I finished the LuPSMA Vision Trial in November 2019 (6 infusions). The scans I had on Monday January 6, 2020 show no cancer in my bones, lymph nodes or lungs. PSA has been undetectable since June. I was also taking Xtandi during the trial and continue to do so as the “standard of care”. Diagnosed in August of 2011. At that time 12 out of 12 biopsy samples were positive for cancer and CT scans indicated abdominal lymph node involvement. My Gleason score was 7 (3+4) & (4+3). I have been on Lupron or Eligard for 8 1/2 years. Treatments have included 45 radiation treatments, Zytiga and prednisone, Provenge, 20 Docetaxel chemo treatments and then the Lu PSMA Clinical Trial with Xtandi. I am posting this to give encouragement to anyone who has been recently diagnosed with this disease and is feeling hopeless. Try not to feel that way as there are many treatments out there that can extend your life. I am living proof of that. I thank God every day for the Doctors and treatments He has allowed me to have as I have been able to see my beautiful Granddaughter turn 10 years old in December, something I never thought would ever happen. I encourage all my Brothers to continue to fight this monster and stay positive. I hope this helps someone. If anyone has any ideas of what I could do next if and when the LuPSMA fails please let me know as I think I have exhausted every treatment there is. God Bless You!
Completed LuPSMA Vision Trial. I hope... - Advanced Prostate...
Completed LuPSMA Vision Trial. I hope my journey encourages someone on this site.

Did you have mets at diagnosis?
I would like to thank you for doing the trial.
Congratulations! I still have two more infusions with scans January 20th I will keep everyone up to date. Good health to you!
What an inspiring message on this cloudy day. I’m doing well now, but still have anxiety before every doctor visit and PSA test. Keep it up my brother!
Thanks.... I am recently diagnosed and need such stories.... it means a lot to me... I want to see my kids (4, 8,10 years old) to grow up... gives me optimism and Hope...
Similar journey, similar status, just about to start an Lu177 trial at UCSF. This was great to read. Thanks for posting.
My husband has just compleed 6th ACT 225 PSMA trial. Cancer was gone after 2 injections as well as Zytiga. Zytiga was stopped because PSA rose and Cancer became more aggressive. PSA now we n 100. Doing FDG 18 scan next week to see if cancer is anywhere else. I have not thought to ask if LU 177 can be done if ACT does d not work.
If or when your PSA goes up, and if you are still Psma avid, you may want to consider one of the Psma immunotherapy trials at Columbia (Car-T, regeneron, etc). I’m am trying to get an appointment in Germany for lu177 (proving harder than I thought - they don’t answer the phone after 3:00), and am already thinking about what I will do afterwards should I get a nice response as you did.
Congrats. Great post. Good to see you are continuing with Xtandi. My brother stopped Xtandi after fourth J617 injection. He also took his eye of the ball. Result: PSA raced to 700+ over a few months and he is now had all treatment withdrawn.
Xtandi will become ineffective down the track, but it is possible to re-boot its effectiveness. Other treatments like BAT might help. Have u had a Color genetics test or similar, as this might indicate other options that might be available to you. It is critical to keep on top of your disease.
Best wishes.
It is always inspiring to read a story from an ‘old timer’ or should I say an ‘experienced’ PCa survivor! Stories like yours are so beneficial to all of us!
Thank you for your post. God knows I needed to read it today!