Hi everyone
I have been on here about 8 months and curiosity has got the best of me. I wonder if everyone would say hi and where you are from?
Michael in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Hi everyone
I have been on here about 8 months and curiosity has got the best of me. I wonder if everyone would say hi and where you are from?
Michael in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Hey how are you? I’m from Northern Virginia .
Get out! I'm from Northern Virginia originally myself. I used to live near Fredericksburg.
Coooool Brian!!!
Yeah, it is! I moved up here to New Hampshire in 2005. It just got too expensive to live there and if you didn't work for the military or the federal government, you were stuck working dead end jobs. But I try to come back and visit at least once every other year (My sister and I take turns going with our mom when she goes in the fall. This year is my sister's turn.) Can't wait to go back in 2019! Ocean City, MD, here I come!
Do you like New Hamshire? Yeah it’s very expensive here. Yes Ocean City MD I am going there the 15th!!! 😃
Why you lucky so-and-so! lol New Hampshire is ok, if you like rural, small town living. I grew up a city boy lol. When I moved here, it was complete culture shock! I hate having to drive over an hour just to go clothes shopping. Now I do all that online lol. Call me crazy, but somedays I actually miss the rush hour on I-95. You get on I-91 over in Vermont and sometimes you can go 45 minutes without seeing another car on your side of the interstate lol. The big down side, though, is that there is nowhere to go to meet others besides going to a bar (sorry, I'm not into the bar scene) or to a church (I never know what to say in church lol). It can feel a little restrictive at times because there are so very few outlets to meet others socially. Oh, and did I mention that most everything up here closes at 5 PM? lol
Oh wow at 5 pm you say,that’s funny! I lived in a small town in Maine for a bit and the nature was absolutely amazing but yeah to get to anywhere took a long time and where I lived had the number one drug problem in US I believe if I remember correctly.
Yeah, it's a hassle to find anything up here. Luckily, the Canadian border is about 70 minutes from where I live. I've also had the pleasure of going up to Montreal about 10 years back. Just one piece of advice: Bring a recent road map with you. You definitely don't want to get lost in Montreal after dark. I speak from personal experience! lol
I from the city also and that is where I need to be. I live in a college town of Slippery Rock. I am completely out of my element. Everyone carries a gun . I made so many embarrassing mistakes here and they won’t let me forget. A guy in a wheelchair ran in to me, yes he ran into me, he somehow got attached to my car and I knocked his wheels off
Madison, WI, USA
Hi MadtownDan
My son just moved to Madison this week! Please tell me it is a fantastic community. And, easy to find one's way around--that would be for my benefit.
It's a progressive community, highly educated and healthy people... nobody judges anyone here.
Hello. I live in the arm pit of America. Nice to meet you.
Where's that, Boston? lol
Lol close New Jersey. Eight hours south of bean town.
C'mon, Here! New Jersey is nowhere near as bad as Massachusetts! I should know! I made the mistake of wearing a Yankees cap in Boston when I was a kid. I got so many evil eyes that I ran screaming for the border! lol And besides, living near NYC is tons better than living near Boston. Give me NYC any day!
wow you wore a Yankees hat and are still alive? I am shocked. I thought they skin you alive in Boston for wearing one of those. I can’t stand NYC. I seen enough of it. They are having a bad rat problem at the moment. They have vigilante gangs that roam the streets at night killing rats. Florida has a python problem. They need to send the Pythons to nyc to curb the rat problem.
Yeah, I suppose. I used to have family who lived on Long Island, so we'd have to pass through Brooklyn to get there. My favorite parts of driving up from Virginia were: 1) Traveling on the New Jersey Turnpike back in the 80's. That was so hilarious! I had never seen so many cars in one place before up to that point. 2) Passing JFK airport. No matter what time of day we went, we ALWAYS hit traffic around JFK lol. Despite all of it's flaws and the problems, I still love visiting NYC. But I can understand where you're coming from, though. As for Boston, I just barely made it out alive lol. But I kid. Boston is not THAT bad. Just be careful you don't talk sports while you're visiting though lol
The turnpike is an adventure. I was on it a lot in the 80s. We used to take it to see my grandparents. My grandparents lived right across from NYC in Hoboken. We used to walk down to the river and see the nyc skyline. We also used to go to Carlos bakery. This was before it was famous on cake boss. They had a chocolate moose cake that was so good. They also had ilatian cookies. My grandmother knew the original owner who was called buddy. His son adopted the name and then the show cake boss came and I hear you can’t get near the place anymore because of the lines. Last time I was there was in the mid 90s. NYC is to busy for me. I never been around jfk airport. It is out on Long Island. I remember watching planes take off at Newark airport when we were driving on the turnpike. It was always so loud and the car would vibrate as the planes went over head.
Greeting from Northern New Hampshire, by way of Northern Virginia! lol Everyone around here just calls me "Hey you!" lol
I hear New Hampshire is very nice in the fall.
What fall? We go from summer right into 6 inches of snow! lol Then 8 inches the next day. And so it goes lol
Lol it was like that here last winter. We had a very mind fall and then it snowed in early December which is rare in NJ. I don’t like shoveling snow.
That's why I love living in an apartment complex. The building owners hire guys to shovel snow lol. I never used to hate snow...….until I moved up here. lol
Lol I live with my parents in a place that shovels everything but the driveway. In our old house we had a fifty foot driveway I used to shovel. I don’t miss it.
Ick! Yeah, those can be brutal, particularly if you get a really bad winter storm.
Haha....we still have the long driveway to shovel!!! I do enjoy the fresh winter air though!!! XXX
We got just under 200 inches of snow last year in Eastern Pa.! With this heat....maybe winter now, hahahahaha!!!! Love & Hugs!!! XXX
Hey you Brian , you might have gone through Pennsylvania
When I travel down now, yeah I go through Pennsylvania, mainly central PA (from Scranton to Harrisburg to Gettysburg on our way to Maryland). My mom gets very panicky on high-congestion highways. So we tend to avoid the Jersey Turnpike. Last year when we were driving down, we kept hearing all these fog warnings just south of Scranton. Boy, they weren't kidding! We were creeping along at 25 mph on an interstate! lol
Hello, from New York
Michael (Mr Z)
Richmond, Calif
Hiya Z-Man! How are things on the West Coast?
Hey b-man,
The West Coast is still here. I live in Northern Calif (SF Bay Area). It’s gotten very expensive to live here. There’s so much to do activitywise here. But with my social anxiety, other than work, grocery store, and therapst I really don’t go out. But thanks for asking and I know I’m not alone.
Hi Madison10!
Upstate South Carolina here where it was a very humid 96 degrees today!!
Is there a downstate South Carolina? lol I thought upstate was North Carolina lol. I kid, though, Gratitude I definitely don't miss the humidity from when I lived in Virginia. It was like being wrapped up in 10 woolen blankets that had been vigorously soaked in scolding hot water. Give me the cool, cool weather anytime
(PS, it was a humid 91 here today lol)
The heat index in Minnesota this week has been in the 106 degree range. The climate is messed up! Hoe you are finding ways to stay cool.
The fireworks are starting to boom, and my poor Yorkie doesn't know what to do. He's on me, then behind me, under the couch... I heard from a vet to turn on music to drown out the sound. My neighbors are going to think I am having a party!
The fireworks are beginning here to and it’s in the nineties. I have two Yorkies and it doesn’t seem to bother them
Hi! I know you’re not used to those temps in Minnesota! My goodness! I hope you’re finding ways to stay cool too! Crazy weather. I hope you had a good 4th...
How are things going for you?
Good! Started a new job today on 2 hours sleep! I’m exhausted! I’m impressed with the facility and their policies. I’m encouraged!
Yay! I hope good things continue your way.
I am not too far away from VA. East Tennessee.
Saint Ann, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis.
St. Louis county...
Hey, Marshall! I knew tjerrwas somethin' aboutcha thatI connected with! I grew up in St Louis County on the Iron Range. My grandpa & grandma emigrated there separately when they were young. My dad was born there & died there, I was born there andy oldest son was born there. We're a pretty tough but messrf up people, hence...here I be! We say things like, "Take a walk off a short dock", NOT short PIER! I mean, c'mon! Pier doesn't even rhyme! Also heard by her a LOT (the hubby's favorite), "Don't THINK...you'll weaken the team!" and, my favorite;
My mom used to say to the bar fly "I've been called worse by better people than you!"
OK, then. See you later, then. Bye-bye!
Minnesota, you betcha.
From Iowa!
Hi from New York
Hi, Oregon
Rome GA,
Morning m I am from Lancashire, England x
Hello....San Antonio, Texas
Hello. Albany, Oregon here.....
Hi 👋
From uk
Hi Madison, I'm from India but currently just moved to Cyprus from Africa. How are you.
Hello from New York
Philadelphia....but Ive lived in quite a few places
Hello there im from Slovakia, Trnava
Hi wow . How are you. I guess this site is all over the world. It’s nice to meet you!
Hi. Fruitland, MD here. Have a blessed day!
South Jersey, east of Philadelphia. But originally from Woodbridge in North Jersey. Fuhgettaboutit
Hi, I'm Todd from Northern Wisconsin! Glad to have you here
I lie in a small town in northeastern Pennsylvania.
Hi ...so do I!!!! Sending you peace!!!! XXX
Dallas, Tx
Hi from CT
Hi from Chicago Illinois 😀
Hi Madison10, I'm from the windy city Chicago
Hi! I’m in San Diego CA-sunny, beautiful, lots to do and the beach is 10 min from my house😃
Hello, I'm from Texas! We finally got a little rain yesterday! This heat has been terrible. Thankful for the few drops we got lol!
Mister Z: Richmond, Calif. SF Bay Area
I’m Megan. East Central Indiana!!