My Dad had a PSMA Pet scan that shows recurrence in prostate and 2 small spots on the spine at L2 and T8. He was On Abiraterone and Prednisone for exactly 3 years. Dr at City of Hope recommended adding Provenge and continuing Abi and Pres. Any success stories using Provenge with or after Abiraterone? His PSA is 0.029. Also his TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) is low, which I thought it means it don’t respond to Provence treatment, but not sure? Anybody that has TMB low and had a good run with Provenge, please, please let me know. Thank you so much.
Any success stories with Provenge? - Advanced Prostate...
Any success stories with Provenge?
I was diagnosed in Feb 17 PSA 400 metastatic
immediately started ADT
PSA down to single didgets - and then slow increase
Did 3 sessions of Provenge Sept18 - noticable drop to undetectable or almost
I, and my Dr's think it worked well. The process - extraction and re-injection is long but - bring a book - or sit and chat - watch TV
good luck
It is not supposed to lower PSA, but in my case it did. PSA slowly riding before Provenge. Kept PSA down for about 3.5 years while I continued ADT before it started rising again. I think I’ve read it works better if PSA is low. We’re all different. I can’t predict what it would do for someone else but I feel like I got a 3 1/2 year extension from Provenge.
Oh my god! so good to hear that. You said you continue ADT, is that just Lupron? Thank you again.
I get Trelstar shots and am on Xtandi pills.
My PSA has climbed last 3 tests. Xtandi worked over a year and a half. Likely go on new plan soon. Provenge gave me a PSA no rise extension of over 3 years, but it wasn’t permanent. I am thankful for how it worked for me.
"Also his TMB (Tumor Mutational Burden) is low, which I thought it means it don’t respond to Provenge treatment, but not sure? "
No. You're thinking of Keytruda.
Thank you so much Allen for your response. I really value your opinion, do you think this is the right treatment for him? The spots in T8 and L2 are very small with SUV of 3, but my concern is that there are also :” 2 foci of F-18 PYL activity. The first located in the anterior base is an SUVmax of 62.0 (image 417). The second located in the left posterior lateral mid body to apex with SUVmax of 15.1 (image 422).” I never heard of such a high SUV, is Provenge enough to deal with it? Should he continue Abiraterone even if doesn’t seem to work anymore, maybe will work again after Provenge? Or is it better to switch to Xtandi or keep that for later in case we don’t get a good response from Provenge and Abi? Sorry for all these questions. I really appreciate your knowledge. Thank you so much.