Another 20 min walk under my belt! (I actually also added a quick 15 min run after the 20 minutes, using a really fun NRC 1 min (!) audio guided run, but will report separately on Bridge about that part).
I’m pondered today about the fact that I’m more willing to explore new (or long un-trodden ) routes when walking than when I’m running. I hadn’t used this path (pic) all season, as it overgrows considerably in the growing season, both with overhanging growth and nettled undergrowth. It ambles beside a little stream that lies ca a meter aside and below the level of the path, and there are sections where the path has crumbled into the stream, where one has to take care.
The choice of paths differs walking vs running.
When running, I seem to rather want to have routes I know I can run on, where I don’t risk having to walk sections or retrace routes.
But when walking , I don’t mind this as much and I’m very happy exploring these routes, as it doesn’t matter if one has to turn back. It still all counts as walking.
So I enjoyed this one. A new old route and a very nice Sunday noontime walk.