It's been over four years since my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 PC. It had metastasized to a single nearby lymph node and his PSA was 257. He underwent 6 rounds of chemo and has remained on Lupron and Casodex since. Six months ago his PSA was .07, than three months ago it was .13 and this past week it was .23. So, it's on the move.
His doctor would like to start him on a second line hormone therapy. He's thinking xtandi or erleada as my dad struggles with maintaining his blood pressure and zytiga has been known to increase blood pressure. I asked him about provenge and mentioned the latest study showing that men who received the immunotherapy when their PSA was less than 5 did substantially better then men who received it later. He agreed and is setting us up with a prostate cancer specialist at the Cleveland Clinic main campus to get it rolling.
I really like my dad's oncologist, he's very open-minded, compassionate and truly cares. However his specialty is not prostate cancer. The bulk of his patients have breast cancer. So when I mentioned the latest results about provenge, he was quick to admit that I actually knew more about the latest prostate research than he does. (Thanks largely to you all!) He even came up to me in the hall while my dad was getting his Lupron shot to thanked me for thinking about the Provenge, telling me that it was a good idea and admitting that he would not have thought of it. So while I really like him I wish he were a bit more on the ball.
The good thing is though that we are being referred to a prostate specialist at the main Cleveland campus and I'm planning on talking at length about my dad's care with him/her. From here they will be considered on our team as well and I'm hoping to take full advantage of that!
In the meantime, my poor dad was pretty much lost during the appointment bless his heart! However once I was able to fill him in when we got through the appointment he seemed at peace about it and ready to take it on.