Hi my name is Roy. I have been fighting this cancer for 12 years now. The last 5 going on 6 years I have been in stage 4. My Gleason score was 7. I have tumors on my right and left femur. My hips and several places on my ribs next to my spine. It's even on my skull and one lymph node. In the last 5 years I have had radiation, immuno, hormone back to radiation then change the hormone treatment. Each of those treatments kept the cancer in check with a PSA around 10 to 12 months. When it went up the this last time me tried zytiga and xtandi. Both fail as my PSA was rapidly climbing.
Well I was put on chemo (taxotere). My first round was terrible. I was as sick as you can get and experienced every side effect and more. It put me down hard for about 2 weeks but I got better. Then came round 2. This time it was a breeze. Slight fever and diareha were about the worst. I had a dry nose and a few nose bleeds but food this time tasted ok not great but ok.
My doctor said treatments would get easier and so far he was right. My PSA stopped climbing and everything looks promising. Still do hormone therapy also. One treatment every 3 weeks until February 2018. I'm looking forward to then. Hope to get back to the gym and start traveling again.
Through it all, all these years was was able to keep working until 2 years ago. Now I enjoy life as it comes. Sure it's tough but I always look for the good. My faith keeps me going even on the bad days. I have survived this 12 years now and plan for many more years, God willing. I am blessed.