New here--Hello! Back injury & DVT after losing ... - Active 10

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New here--Hello! Back injury & DVT after losing about 85lbs (or 6 stone)... now trying to get active again and lose weight

Nancylm2015 profile image
11 Replies

Hi there.... I'm a 40 something who had a back injury from working out in September--- then a DVT in February.... before that I had lost 85-90lbs (over 6 stone) in 2015 with healthy diet and lots of walking/elliptical training too. After I reached my goal weight I joined a gym and began Spinning, Body Pump (a weight lifting group x classes), Body Combat, Zumba, Yoga, PiYo, arc training and running. My DVT and back injury has me in "TURTLE MODE" now. I can't burn off all of those calories like I was (about 1200-1500 active calories burned each day --- IK!!! it was crazy, right??!)

So now I am back to the drawing board doing my walking and elliptical as tolerated by my irritable DVT leg. It's hard to relate to my former gym friends now... and sadly, I haven't been back to the gym since. Really looking for some support from other people who may understand the difficulties that go with recovering from DVT/injury, etc. who also still have goals to be healthy and weight conscience too.

Pleased to meet you!


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11 Replies
Nancylm2015 profile image

Oh and I have gained 2 stone since last September---- very upsetting after all the work I had accomplished to shed that weight previously. Need to get that fat off me! Thanks for reading!

I had to give up the gym too because of an injury I got .

I do workout at home now but I haven't used weights for a while. I'm using suspension training at the minute, you might know it as TRX ... I also sometimes use resistance bands. I had lost some muscle size but it seems to be growing again. I'm more for bing healthy and fit now though.

You can keep your weight under control by what you eat, you don't necessarily need to exercise to do it, but exercise does help.

Where you over doing it when you where at the gym, you seem to have done a lot?

Nancylm2015 profile image
Nancylm2015 in reply to

Yes, I got a bit addicted to spinning and studio classes... and the changes I was seeing in my progress.... and honestly, I felt amazing. Especially after losing so much weight. I was finally able to everything I wanted. It's hard to look back at all I had accomplished and have to give it up now. However, yes you're correct, I did overdo it. I'll have to find alternative exercises and yes, watch my diet, as I am not burning so many calories now. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It's so helpful to feel like someone else understands.

Hi there Nancylm2015 and welcome to our friendly forum - we're so glad you've joined us! Gosh, but you've been having a challenging time of it lately - isn't life strange? You did a superhero job of losing weight (so very well done on that score!) and getting fit and then **** happened! A back injury AND a DVT!?! I've had both over the years - took about a year to recover from the DVT, but the back problem still lingers - so heartfelt commiserations. A number of our members have had DVTs, so hopefully they'll read your post and give you some tips. In the meantime, our mantra here is "slow and steady" - listen to your body and do what it can cope with right now. You'll get back to your target level of fitness and the weight will come off - it just takes time, but you'll get there! Post often and we'll encourage and support you :)

in reply to

It's amazing how many people have told me they have had a dvt that I didn't know about before.

I suspect I had one in my leg at I had leg cramps on and off for a while but didn't know it was that and that it had all broken off and gone to my lungs hence what happened in December.

It took me about 2 months to recover fully.

Nancylm2015 profile image
Nancylm2015 in reply to

Thank you kay50! I'm a bit of a sloth right now..LOL, but I am trying to keep up with my diet and exercise as tolerated. It's so helpful emotionally to hear from others who are also conquering their DVTs and such.... so I don't feel so isolated in this. Thank you!

in reply to Nancylm2015

Oh Nancylm2015, you don't have to feel isolated anymore - our lovely members will help you to get through this! Stay strong.:)

runswithdogs profile image

I was benched for months last year from running due to an injury, and that's when I found this forum. Sometimes life throws a wrench in the works eh?

I found it was really helpful for my mood to volunteer for my Saturday running crew even when I couldn't get out with them because it was just good to feel a part of it even when I couldn't participate. Maybe one of your gym buddies would do one of the super gentle yoga classes or go for a walk with you depending on your tolerances?

Walking is great, and it's really good to have that as a solid foundation. We're all building up from there, but it's slow and steady coming back from injury. Good luck and keep us posted.

in reply to runswithdogs

It helps just to get out of the house is what I find as I find sitting at home makes problems feel worse.

Sometimes it's nice to be at home and have some peace and quiet now and again but when you are there and don't want to be it can get you down.

Nancylm2015 profile image
Nancylm2015 in reply to

I agree! But I am finding that some days I just can't get my butt out there to move. It's a frustrating process Jo..... and I fear that I'll end up resorting back to my lethargic ways of life from before my weight loss---- it's easy to fall back to bad habits, especially when your body fights your efforts. I do need to get back at it though---yes you are right!! Getting out there matters.

Nancylm2015 profile image
Nancylm2015 in reply to runswithdogs

Yeah..... life gets tricky indeed. Thank you for sharing your story with me... I did lose most of my weight walking miles and miles a day.... I just need to work back up to it. Most of my gym friends were in studio classes and we didn't socialize outside of the gym, so no hope of getting their support right they are all die hards---- they don't walk, or slow down for anyone. I never would have either, if it wasn't for injury (same as you I am guessing). I appreciate your input so much right now... thank you!

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