine keeps recurring. my husband likens it to a demon or beast that we can lock away for different periods of time, but he keeps escaping. I hate that you are going through this. It is terrifying and you just don't know how to deal with it in some moments. A lot of people say that we just have to take it one day at a time- but I quite honestly have to take it minute by minute some days. The thought of walking into the next room overwhelms me in some of those moments. The only reprieve I have at times is my regular schedule by going to work- and there I CANT be the way I am at home. I have to focus on other people's problems instead of my own scary thinking brain. That sounds so weird- but being alone with myself in the quiet is a frightening place sometimes. Some suggestions for you---keep busy around the house if u can, Deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga. I can't stand quiet at times, so in my worst episodes I leave a tv on- go outside and walk or run- go to a gym. I have found that jigsaw puzzles keep my anxiety to a minimum.

After some time, the Zoloft will kick in and you will start having better days. And maybe your body will adjust to the actual symptoms of he PMDD. Idk if it's the right one for you- but if not- there are so many other meds that could help you. Keep in close contact with your doctor and tell him/her if you don't think it's working. Did you see an MD or gynecologist? You could get a second opinion from a different type of dr. But don't give up...there is a combination out there of what will work for you; unfortunately it's trial and error before you find it.

in reply to Pglady28025

Thank you it's good to hear that I am not alone. I am going to talk to My gynecologist and see what she says.

kristina1970 profile image
kristina1970 in reply to Pglady28025

Thats much helpful advice for myself too.

Ddorne profile image

I am 60 and have depression and anxiety. I have had it on and off for years. You might be perimeopausal. Do you see a therapist ? Or go to your Dr. I do think that our hormones play a part. I am on meds and they seem to help. We're here for each other. Write in more.

in reply to Ddorne

Thank you!

kristina1970 profile image

I started taking lorazapam mor often myself, have incurred a bald spot on my head. On top. So glad ur getting help krmz76. I think anxiety is the worst. What causes anxiety how can u make it go away.

I reached out to My family about my issue with anxiety. To my surprise they were actually supportive. One of my relatives said she used Welbutrin and it helped. I'll be asking my doc about it.

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to

Wellbutrin is an antidepressant with too much chance of making you more nervous. I would not recommend it until other meds have failed. The Zoloft is much better so give that 4-6 weeks and a possible dose adjustment before you give up on it. Right now you are on a low dose of Zoloft. I wish you all the best and hope you find peace with the Zoloft.

I've been successfully treated for depression and anxiety for 29 years so you can look forward to feeling better, too.

Sunnycity profile image
Sunnycity in reply to BonnieSue

Hi. What was the treatment that worked for you? And do you no longer experience anxiety? Just curious as it gives hope that the evil anxiety could possibly leave me too.

I often wondered if it wasn't hormones that make me feel this way.

Thank you in advance

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to Sunnycity

I started out on Prozac/fluoxetine for depression and Tranxene/clorazepate for my GAD---generalized anxiety disorder. This combo worked for about 13 years. Then I was on a few different antidepressants, all SSRIs like Prozac, and Klonopin/clonazepam and sometimes a mood stabilizer like abilify or Lamictal/lamotrigine. I then had another run of about 8 years with Prozac. I currently am on Cymbalta/duloxetine, Klonopin/clonazepam and Seroquel/quetiapine (an antipsychotic and mood stabilizer that greatly helps you sleep).

My anxiety has been controlled wonderfully with the Tranxene/clorazepate or Klonopin/clonazepam. Both are mild tranquilizers. I had what I call a nervous breakdown when the GAD 1st hit me hard and I hadn't been diagnosed with it or the depression. I had no symptoms of depression but it became evident it existed after my anxiety was treated and no longer evident. Then another one when my Dr. at that time wasn't keeping on top of prescribing my meds. So I've learned that I must be on the anti-anxiety med with regularity and no breaks. Being anxiety-ridden is pure hell for me. I can't eat or sleep and certainly can't work and I'm shaking and edgy with free floating anxiety trying to attach itself to some phobia or other. I avoid getting to this state with all of my power.

I rarely have any anxiety and have cut back to less than half of my dosage of last year and the dosage of 28 years. If I feel any early warning signs of anxiety I know it's time to take my clonazepam but in a small amount. My decrease in clonazepam is due to a tremendous reduction of stress in my life, so my point here is to keep monitoring your stress and know that it causes you to need more meds than if you can reduce the stress in your life.

There's been 1 important side effect from the mild tranquilizers: holes in my short and long term memory. So if your anxiety can be contained with your antidepressant alone, that's desirable and what good Drs. now try to do.

in reply to BonnieSue

Which doctor prescribed you the meds? Was it your primary care doctor or gynecologist?

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to

Neither. It was my psychiatrist. I don't want someone prescribing meds for me who hasn't been trained and educated regarding mental health diagnoses and the appropriate drugs for the job. I'm very picky about my doctors...I want the best because I'm worth it and don't want any unnecessary suffering because I haven't gone to the appropriate doctor. I don't ask my psychiatrist to practice gynecology and vice versa. I found my 1st psych Dr. by asking around through my friends who then asked their other friends. He was fabulous!

in reply to BonnieSue

Thank you for your response.

Sunnycity profile image
Sunnycity in reply to BonnieSue

Thank you for sharing all the information with me. I have no meds. No health insurance so I'm just trying to maintain the best I can at the moment.

Thank you again for sharing your experiences with me I really do appreciate your insight

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to Sunnycity

I'm sorry to hear you have no insurance. Possibly the changes happening now in Congress will give you a chance to have insurance. I pay out of pocket for my counselor because my insurance doesn't cover it. I'm fortunate to be able to do this.

Hormones can affect you to a degree, but there's also depression and anxiety that aren't hormone related. Another good reason to see the appropriate specialist. I would never be able to function without my meds. It's good that you are able to get by without them but I hope for your sake that you'll have insurance and the chance to get treated very soon. I'd like to hear from you that you're feeling great, not just getting by.

Sunnycity profile image
Sunnycity in reply to BonnieSue

Thank you! I'll keep updated on how things are going. Take care!

Fancyheader profile image

I'm 41, have anxiety! Hurray ;p

With me it got worse because a lot of very stressful things happened one after another and at some point I just broke it seems. I decided to walk into a mental health service office because I had no feelings anymore and did not function. There they immediately asked me about suicidal tendencies so I knew that apparently it was something serious :) Now I have a regular therapist and am on prozac, which for me worked like a miracle....the clouds cleared up and I function again.

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to Fancyheader

Yeah for Prozac, one of the best SSRIs around! I've spent a couple of decades with Prozac being the perfect answer and I'm not alone by any means. It's a good, popular drug.

in reply to Fancyheader

Did your insurance cover the services from the mental health office?

Fancyheader profile image
Fancyheader in reply to

Yes, luckily it's all covered apart from copay. I got grad student insurance via the university. I was told by others when I got there that it was pretty good (i'm not american). I never thought I'd have to make this much use of it.

Ddorne profile image

Fancyheader Amen!

Ilovelozano profile image

I'm 44 years old and have been suffering from anxiety depression social phobia ptsd. This has been my life since age 14. I started going to therapy till age 22 I isolated my self from the world now at age 44 I am trying to fight the world and return to college and so far so good things are not great but better than last year. I just hope this rollercoaster slows down. Sending you good vibes

ru4real321 profile image

Hello all, I am new here and just wanted to say that it a stuggle everyday to make it to the next, I tried a lot of failed medications, And seen more doctors than most, fearful most of the time and just pray to have a healthy loving relationship and some friends in my life, anyway I am grateful to find a place for me here, anybody free to comment.

kbinning profile image

I agree, since I hit my early 40's my anxiety has been thru the roof. Especially during my period. PMDD? I mentioned it to my dr, but he dismissed it thinking It was way too early to be premenopause I am 42. Suggested getting back on the pill, it may help. Gonna start soon, hope it helps. Feels so crippling.

DacodeeDoll profile image

Hi Kelly: I'm in my forties as well and I have anxiety and depression as well. And as for the perimenopausal thing I'm not sure if it started yet or not? I wish it would though. Every month when I get my cycle for the last couple of years I get physically sick during my period. Now I experiencing emotional issues as well. I can tell you since ive been in my mid forties it has not been a pleasant experience. I And when I try to talk to my husband about it he says "Its a normal occurance'? If this is normal i'd hate to see what abnormal is? So you see I don't have many people my self to talk too either. It really sucks!

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