My wife and I are struggling through quarantine. She says my ADHD isn't under control. I was just diagnosed in November and have been testing different medications since then, currently landing on 20 mg of Ritalin paired with Lexapro. I'm not as anxious as I was in the past, but i'm still struggling to do everything my wife wants me to do. I keep lists and make alarms, which has helped, but I'm still not good enough at getting everything done and following through. Any improvements I make are undone by any one mistake.
I read relationship books and articles, especially focused around things to improve quarantine. One article said to assume 95% of the responsibility because she has done enough and that's the modus operandi I try to live by. She has asthma, so she's high risk, so I go out and get all our meals, all our groceries, hardware store, whatever we have to go out for. I scheduled, dropped off and paid for our dog's haircuts. I sweep, and mop the house, do the dishes and laundry and clean the bathrooms as well as wash the dogs. She gets mad at me for not changing the sheets more frequently, but she rarely gets out of bed, but I don't think I can make that point without her getting mad.
I've tried more playful things to improve her mood because another book I read about being with someone who is depressed is to be relentlessly positive. There's still a fort in our living room and I leave notes all other the house. I send her a note every day of something about her or us that I appreciate. I also have started send notes of my mistakes and how i'm going to make things better because she asked me to. My quarantine beard became a quarantine stache for a quick second.
But our communication is still suffering. I'm doing all of the aforementioned, and she says she's trying, but I can't ask "like what?" because she'll get upset. She has mentioned that she's changed the way we argue, which is true because she used to call me retarded, incompetent, a child, a dog, and disabled among other things and she has stopped doing that after numerous counselors addressed it. Last night she got mad because I became defensive when she said she hadn't seen the things I've done or the things I was doing wasn't helpful.
We're both getting depressed, and she's said some alarming things. She used to take medication for it but stopped in December. Her depression and more so my inability to make her happy is making me depressed. I'm trying desperately, but little seems to work, and when she says something hurtful I'll get defensive and any good is undone.
I'm currently making a list of additional coping mechanisms for me to address and integrate into my life as well as identify the overarching cause.
Suggestions please. I'm desperate.