Hi all - thanks in advance for your insights. I’m caring for my 67 yr old brother with stage 4 mCRPC diagnosed in 14 (4+3). Treatments have been RPT in 15, 1st line ADT, RT to prostatic bed in 19, enzalutamide, 6 cycles Docetaxel ending Jan 23, Olaparib until April, currently on Aberaterone. PSA jumped from 2.8 July 22 to 729 March 23. It seems Chemo and Olaparib weren’t effective. Since taking Aberaterone it is down to 324. Cancer is in multiple lymph nodes and bones (D5.D6, left hip joint, pelvis).
Side effects of meds have been severe, especially Olaparib. He’s on a 10 mg pain patch (Buprenorphine) and takes a tramadol pill (Ultracet) to manage pain. Over the past 5 days he’s run a fever that just makes him feel terrible and accentuates pain he can otherwise manage. We try to control the fever with regular doses of Tylenol. He doesn’t appear to have an infection based on standard blood and urine test but his MO says we’ll have to admit him to hospital to investigate further. Has started him in anti bios. Urine did show trace protein and I noticed slight swelling in his ankles and feet over past 24 hrs.
Has anyone had experience with fever that goes up to 101.5 - 102.0 (when untreated). It’s going on 5 days now. What could be causing this if it’s not an infection? Thanks much for your feedback.