My husband had triple therapy with docetaxel (finished chemo in January), darolutimide, and Firmagon/Lupron. Recently he developed what seemed like a sinus infection but was really a tumor in his sinus cavity and behind his eye socket wrapped around his carotid arteries on the plate of his skull (not in his brain). His PSA shot up quickly to 17.6 in a week. He starts radiation for the tumor today for two weeks and Monday we meet with the oncologist to discuss Plan B. They are concerned his sodium level is very low so he can’t drink much fluids. Trying to keep his spirits up but his face hurts so much and he’s feeling discouraged. (I’ll update his profile as soon as I can.). Has anyone dealt with a tumor like this?
Cavernous Tumor & Rising PSA - Advanced Prostate...
Cavernous Tumor & Rising PSA

My father also had low sodium. He took demeclocycline and loop diuretics, and fluid restriction. This was before vaptans became available. I hope the radiation is effective.
Thank you for replying. I really appreciate it! ❤️
A friend of mine ended up with "Wood Dust - Cancer-Causing Substances "Nasal carcinoma and occupational exposure to wood dust" He's had a rough go of it but is holding his on (Thank GOD).
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 11/02/2023 5:52 PM DST
Sorry for this set back, I know how scary it is for you both. Hoping the radiation will be very helpful in shrinking the tumor. I wish your husband the best of luck. Hang in there.
How is your husband doing?
My husband's prostate cancer was aggressive and advanced when diagnosed in 2016. He passed away six months ago.
I’m so so sorry. My husband was diagnosed as very aggressive last year. Thank you for replying to me. I’m going through a rough time right now and I know you understand my pain.
I understand and know what you are feeling. New treatment is being found and successful for many. Every person and every cancer is unique to how they respond. I will be thinking of you and your husband. Miracles do happen. I will be watching for your updates. My heart and support go out to you Izzy.
I had a Prostate Cancer tumor inside my skull pressing on the brain.
Dana-Farber zapped it 5 times in 5 days and it disappeared.
Their equipment is state-of-the-art.
God bless
Tall_Allen is my go to guy for prostate cancer.