My husband ended up in the hospital this past weekend with neutropenic fever. His temp spiked to 102.5, he was extremely fatigued, his WBC was 900, neutrophils 400, RBC 2.47, Hgb 7.6, Hct 23.3, and platelets 47. After a few days of IV antibiotics, he was discharged and feels great, no focal source of infection found
He had his 4th dose of carbazitaxel/carboplatin with Neulasta on 3/23, so this developed day 9 of his cycle.
He tolerated the first 3 great. One difference this time is that he had one fraction of palliative radiation to his right shoulder on 3/15, 8 days prior to his 4th chemo.
Do you think it is possible that the radiation was the culprit?
He is scheduled for #5 next week on 4/13. His MO had planned to reduce the dose but to proceed on the scheduled day.
My husband doesn’t want the dose reduced, as he has tolerated it without a blip other than this, and it’s working. If it’s possible that the cause was the radiation, that should no longer be a factor.
We would really appreciate your thoughts/input.
Thank you!