Hi everyone, my name is Mitch and I am new here. I have several disorders including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and multiple personality disorder. Hope everyone is doing fairly well.
Hi: Hi everyone, my name is Mitch and I... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hi, I hope you are doing well too. You have a lot to manage, but keep at it! You can have a happy life! 🙂
Hi Mitch! You have a bundle of problems challenging you but you sound good. I have most of your problems except for the multiple personality. Give yourself credit for handling these problems and coming here where we understand you better than most people can. Hang in there and keep up the good work!
Thank you SueSz. I have not been handling things too well lately but I am trying. I have currently been going to therapy and that is helping a little.
Sounds like you are handling things quite well. I think you'll be a huge help to other members. I needed some purpose so I just joined. I'm here if you ever need someone to talk or vent to!
Hi Mitch, good to know you. I suffer from OCD,anxiety and depression. Are you on meds? How do they treat PTSD? Keep writing.