Hi All I had a slight rise in my psa to detectable level of .053. this was an increase from .31. I am now back on Casodex and trelstar. Anyway I get a colonoscopy yearly as I have lynch syndrome and two weeks ago they found a moderate malignant polyp that was small in my colon so the gastro scooped it out and thinks he got it all and we will recheck it in 6 weeks to see that he got it all. Anyway oncologist said it was early detection and if it is still there I may need to get a colon resection. My question is has anyone experienced this and is there a correlation that the polyp developed and thus the psa was slowly rising. Oncologist said it wasn’t a correlation. Thanks for you responses.
Rising psa and a moderate colon cance... - Advanced Prostate...
Rising psa and a moderate colon cancer polyp

Did anyone tell you the polyp and your PCA were related? Usually, polyps - even cancerous ones, even malignant ones - are removed and you revisit in 5 years. Polyps of a malignant type generally don't become cancer until after 10 - 15 years.
No. This was an innocuous polyp that the gastro guy biopsied and the path report said it was moderate differentiation so middle of the road malignant. My oncologist is having another path look at the slides but she agrees a six week recheck to see if it is gone is ideal. Based on that then we will see if I wait another year for the next colonoscopy or if it’s lit up still then maybe resection of right side of colon as polyp at transverse part of colon almost to the ascending colon. I think I need to really work low-fat and high fiber diet and will cut out all red meat.
Your "back on casodex and trelstar". Why did you stop?
I stopped after being on it two years in Aug 2018 of being undetectable at <.006 and went almost two years in 2020 until psa started rising again so we are doing intermittent now.