Hi everyone- my husband had is first infusion of Taxotere last Thursday and it’s been really rough on him. He had steroids and as soon as those wore off the pain started. He’s on triplet therapy. Stage 4 with Mets.
First he had hiccups for 36-48 straight and now getting on and off.
Joint and what he is calling bone pain. He had no pain going into chemo. He also has stomach pain. No fever or vomiting. Constipated and working on that with Miralax.
I called the oncology infusion nurse and then the doctors (oncologist) office called back to schedule an appointment in 4 days!?!? I’m going to call them back.
He’s not a complainer and a pretty tough guy.
Any advice on what to ask for. I think it’s ridiculous they don’t send you home with a prescription for pain. He got one for Zofran.
It’s not like these guys don’t have enough obstacles to face. Rant over. I got him a medical MJ card but the doctor said he didn’t want him using it. He’s a pretty hardcore oncologist. Wants him to eat plant based as much as possible too.
I gave him a Tylenol yesterday and it didn’t help. I gave him one Claritin and it didn’t help. I’m at a loss on how to help him. I do have some old loratab from a surgery in 2020.
Appreciate your support.